The Healing Touch

After Rosseaulyn and Carmella had reconciled over breakfast tea and coffee, they went their separate ways. Rosseaulyn drove the "borrowed" car back to her office, while Carmella, noticing the absence of patrolling soldiers, decided to take a casual walk through the streets to explore her surroundings.

Upon her return home, Carmella was shocked to discover what appeared to be Vermilion's body falling from the building, breaking apart on the ground. Her heart raced until she realized it was a dummy doll dressed to look like Vermilion.

"Who would do this? Is it some kind of sick joke?!" Carmella muttered, her worry slowly dissipating.

Looking up at the building, she noticed a silhouette but couldn't discern any details due to the strong morning sunlight. As she inspected the dummy, a note fell from its mouth, and upon reading it, Carmella sensed danger and hurried back to her apartment.

Her first concern was to check on the three of them. Fortunately, all were still asleep, unharmed and in peace. Carmella sighed in relief.

"Phew! Thankfully, they're all okay... I need to make sure everything is securely locked, especially the windows!"

"Yawning" Vermilion stirred from her slumber, appearing well-rested and full of energy.

"Good morning, Carmella.. Why did you close the window? The morning breeze is so refreshing."

"Morning... I didn't mean to disturb your sleep, forgive me."

"I feel quite refreshed, actually."

Carmella noted the eerie calm in the streets outside. "It's an unusually quiet morning. I didn't spot any patrolling soldiers."

"No patrolling soldier at all?"

Carmella nodded her head.

Carmella's pallor didn't escape Vermilion's notice. "Carmella, you look a bit pale. Is everything okay?"

"I had a rather unsettling experience earlier. It involved this note."

Vermilion examined the note, puzzled. "Is this some kind of drawing? I can't quite make it out."

"You're holding it upside down, dear sister." Carmella chuckled. 

"Oops! My bad. Is this...?" Vermilion hushed her voice. 

Carmella cautioned, "Shhh! Let's not let Ayukawa overhear. Yes, it is!"

Vermilion whispered, "Where did you find this?"

"You won't believe this, but I saw a dummy that looked like you fall from the building and shatter on the ground."

Vermilion's eyes widened. "Seriously? Where? Down there?!"


Vermilion wanted to see for herself and approached the window. "Let me check from here... Hmm? Carmella... But there's nothing on the street."

Carmella joined her, and her eyes widened in disbelief. "That's impossible. Everything's gone!"

"You're not pulling my leg, right?"

Carmella shook her head firmly. "No, Vermilion, this is no joke! It's a serious and horrifying situation, and I wouldn't make light of it!"

"Then… Who do you think will do such thing…"

"I think it is obvious! It's the assassin! And the dummy just gone... Which means he is here!"

"So, you believe it's the assassin again?!"

"Yes. That's my guess."

"Hold on... So, he's the one who took Ayukawa's dagger..."

"That's likely why you couldn't find it when you searched through the alleys."

Vermilion scrutinized the drawing again. "The dagger with tons of blood and the words '12 AM'... What could this mean?"

Carmella sighed, worried. "I'm afraid he's challenging Ayukawa to another duel."

"Not again... He's a real maniac. If Ayukawa gets wind of this, she'll accept the challenge no matter her condition."

"That's exactly what I'm worried about. We mustn't let her get involved again. Understood?"

"I'll keep this information to myself. But Ayukawa's dagger is precious to her... I wonder if there's any way we can retrieve it from the assassin."

"I know what you're thinking. Don't even consider using your powers! It's too dangerous, and you'd risk your life." Carmella sternly warned her.

"To be honest, I'm not brave enough to confront him either..."

"Shhh! Someone's awake in the bedroom. Let me check on them before we discuss this further."

Vermilion carefully tucked the ominous note away. Carmella entered her bedroom and found Cathie had awakened from unconsciousness. The little girl seemed bewildered and scared, hiding beneath the blankets.

"Cathie, what's wrong? I need to examine you. Can you come out from under the blanket?" Carmella spoke soothingly.

"Please... Please don't hurt me and my Mama. Someone, help us, please!"

"She must be suffering from a lot of trauma from the kidnapping..." Carmella felt empathy for the traumatized girl. 

"Where's my Mama? Where did you hide my Mama? I need to find her."

"Calm down, Cathie. Your Mama is resting in the living room. Don't worry, we're not the evil soldiers. We're here to help and protect you."

"Really? But I don't know who you are… How do I know you are not lying… You could be one of those bad guys!" Cathie expressed her uncertainty, her voice filled with fear.

Carmella, trying to find a way to gain the child's trust, muttered to herself, "Hmm… Kids can be challenging."

"What are you muttering?"

"Nothing to worry about. Cathie, my friends and I are the ones who rescued you and your Mama from those bad guys. Do you remember anything about that?"

Cathie shook her head. "No, I just felt like sleeping forever after no food and water were given by those bad guys."

Carmella understood the ordeal Cathie had been through. "I see. Well, look over there. The sister with violet hair, sleeping on my bed. She's the one who risked her life to save your Mama."

"Who saved me then?"

Vermilion entered the room and asked, "How is Cathie doing?"

"She seems fine, but I'll need to do a proper check on her. Hopefully, she'll be more cooperative if she can trust us."

"Trust? What do you mean? What happened to her?"

"I think she was traumatized by the horrifying incident, similar to what you experienced before. But let's not focus on that right now."

"Let me help you, Cathie. I've never talked to a kid before, but I'd like to try."

Cathie, now looking at Vermilion with curiosity, asked, "Who is this beautiful, long black-haired sister?"

Carmella introduced her, "This is Vermilion, and I'm Carmella. Vermilion is the one who saved you and your Mama."

"She is the one who saved me..."

"Hi, Cathie. How are you feeling? I know you've been through a lot, but you're safe now, and those bad guys are gone."

"Sis Vermilion, have we met somewhere before?"

"Hmm? I don't think so. Last night was the first time we met, but you were asleep."

"But I felt like I met you before, in a place where my Daddy and Mama were playing with me happily, and then someone who looked like you appeared and smiled at me…"

"That sounds like a dream..."

"Where is my Daddy? Why didn't he come to me when Mama and I were in trouble? Does he abandon us already…" Cathie's eyes welled up with tears, her voice filled with concern.

Vermilion knelt down to meet her gaze. With a warm smile and a gentle tone, she explained, "Well… You are wrong! Your Daddy is still defending this country from bad guys! And your Daddy never abandons you! He asked us to come rescue you! So, your Daddy is actually the one who saved you!"

Cathie's eyes brightened with hope. "Really? I'm really happy for that! I know Daddy will always be the hero when I need him!"

"Yeah, that's right! He is the hero of everyone!"

"I want to be like him someday!"

"You will, but you need to be a good child to become a great person like your Daddy first."

"How do I be a good child?"

"You see, Carmella is going to check on your condition. You must follow her instructions, even if it makes you uncomfortable. But you must be brave to face it!"

"Ok, Cathie understands now… Sis Carmella, I… I am ready…"

"Alright, don't be afraid. Nothing is going to be painful for you." Carmella blinked at Vermilion, silently thanking her for the help.

Carmella conducted some basic health checks on Cathie and replaced her IV fluids pack. Vermilion noticed Ayukawa still sound asleep, even with their conversations taking place beside her.

Curiosity got the best of Vermilion, and she poked Ayukawa's face, but Ayukawa remained undisturbed. Emboldened, Vermilion lightly prodded her arm, only to discover that Ayukawa's muscles weren't as tough as she had expected.

Carmella couldn't help but mutter, "Yo, Vermilion! Stop playing and messing with her!"

"Oppsss… I just did it unintentionally…"

"Sis Carmella, have you finished?"

"Yeah! Everything's fine! What a good girl!"

"Okay… Can I see my Mama now?"

"Alright, but your Mama is still resting. Let's be as quiet as possible, okay?"


Carmella extended her hand and gently said, "Give me your hand, and hold mine tightly. I'll help you carry this pack of fluids so you won't have to worry."

Cathie gratefully accepted Carmella's assistance. Carmella smiled and led Cathie to her mother, who was roused by her daughter's familiar voice.

"Cathie…? Is that my dear daughter who is calling me?" Geena's eyes welled up with tears.

"Mama, it's me!"

Geena reached out to hold her daughter's hand. "How are you feeling, sweetie?"

"I feel better, thanks to Sis Carmella and Vermilion."

"Carmella, thank you for everything you've done to save my daughter… and Vermilion too..." Geena expressed her gratitude with tears in her eyes.

"We didn't really do much; you don't have to thank us that much…" Carmella and Vermilion humbly replied in unison.

"Mama, when is Daddy going to come back and visit us?"

"Dear sweetie, Daddy is a great hero out there, and many people are still waiting for him to save them. If you wish to see your Daddy as soon as possible, you must continue to be a good girl."

Cathie beamed with pride, "Cathie is a good girl! Sis Vermilion told me how to be a good girl, and I have followed what she said."

"That's great. Your Daddy will be coming home really soon!"

"Heh Heh Heh! I can't wait!" Cathie giggled with excitement.

Carmella and Vermilion observed the joyful interactions between Geena and Cathie, deciding not to disturb them. Carmella looked at their happiness and a teardrop rolled down from her right eye.

"I'm starting to get jealous…" Carmella sighed.

"Jealous of what?"

"A daughter having a great time with her mother…" Carmella, her expression slightly melancholic.

"Why does that make you feel sad?"

"Am I? Well... Something I don't want to remember just flashed through my mind."

"Is it the memory that made you sad?"

"I don't know… a tear just fell from my eye when I saw them together…"

"Just like how Ayukawa felt when she saw you interacting with Rosseaulyn that night?"

"Maybe… But I couldn't really tell how she felt exactly that night. She appeared more angry than sad."

"But it doesn't really matter whether it's anger or sadness since both of you felt jealous in the first place. Am I right?"

"You're right…"

"So, why don't you take another look at them? And see whether do you feel sadness or happiness for them?"

"Looking at them again?"

Carmella listened intently and followed Vermilion's advice. She focused her gaze on the heartwarming bonding between Geena and Cathie. Her face initially appeared expressionless, but a faint smile gradually spread across her lips, and this time, teardrops fell from both her eyes.

"There are more tears falling from your eyes… I really had no idea you could be that sad about it…"

"Nope! You're wrong… These are tears of joy… I genuinely feel happy for them…"

"That's what I'm feeling exactly right now too!"

"Now that I think about it again… I'm grateful that you and Ayukawa did an incredible job saving them… If I could turn back time, I wish I hadn't said those harsh words to Rosse and hadn't opposed your decision to help her…"

"Well… I haven't apologized to you either. I just left and assisted them without informing you…"

"Uhmm, uhmm, you don't have to. You were doing the right thing."

"Rosseaulyn is right, sending them back here and letting you care for them… Now they seem so lively and energetic."

"I just treated their health conditions, but you are the one who healed their souls."

"What do you mean?"

"I never thought you'd be so good at connecting with kids. Cathie seems happier after talking with you."

"Well, I just talked to her as I normally would…"

"You definitely have more hidden power within you."

"I wish I did."