Broadcast of Bedlam

Ayukawa sat alone in the living room, engrossed in a dance show that had captivated her since her arrival. The allure of the performances was so compelling that she secretly watched whenever the room was empty, muting the sound to avoid drawing attention.

Dancers of various styles graced the screen, from graceful ballet to energetic breakdancing. Award-winning performers showcased their distinctive and exquisite movements. Ayukawa found herself enamored with every dance, studying each move with keen interest. Over the years, she had honed her skills, seamlessly integrating dynamic dance styles into her combat movements, featuring athletic movements and impressive acrobatics.

"Impressive… Every time I watch, I can learn some new movements, especially that intricate footwork. No one can predict what's the next move..." Ayukawa mused.

The kitten, too, attempted to join in the dance, but its circular body hindered fluid movement. Instead, it could only roll on the floor. After a brief effort, the kitten grew tired and conceded.

"You are too chubby to do these moves, little one! Perhaps I should suggest they feed you less to let you lose some weight…"

"Meow! Meow!" The kitten shook its head.

"So, you are more willing to stay this chubby…"

"Meow!!" The kitten nodded.

The dance show concluded, prompting Ayukawa to realize the time. She anticipated the upcoming news but was taken aback by an unexpected interruption.

News Channel 06: "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! It's a peaceful and quiet day in Kothern, isn't it? Thanks for joining our live news channel! Let's go to the headline! The rebels in Jervalae have… Hmm? What's wrong?! What's that sound?!" The news host abruptly stopped reporting as a resounding gunfire echoed through the broadcast.

"What's happening there?!" Ayukawa exclaimed.

The news continued, revealing a group of people in black masks storming the filming scene. They held the news host and the film crew hostage, turning the news channel into an unexpected live hostage show.

"Ridiculous! What the hell are these people intending to do?!" Ayukawa questioned, her eyes fixed on the unfolding scene. One of the masked men approached the camera, shocking Ayukawa as he looked directly into the lens, revealing himself.

"Seriously?!" she exclaimed in disbelief.

Meanwhile, about half an hour earlier, Dialla attended a ceremony hosted by the President and the General to celebrate the victory over Nisaeria and mark Dialla's formal promotion. Many soldiers, along with several officers, were present at the ceremony.

"Our dear heroes! We wouldn't be here today without all of you! And, of course, Kothern would not be the leader of the world without all of you! Today, we have written another new chapter in history where Captain Dialla freed the land of Nisaeria from those violent politicians and militaries! And Nisaeria has now officially become part of Kothern!" The President delivered his speech, earning applause from the audience.

"To honor the hero who made this great achievement, please welcome Captain Dialla onto the stage!"

"Captain Dialla! Congratulations! You deserve it!" other military officers congratulated.

"Hahahahaha! Thanks! Thank you! Thanks, Mr. President!"

"Captain! We truly appreciate what you have done for the country! To show our gratitude, I'm hereby awarding this honorable Captain badge to you!"

"Thank you! Thank you very much! Hahahahaha!" Dialla laughed happily and sinisterly while shaking hands with the President.

"I'm really happy for you, Sir!" Victor said.

The atmosphere was joyous, and everyone celebrated the moment. After the award session concluded, people enjoyed delicacies and drinks until a Colonel approached, breaking the festive mood.

"General! Mr. President!" The Colonel urgently called out.

"Yes, Colonel?! What happened? You seem in such a hurry." the General inquired.

"Bad news! Luthernza is under huge trouble again!"

'Luthernza!?' Dialla quietly overheard their conversation.

"What trouble, Colonel?"

"I've got no time to explain! There's a TV over there! Just let me show you all!" The Colonel turned on the TV, switching to news channel 06.

"Unbelievable! Why does Luthernza always become the target?" Another officer expressed.

"What is this?!" the President asked in shock.

"President, we believe a group of rebels from nowhere has taken hostages at the broadcast agency and is purposely broadcasting to the whole of Kothern!"

"This is crazy! I want all military units to engage with them right now!"

"But, President! They are taking hundreds of hostages! And one of them... One of them is your granddaughter!" The Colonel revealed.

"My granddaughter?! What the hell is she doing there!? Holy… What should I do now to save her?!"

"President! Please calm yourself down! They must want to make some deal or demand money from us! They are just taking hostages, and no casualties have been reported so far!" General reassured the President.

"Sir! There's a guy walking towards the camera!"

People across Kothern, including the President, officers, Ayukawa, and Vermilion, were glued to their TVs, watching the live hostage show. One of the masked men, appearing very skinny, approached the camera and removed his mask to reveal himself.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to our special live hostage show today! Hahahahaha!!" The assassin revealed himself and spoke.

"What the hell?!!" Vermilion, Ayukawa, and Dialla exclaimed simultaneously.

"Who the heck is this!?" the President asked.

"President! He's the one who attacked our HQ last time!" Dialla answered.

"Damn it! How dare he do such a thing and broadcast it to the whole Kothern?! Colonel! Have you ordered our hackers to stop the broadcast?"

"Yes, I did! They are still figuring out how to stop it!"

"This thing will turn Kothern into a huge joke to the world! I want it to stop broadcasting right now!!"

"Yes, President! I will urge them to get it done faster!"

"Damn it! Last time he embarrassed our great military, and now he wants to do it one more time?! I won't let this lunatic succeed!"

"What a maniac… What's he going to do?" The General looked at the assassin and showed a disbelieving expression.

On News Channel 06, the assassin continued, "Have all of you ever wondered how a place looks where there is no discrimination and is free from bias due to your status or wealth? How does a place look where there is no pesky military suppressing its own people?

"What will the place look like, huh?! Heaven? Paradise? Or a broken wooden house beside a river?! Let me pick a lucky one here to answer my question. Hey you! The host! Could you answer my question?"

"Well… I… I have no idea!" the host replied while shivering.

"What a poor thing… You are living in hell and still have no idea about it at all… How about I ask you another question? How do I look to you?"


"A very straightforward question! Just answer it!"

"I don't know! I don't know! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Then allow me to reveal the answer to you! The answer is ---!! I also forgot…"

"Please spare my life and let me go! Please!"

"Just go away! What a low self-esteemed individual! I also hate to see people begging to somebody!"

"YEEEE!!" The host fled the scene.

"All right! Let's not waste time! We are here to announce that… WE! WILL! TAKE OVER! THIS CITYYY!!!! But don't get me wrong… I am not here to spread fear or terror, although I do look like the type. Hahahahaha!!

"We are here to free the people of this city from those violent politicians and militaries! Mark my words… There is nobody who can stop us… We are going to execute our plan… Starting from now!" The assassin declared and ended the broadcast.

After the chaotic live broadcast ended, all the people in Kothern fell into panic, especially the people in Luthernza. The President was having an emergency meeting with the Minister of Defence and the other military officers, including Dialla.

Ayukawa opened the window and looked on the street again. She wondered how the assassin was able to gather so many people overnight.

'Where and how did he gather so many men…?! I thought he's a lone wolf… Those bloodstains on the street must be his 'artwork' for sure! Wait, did he just kill all the gang leaders in just one night and force those gang members to join him?!'

Suddenly, a huge explosion could be seen and heard from afar through the window. After the explosion, thick black smoke started to rise, and the siren in Luthernza blared loudly again.

"What has the maniac done again…" Ayukawa stared at the city center, her eyes sharpened.

The thick smoke was coming from a power plant near the headquarters of the police force, causing an immediate power failure in its surrounding area. The whole security system in the police headquarters had been disabled due to the power failure. The chief of police urged the maintenance team to activate the backup power supply.

"Why is there still no electricity?" The chief asked impatiently.

"Ma'am! It seems like our backup generators are not working at all! We can't restore the power!" The maintenance team explained.

"Not working?! How could this happen?!" "Ma'am, our backup generators look like they haven't been maintained for a long time…"

"I knew it! I had reported to the minister so many times! But they have cut all of our budgets and are not willing to spend a single cent on us… All the money has been invested in the military…"

"They are really just taking too much! Even our maintenance costs…"

"I truly started to doubt the existence of us in Kothern… What's the meaning of being a police officer in this country? The military just simply took away our role…"

"Oh! Ma'am, you are here!" An officer said.

"Ah yes. What is the status now? Have our men taken down those terrorists?"

"No… When our men arrived at the power plant, they had fled without leaving any single trace."

"Not surprising. They are from the slum. They have gotten used to hiding and fleeing and are good at it. But there is no way they can flee any further. Just inform our men to keep searching around."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"How is the broadcast agency then?"

"They are still being held hostage inside there. But those military people just arrived and asked us to leave… So, our men have retreated…"

"Asked? Hoho! Don't beat around the bush, officer! They drove all our people away, am I right? They are truly pissing me off!"

"Yes… But we've received a report that the granddaughter of the President seems to be in there too!"

"No wonder they reacted so fast! But I still do hope everyone in the broadcast agency is safe… I guess we have no choice but to let the military handle it."

"Ma'am, why don't they just entrust it to us? I don't get it…"

"Our government only values ​​money and military power, and they will ignore anyone and any organization that has nothing to do with these two things. To them, we are just a burden and a liability to the country."

"It's not fair! We are also risking our lives to fight crimes! How can they treat us in this way!"

"You are right! What you say is from our hearts. Disappointing… Lieutenant Winton just came over here last night and proposed cooperation! But now, she took away our role with her men… None of the soldiers is trustworthy…"

"Ermm… Ma'am. From what we know so far, the one who is in charge right now is Captain Dialla… Not Lieutenant Winton."

"Captain Dialla?! The one who won the war against Nisaeria?"

"Yes, it's him, and he's coming down to this city from the Capital right now! Now the soldiers in this city are under his command."

"Then, where is Lieutenant Winton?!"

"We don't have any information about it so far…"