The Slum Offensive III

"Captain Dialla! Sergeant Victor!" The soldiers' voices rang out in alarm.

"Cease standing there as if you've been rooted to the spot! See to the Captain, immediately!" Barked a superior officer.

"Yes, Sir!" came the stuttered response.

"To the rest of you, encircle them! And make it tight!"


After her powerful kick sent the commanders flying, Ayukawa rushed to Vermilion's side, concern etched on her face. She carefully supported Vermilion, checking her condition with a mix of worry and determination.

"Vermilion! Can you hear me?" Ayukawa called out, repeating her name, hoping for any sign of consciousness.

Vermilion was on the ground, unresponsive. Ayukawa gently examined the wound on Vermilion's waist, searching for the extent of the injury. Feeling something unexpected, Ayukawa sighed in relief.

With a deep exhale, she lightly tapped Vermilion's cheeks. "Hey, wake up!" 

Blinking in confusion, Vermilion muttered, "I... I thought I was done for this time..."

"Not on my watch," Ayukawa declared with a small smile.

"But he... he stabbed me. How come I don't feel anything?" Vermilion's voice was filled with disbelief.

"You've dodged death once more today. Let's not test your luck any further," Ayukawa advised, half-teasing but with a serious undertone.

"What do you mean... Ah, forget it..." Vermilion sighed, realizing the gravity of their situation.

The soldiers had completed their encirclement, their weapons trained on the pair. Ayukawa kept a vigilant eye on their captors, her grip on Vermilion's hand both a comfort and a promise of protection. Trapped, with no apparent way out, Vermilion wished for her elusive powers to save them, but the magic that had saved her before seemed beyond her reach now.

"Haa... Haa... I'm struggling... My powers, they're failing..." Vermilion gasped, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Just forget about it! They might open fire any second. Keep close, don't let go. I'm working on an escape!" Ayukawa whispered back, her voice steady, trying to instill some hope.

"I trust you, always have..."

Just then, a soldier stepped forward, his intention clear in his stern face. "You two have caused enough trouble—"

Ayukawa cut him off, her voice firm and commanding, "Listen up! I'm giving you five seconds to back off!"

The soldier scoffed, incredulous. "Are you out of your mind? Do you not see where you are?"

"Ever think to feel rather than just look? Noticed any discomfort around your neck recently?" 

The soldier's hand instinctively went to his neck, his face contorting in confusion and then horror as he felt a trickle of blood. "What... How did...?"

"Consider that a friendly warning."

Vermilion stared in shock. "Ayukawa... how did you manage that without either of us noticing?"

The bewildered soldier struggled to find words, "You... When did you...?"

"This is your last chance, move, or lose more than just blood. FIVE, FOUR, THREE..." Ayukawa began counting down, her voice cold, leaving no room for doubt.

The soldiers, now visibly shaken, hesitated, their hands clutching their necks instead of their weapons, their eyes wide with fear, not daring to challenge the threat Ayukawa posed.


"Stop! We're letting you go!" The soldiers hastily interjected.

"Making the smart choice, I see!" 

As they walked away, one soldier leaned in to question his superior, his voice barely a whisper, "Sir, are we really going to let them just walk away like that?!"

"No, we're not. The woman with violet hair is dangerous up close. We'll keep our distance, then take our shot. Understood?"

"Understood, Sir!" 

Ayukawa, her senses as sharp as ever, didn't let her guard down for a moment. She could feel the eyes of the soldiers on them, waiting for the right moment to strike. The tension was palpable as the soldiers pretended to comply, only to ready their weapons from a safe distance.

Seizing what he thought was the perfect moment, the superior officer gave the command, "Fire now!"

But just as the situation seemed most dire, the assassin, along with his followers, intervened, forming a protective barrier around Vermilion and Ayukawa. Laughter cut through the tension, "Worry not, for I've arrived! Hahahahaha!!"

Vermilion, in disbelief, stammered, "You... You're the assassin!"

"Indeed, and you're very much alive, a truly remarkable individual. I knew it from the moment I laid eyes on you."

"What do you mean? Because of my power?"

"Power? Ah, so there's a special power at play? Why not demonstrate it for me?" 

"Vermilion, let's not waste time on this distraction! Keep moving!" Ayukawa urged, her focus unshaken.


"Hey, a little gratitude wouldn't hurt! I just saved you, after all!" The assassin called out, his tone a playful tease amidst the chaos.

Ayukawa brushed off the conversation about the assassin and focused on their escape, leading Vermilion away from the encircling soldiers. The assassin's enigmatic smile lingered in Vermilion's mind as she periodically glanced back while they fled.

"Ayukawa, is he actually helping us?" Vermilion asked, still puzzled by the assassin's actions.

"Rosseaulyn and I agreed that Dialla is our main concern. So, yes, in a way, we've aligned ourselves with him against a common enemy. For the sake of the people here."

"So, you're saying you three actually sat down and discussed this? Teaming up with an assassin to stop Dialla seems... surreal."

"Are you making fun of me?!" Ayukawa's glare sharpened, a clear sign she was not amused.

"No, of course not!"

Their conversation was interrupted by Rosseaulyn's voice calling out to them from a distance. "HEY! You two!"

"That's Rosseaulyn!" 

"Let's go then." 

Rosseaulyn greeted them with open arms, particularly Vermilion, whom she hugged tightly. "Oh, Ms. Yeleona! I feared the worst... I almost lost hope when I saw the whole building was gone..."

"It's okay now. I'm here, aren't I?" 

"Yeah. Carmella's waiting for us, and I promised her I'd bring you back safely."

"Both of you! Can we save the reunion for later? The walking corpse is moving against Dialla, and we need to act fast!"

"Right, Ms. Ayukawa. And speaking of action, watching you take down Dialla and his puppet was something else. Are they even alive after that?"

"They're alive, unfortunately. If my leg had been in better shape, I would've made sure they weren't a problem anymore."

"What a waste of opportunity. Just hold on a moment before we head out..." Rosseaulyn called out to an officer nearby.

"Yes, Lieutenant?" The officer approached, attentive.

"Could you assist me in escorting this lady and Ms. Angelina to the east entrance?"

"Of course, Lieutenant."

Vermilion, confused by the sudden change in plans, questioned, "Ayukawa, Rosseaulyn... You're not coming with me?"

Ayukawa shook her head. "Not at the moment. There's unfinished business here. Once all the military personnel have left the slum, then we'll regroup."

Rosseaulyn chimed in, "My job isn't complete until this place is safe again, until you and Carmella can live here without fear."

Vermilion absorbed their words in silence as she was escorted away by the officer towards the east entrance while glanced back at Ayukawa and Rosseaulyn.

Ayukawa, now alone with Rosseaulyn, focused on the task at hand, twirling her dagger as she pondered their next move. "So, how do we beat Dialla before the assassin gets to him, Ms. Savior?"

"Don't call me that. I don't like it. By the way, how confident you are to against the rest of the soldiers with your dagger?"

"As for confidence, let's just say I have enough to handle whatever comes my way with just this dagger!"

"In that case, I'll support you from the rear. I'll exploit any weaknesses they leave exposed."

"You're not exactly skilled in close combat, are you?"

"Some weaknesses are better left undisclosed. You understand, I'm sure."

"Of course! I'll wait for your signal."

"Anytime, as you wish!"

"Well then, try not to blink you eyes from now on!"

With their plan in place, Ayukawa wasted no time. She dashed towards the soldiers, her movements swift and decisive. Despite the soldiers' initial advantage, Ayukawa's intervention quickly shifted the tide of battle in their favor.

One of the soldiers, a superior among them, spotted Ayukawa and barked orders, "The madwoman is back! Take her—!"

Before he could finish his command, Ayukawa appeared behind him, her presence a sudden shock. "What do you want with me?"

The superior, caught off guard, stammered in panic, "Y-you! How did you—"

"Would you prefer a quick death or a slow one?!" Ayukawa's voice was cold as ice.

"P-please! I didn't mean—"

"As you wish," Ayukawa interrupted, swiftly delivering a deep wound to his neck. Blood gushed from the wound as the superior screamed in agony.

"SIR!!!" The soldiers cried out in alarm, their composure crumbling in the face of Ayukawa's ferocity.

"Who's next?!"

With one threat neutralized, Ayukawa turned her attention to the rest of the soldiers. But before she could act, a distant voice rang out, filled with hatred and fear.

"Eat this, you crazy violet-haired monster!!" A soldier exclaimed.

This time, it was the assassin who materialized behind the soldier who intended to attack Ayukawa, his movements swift and silent. Without uttering a word, the soldier collapsed to the ground, unseen by anyone else except Ayukawa.

"Ayukawa, I'm here to assist you! Hahahahaha!!" The assassin declared with a chilling laugh.

"Watch your tongue, corpse. You're the one in need of assistance!"

"With your skill and your sharp eyes, we can easily overpower them!"

"Let's get real! There are too many of them. I can't hold them off for too long!" Ayukawa replied, scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger.

"You needn't worry. My dear fellas—" the assassin began, but he stopped short as he noticed their ranks thinning, some retreating in defeat.

"You've only led your followers to their demise! They are no longer reliable!" 

"Hmm... It seems we underestimated the soldiers... I'm placing my trust in you now."

"Enough talk! Let's focus on survival!"

Together, they engaged in a relentless battle against the soldiers, but their combined efforts proved insufficient to halt the advancing forces. However, as they fought side by side, the assassin seized the opportunity to test Ayukawa's combat prowess, swinging his katana towards her neck amidst the chaos.

Ayukawa's reaction was swift. With practiced ease, she blocked the attack with her dagger, maintaining her composure as if nothing had happened. The assassin, intrigued by her skill, pressed on, but Ayukawa met his gaze with a fierce glare, silently warning him against any further tests.

The assassin amazed and thought, 'After this war, I must challenge her for a duel again!'

"No, I won't entertain you!" Ayukawa retorted abruptly during the middle of the battle.

"What the?? You can read my mind?! What a surprise! Is this the secret why you're so strong?! Like the girl who claims to have special powers or something?" the assassin quipped.

"Your intentions are written all over your face! I don't need to guess what nonsense is running through your mind! Screw you!"

"So harsh... I just slipped up, that's all. Hahahaha!"

Without missing a beat, Ayukawa swiftly sliced off the sleeves of the assassin's attire. "I slipped up, too!"

"What a madwoman! You aimed for my neck earlier, but somehow 'slipped up' and only cut my sleeves off!"

"You're welcome!"

"Madwoman! Hahahahaha!!"

Meanwhile, Dialla and Victor regained consciousness. Dialla's gaze fell upon Ayukawa from afar, but he immediately recognized her from the distance.

"Captain Dialla! Are you alright, Sir?! Sergeant Victor! Your ear..." A soldier exclaimed.

"I ain't deaf, IDIOT! You're going to make my ears bleed!"

"Sorry, Captain!"

"My ear... My ear..." Victor murmured, still clutching his head.

"Victor! Losing an ear isn't a big deal! Look at that woman! That damn woman!" Dialla interjected, his eyes fixed on Ayukawa and the assassin.

"Huh? The woman... Again?" Victor stammered.

Dialla seized Victor's head and directed his gaze towards Ayukawa and the assassin. "Idiot! Look at them! The violet-haired crazy bitch! She must be the one who killed our men on the train!"

"Yes... Yes! YES! YOU'RE RIGHT, SIR! The violet-haired woman!" Victor echoed.