Amy and Vicky

Naked Sex World

by Axxor

Category: Worm - Wildbow

Genre: Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Bathroom Sex, Body Modification, Double Penetration, F/F, F/M, Foursome - F/F/F/M, Foursome - F/M/M/M, Futanari, Incest, Lesbian Sex, Multi, Oral Sex, Orgy, Public Nudity, Public Sex, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rough Sex, Threesome - F/F/F, Threesome - F/F/M, Threesome - F/M/M, Triple Penetration, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex

Language: English

Status: In-Progress

Published: 2015-02-17

Updated: 2017-11-08

Packaged: 2018-03-13 09:05:49

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: Underage

Chapters: 30

Words: 127,251


Story URL:

Author URL:


In a divergent present, nudity has become the norm, and the age of consent has lowered once more to thirteen. Age Cards are used to determine viable sex partners, and universal birth control allows people to have sex with whoever they like, whenever they like.
Welcome to Naked Sex World.

1. Chapter 1

_"When the parahuman known as Scion first appeared, he was naked. No-one attached any particular significance to this fact; if the most powerful being in the world wished to go naked, then who was to gainsay him? And in fact, over the next few years, as he saved people from disasters large and small, not one person in authority attempted to make him cover his nudity, despite the fact that his very appearance needed to be censored in news footage. Those few times that a covering has been offered to him, he has discarded it after just a few days._

_"When the first parahumans appeared, it was not particularly notable that their powers were far weaker than those of Scion, until the more daring capes, wearing ever skimpier costumes, discovered by trial and error what would be called the Kovalenko effect. This was named after the Russian researcher Anton Kovalenko, who studied its limits, and derived the famous Kovalenko Formula._

_"Put simply, the effects of a parahuman's ability, no matter how they appear to actually manifest, are diminished by body coverings of virtually any sort. This is exacerbated by the thickness and heaviness of said coverings. The diminishing effect is related to the percentage of the person's body that is actually covered – note that body hair does not count as 'cover' – adjusted according to which body parts are actually covered._

_"The Kovalenko effect differs from body part to body part, and from parahuman to parahuman. Each body part expresses a modifier, or 'Kovalenko coefficient', which affects the area percentage of that part of the body. Each parahuman has a different range of Kovalenko coefficients (known in general parlance as K-numbers), but they tend to fall within a certain set of limits. A fractional K-number means that to cover that body part will reduce powers by less than the percentage of skin covered; a K-number greater than 1 means that powers will be reduced by more than that percentage._

_"Roughly speaking, the feet and the back of the head have K-numbers between 0.1 and 0.3. The neck, top and sides of the head, the calves, and the forearms have K-numbers between 0.2 and 0.5. The face and the back have K-numbers between 0.4 and 1.0. The upper arms, the shoulders and back, and the outer thighs all have K-numbers between 0.8 and 1.5. The stomach, ribs, inner thighs, and the chests of male parahumans all have K-numbers between 1.2 and 2.0. The buttocks of both genders and the breasts of female parahumans – except for the nipples – have K-numbers between 1.75 and 5. Nipples of female parahumans, and the genitalia and anal regions of both genders, have K-numbers between 4 and 10._

_"This is considering the very thinnest of modesty coverings, equivalent to light spandex or silk. Thicker clothing multiplies the K-number by the square of the difference in thickness. Even body paint has a K-number, equivalent to half the standard._

_"Those parahumans with higher power overall tend to have lower K-numbers, but this means little; covering up just a small amount means that they will still tend to lose more power than their less fortunate brethren._

_"The revelations about the Kovalenko effect has had a rather bizarre effect on worldwide parahuman activity; the nickname 'cape' has taken on a new meaning, as more parahumans have taken to wearing them; they must be free-flowing enough as to not cover the parahuman whilst using their powers, but can be used to cover them afterward. Other parahumans have taken to wearing 'public' costumes that are held together with Velcro, for ease of removal in a hurry._

_"Initially, most parahuman heroes went with 'skimpy, but not scandalous'; covering up just enough to maintain modesty. But after a few mismatched battles against less modest villains, most of them discarded all but their masks. Super-powered battles quickly grew to resemble extremely violent soft-porn movies._

_"This has had a knock-on effect in the public at large. Quite a few heroes have opted to appear in public in their 'heroic guise' – that is, a mask and little else. Daring members of the public began to emulate this trend in the first few years after the Kovalenko Formula was first expressed; as time went on, 'public indecency' laws were reduced, modified, and then repealed altogether. Currently, clothing is usually worn for hygiene, utility or protective purposes only; nakedness is far more common than prudery. All beaches are by definition nude beaches, and public venues only request that patrons wear shoes. It is entirely normal to see a beautiful woman walking down the street wearing sandals, her handbag and a thong, and quite often she won't even have the thong._

_"Following the loss of the nudity taboo over the last twenty years, the public sex taboo has also taken a huge hit. Scion himself has been noted on occasion to be sporting evidence of physical excitement; unconfirmed rumours has him visiting lucky women here and there around the world. With the explosion of skin in public, displays of affection have grown from kissing and cuddling, to heavy petting, to actual sex in public._

_"Even since this has been de-criminalised, it is still seen in most places as somewhat crass, and most public venues still post signs requiring patrons to refrain from engaging in sex on the premises. But it is not uncommon to see couples in public parks engaging in a little quiet l'amour upon the grass, quite often with interested onlookers. Subway sex is almost a given; in any subway car at any time of day, it is a running joke that one can find two (or more) people enjoying one another. The rule of such situations, of course, is that one cleans up any mess that one makes. Yes, that means you three, up there in the back row. Please keep it down._

_"Excuse me. How has this affected public life, with the advent of parahumans in the world? Interestingly enough, fashion has not taken much of a hit. However, today's fashion mavens create items which are intended to highlight and enhance one's beauty, rather than actually conceal any part of it. Conversely, there are underground 'unstrip clubs', where ugly women (and men) compete to put more and more clothes on._

_"With the shedding of clothes, we can be said to have shed many of the pretensions of our culture; gotten in touch, it might be said, with the naked ape within all of us. Fancy clothing no longer separates rich from poor; the naked man strolling down the street might be a penniless bum, or a Fortune 500 contender. People seem to be more at ease, more accepting of one another._

_"Where this will take us in the future, where we will be in another ten or fifty years, I have no idea. For myself, I intend to wait and see, and enjoy the scenery in the meantime."_

\- one of a series of speeches given on _Trends in a Parahuman World_ , by Professor Thomas Landon, Harvard University.

2. Introduction, Part 2

**Summary for the Chapter:**

> Introducing the Age Card.

_" … with the advent of our new permissive age comes a piece of Tinker tech which is almost universal in nature. The Age Card, the size of a credit card, is powered by body heat, and can only be activated by the person to whom it is keyed. Biometric readers in the card allow it to identify its owner, and to measure their current state of health on a day by day basis._

_"Legally imposed age limits have gone by the wayside; with a valid Age Card in hand, any person of any age can drink to their legally mandated limit; for some people, this is less than one glass of beer, but they are allowed to drink that much. Age limits on sexual activity have also been relaxed; if a person is deemed to be psychologically and physiologically capable of having sexual relations, then there is no barrier to them doing so. Easily reversible fertility treatments, for both men and women, have ensured that the predicted explosion in unwanted pregnancies simply will not happen._

_"The back of the Age Card is contoured so that it can be pressed up against another Age Card, and the sexual compatibility of the two people can then be measured. The cards compare data – input by the user, and measured via biometrics – regarding the age, height, weight, fitness, fertility, sexual preference, preference of orifice, physical capacity for penetration and so on. If the two are incompatible, or only partially compatible, then the Cards will indicate as such._

_"The Age Card, although it can be used as a form of identification, is not intended as a universal identity card. Normal forms of identification, such as a standard driver's licence, still work just as well. However, the Age Card can contain (for instance) your driving history, as well as any convictions for driving offences. This is only accessible to a police reader; all data on an Age Card is of course encrypted and can only be decrypted by an appropriate reader._

_"Banking and finance details are not stored on the Age Card, although more and more cards these days are using biometric data to secure those details, as well as standard PIN codes._

_"Despite the initial outcry when it was first introduced, the Age Card has reached nearly every level of our society, and has become the underpinning for many of our social interactions._

_"By which I mean, of course, sex."_

\- excerpt from another lecture by Professor Thomas Landon, Harvard University.

3. Taylor's Morning Run

I sat up and stretched, a second before the alarm clock went off. I could hear my Dad starting the shower. Yawning, I put my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. Pulling on a pair of running shoes, I donned a light jacket against the predawn chill, then slung my purse-belt over my shoulder.

Letting myself out the back door, I felt my naked thighs goosepimple as the cold air hit them, and my nipples crinkled erect before I zipped the jacket up. I grinned at the briskness of the air; pre-dawn was the best time to go jogging in Brockton Bay.

I started off slow and easily, pacing faster and faster until I was jogging slowly down the street. My thighs whispered past one another, goosebumps no longer in evidence as I was warming up. My pussy was still a little cold, but the increased blood movement was starting to warm it up as well.

I was glad that I didn't need a sports bra to go running; I hated anything covering my breasts. Even the jacket was only a necessary evil; I unzipped it farther and farther as I warmed up, until I was running with it hanging open. My breasts, I knew, bobbed gently with the pace I was running, but they didn't have the weight to bounce up and down painfully.

The sun was starting to rise now, and the air was starting to warm up. I stopped, unslung the purse belt, took my jacket off, and tied it around my waist so that it hung down behind my ass. Above it, I buckled the purse belt, settling the purse over my right hip. Then I started off again.

Gusts of chill air still made my nipples perk up, but I enjoyed the tightening sensation; jogging, for me, was a whole-body experience.

I had paused to retie the jacket around my waist when a voice addressed me. "Hey."

I looked around, pushing my glasses back up my nose. "Hey."

The speaker was a young man, mid twenties, who had come out to pick up the paper. He was wearing a dressing gown, but it hung open. Underneath it, like me, he was naked.

He was looking me up and down, frankly and openly. Which I appreciated. I looked him up and down as well, and liked what I saw. As I watched, I saw his penis start to stir, rise to erection. I smiled and cocked my hip, letting one knee thrust out slightly, to give him a glimpse of my teen pussy.

"I'm Joe," he told me, his eyes wandering over my body.

"Taylor," I replied; my eyes did the same for him, as the dressing gown came farther open.

He raised his chin slightly. "Are you of Age?"

It was a fair question; I was tall for my age, and skinny. I might not be able to accommodate him. So I fished out my Age Card.

He pulled his from his dressing gown pocket, which made me wonder if this was such a chance meeting after all. _He's probably seen me run past before._ The thought made me smile.

We fitted our Cards together, back to back, and I pressed the tab that allowed him to see my sexual specifications. His showed up on the LCD screen of my Card at the same time; the processors in each Card conferred, and then gave us a green light, with an 86% compatibility rating. The missing fourteen percent seemed mainly to be due to the fact that he had a propensity toward anal sex, but I had chosen to set that as 'close friends only' until I was a little older and more able to take it.

I smiled and tucked my Card away in my purse. "Where should we do it?"

He tilted his head. "Come on in."

I followed him into the house. It was a nice place, but the decor was all masculine. He gestured me to the large sofa. "Is that good enough?"

I smiled. "Yeah. Definitely." Shrugging out of my jacket, I lay down on the sofa, enjoying the feel of the velour on my back and thighs.

He had read that I liked oral to begin with, so that's where he started; I arched my back and groaned as his tongue finished the job of warming my pussy up. I felt him flicking my clit, and nearly came right then, before he slid his tongue inside me.

I _did_ come then, feeling his fingers and lips and tongue working over my now very moist pussy. He penetrated me with his index finger, sliding in and out of me; I groaned and reached down to grab his hair. "Come on!" I urged him. "I've got to get home yet!"

He grinned and climbed up over me. I kissed him, tasting my juices on his lips, as we carefully guided his penis into me. He was thick, but I could handle thick. His length was almost too much for me, but again, the Card had both our specifications just right.

I moaned and arched my back as he thrust into me, gritting my teeth with the intensity of the sensations. My nails dug into his back as his ass clenched over and over, driving his thick penis deep into my hot liquid depths. I knew I was tight, especially with the chill of the morning, and he groaned over and over as he fucked me, proving me correct.

I hit a second, third and fourth orgasm before he came; I felt him tense, then he thrust into me and the warmth of his cum bloomed deep in my pussy. He came again and again; I arched my back and bit his neck, which seemed to increase his enjoyment.

Finally, he was finished, and I was coming down from my last orgasm as well. I kissed him as he rolled over, his now-flaccid cock sliding out of me.

"Fuckin' wow," he groaned. "I thought it would be good, but not that good."

"You're not so bad yourself," I told him with a giggle, raking my nails over his chest. "Do you come out for the paper this early every morning?"

He turned his head and kissed me. "I will from now on," he promised.

I giggled again, and climbed up off the sofa. "Well, I've got to get going. Dad'll be waiting breakfast on me."

He got up too, and I picked up my jacket. Tying it around my waist, I kissed him. "See you around, Joe."

He fondled my breast, and squeezed my ass as I turned away. "See you around, Taylor."

I smiled at him; as I went out the door and jogged off down the street, I felt the telltale trickle of semen escaping my pussy.

_Well,_ I thought with some amusement, _at least my pussy's not cold any more._

I'd have to remember Joe, and run this way more often. That had been very nice indeed.

4. Amy and Vicky

**Summary for the Chapter:**

> In which we see how Panacea and Glory Girl get along

Amy Dallon stretched, feeling content and satiated. She was pressed up against Vicky's naked body, as they had fallen asleep the night before. And what Vicky had done to her before they had drifted off ...


She smiled as she caressed her sleeping sister's flank. She slept naked - they both did, as it was so _convenient_ - and she never, ever got tired of looking at Vicky's firm, perfect body. Perky breasts, flat stomach, taut globes of buttocks, creamy thighs ... and what was between them ... mmm. She felt a tingle of arousal in her stomach.

Lowering her mouth to Vicky's, she kissed her sister tenderly. _I love her so dearly. I will never want another._

Vicky's tongue slid into her mouth; startled, Amy opened her eyes wide, to stare into Vicky's vivid blue gaze.

She felt her sister caressing her body, cupping her buttocks, squeezing them ... she caught her breath as Vicky dug her nails in. Vicky did so know what she liked.

Vicky's mouth descended upon Amy's nipple, and Amy arched her back as Vicky nipped playfully at the sensitive, engorged flesh. "Oh god, Vicky," she moaned, arousal blossoming in her gut and flowing throughout her body. "Oh god, just like that."

It was her not-so-shameful not-so-secret that she enjoyed it far more than she should when Vicky was rough with her. Pushing her just a little harder than she really wanted to go, a little beyond her limits; it fed some deep dark desire within her, sent her into screaming transports of orgasmic delight.

Abruptly, she was flat on her back, and Vicky was atop her, straddling, pussy pressed to moist pussy. Her wrists were held up over her head, and Vicky's breasts hung down so temptingly, so tantalisingly. She whimpered with want, with need.

"Vicky ..."

Vicky lowered her face to Amy's, curtains of blonde hair hanging down. They kissed, hard. Vicky bit Amy's lip; Amy felt the pain, tasted blood. She thrust her pussy up toward Vicky's. "Please," she breathed, a catch in her throat.

Vicky smiled. "I want you to do _it_ to me again, Ames," she whispered.

Amy blinked. "You want _that?"_

Vicky nodded.

Amy licked her lips. She nodded. "Okay."

Vicky let her up, rolled over, lay back with her legs spread. Amy climbed between her thighs, admiring her perfect, sweet, adorable pussy. Between them, they could spend hours of pleasure just teasing one another's pussies. But Vicky wanted something special. She swallowed.

She began to eat Vicky out, an activity of which she had never tired. Her tongue hit all of Vicky's hot spots, subtly enhanced by her own power at work. Vicky arched her back, moaning loudly as Amy nibbled at her labia, sucked on her clit, and drove her tongue deep into Vicky's wet vaginal canal.

"Do it ..." gritted Vicky.

Amy nodded, and attached her lips to Vicky's swollen clitoris. She began to suck, and to exert her power. Slowly, steadily, the penis began to emerge from Vicky's loins; Amy made sure that the swollen testes beneath were well-stocked with semen.

She knew her own capabilities, of course, both anal and vaginal, and she formed Vicky's new penis to be just _outside_ those specs. A little too thick, a little too long. A flutter of apprehension, of anticipation in her gut increased her arousal until she could hardly stand it.

Slowly she drew her mouth off of the head, letting it slip from between her lips with a lewd _pop._ Vicky admired it, running her hand up and down the shaft.

"Are - are you going to fuck me with that, Vicky?" Amy asked.

Vicky smiled. "Oh, yes," she breathed. "I'm gonna hold you down and fuck you till you scream. Till you beg me to stop."

Amy scrambled off the bed, still naked. "No - please -"

Vicky caught her before she reached the door. Amy wanted her to, of course. But that was the plan. She _wanted_ to be forced.

Amy felt herself forced to her hands and knees, and Vicky pushed the thick head of her new penis between Amy's labia.

"Oh god," whimpered Amy. "It's too big."

"Should've thought of that when you made it," grunted Vicky, thrusting hard to get it into her.

Amy arched her back and cried out as she was stretched unmercifully, as Vicky's penis penetrated to the very depths of her being. The sensations blasted through her mind as the thick cock pummelled at her tight, overstretched young vaginal canal. She couldn't _believe_ how hard Vicky was fucking her; it was blowing her mind.

Vicky gripped her hips and thrust the thick cock deep inside her sister's yielding pussy, feeling the tightness, glorying in it. She thrust harder, knowing that Amy liked it that way, trusting in her to have gauged it just right. Lubricated by Amy's slick juices, the heavy cock rammed all the way to the hilt inside Amy's tight pussy, the tip just nudging her cervix, before Vicky started fucking her in earnest.

Amy cried out again and again as Vicky rammed it into her, taking her, violating her, owning her, possessing her completely with that enormous cock. She felt her orgasm approach, and then burst upon her, sending her into one climax after another as Vicky just kept driving that monster into her.

And then Vicky arched her back and began to cum; semen spurted from the thick cock, deep inside Amy's womb. Over and over it jetted into her, filling her up, overflowing her, and Vicky still kept fucking her. Amy came again and again, even as Vicky's cum dribbled around the edges of her overstretched pussy, and ran down her legs.

And then the bedroom door banged open. Brandish stood there, dressed for battle; a couple of curlicues helping support her still-firm breasts, another couple framing her shaven pussy, and nothing else. "What the fuck do you two thing you're doing?" she snapped.

Vicky and Amy looked up at her, even as Vicky shoved the thick cock deep inside Amy one last time.

"Uh, fucking, Mom?" asked Vicky.

Brandish rolled her eyes. _"Yes,_ you're fucking. But if you paid attention, you'd hear that your phones are going off."

And now that the room was not filled with the squish of flesh against flesh, of teenage lust and orgasm, they could hear the phones ringing mournfully in their purses.

"We've got an alert," Brandish told them. "Come on, you can fuck her ass later."

Vicky nodded. "I know," she sighed. "I was looking forward to it now."

As she pulled out, Amy put a hand on her arm; the thick penis retracted into Vicky's body, scrotum and all. She smiled. "In case you run into Dean."

Vicky grinned and kissed her. "Thanks, Ames. You're the best."

Amy got to her feet, feeling the cum running down her legs from Vicky's spectacular climax. "I'll hold you to that, later."

Hand in hand, the sisters followed Brandish out the door.