Wards at Winslow, Part 2

Maybe you should put some pants on," Sophia suggested to Emma as they trooped outside. She caressed Emma's naked ass, and was caressed in turn. "After all, it _is_ the Wards."

Emma grinned. "Nope. I'll be sitting there in the grandstand, and they'll be looking at everyone, and they'll be asking themselves, is she really wearing anything, and I'll open my legs, and the guys will be going, nope. And then all I have to do is get next to one of them."

"Did you know they were coming today?" asked Madison. "I didn't."

Sophia and Emma shook their heads. "Just lucky, I guess," Emma decided.


I sat in the grandstand along with the rest of my class. We watched the van approach, then do a lap of the playing field, before pulling up in front of the grandstand. Emma was one row down and several along, with Sophia on one side of her and Madison on the other. Julia was sitting next to Madison, and their other cronies were also sitting nearby. I grinned; the wood of the grandstands was rough and tended to be splintery; sitting on it with a bare ass, such as Emma and Sophia were doing, was slightly hazardous to tender parts of the anatomy. My cargo pants protected me just fine, thank you very much.

The van door slid back, and the Wards got out; Aegis took to the air, but didn't fly very high. I could see he was struggling to maintain altitude; this was due to the fact that he was wearing a full-body costume of some light material. As each of the other Wards emerged, I heard the undercurrent of groans of disappointment; each of them was fully clothed. Vista, getting out last, wore a proper, detailed costume, all in teal and green, with a full skirt. Kid Win was also fully costumed, wearing his armour. He put down a flying board of some sort, and took off, to circle the grandstand.

_He_ could do this, of course. He had created the tech, and it worked whether he was clothed or not. Everyone else, with their innate powers, had to suffer reductions to their powers while wearing the costumes. In the getup Vista was wearing, I wasn't sure if her powers would work at all.

"Good morning, everyone!" Aegis addressed us; he had some sort of amplifier on a mouthpiece. "I am Aegis, of the Wards. We're very pleased to be here today!"

I clapped, as did everyone else.

"With me today are Gallant! Clockbocker! Kid Win! and the incomparable Vista!" With each name, he indicated a different teammate, who took a bow.

"Now, before we go any farther, Principal Blackwell is going to say a few words."

He drifted to the ground, and they walked toward where our Principal was standing at a temporary podium. Blackwell normally got around in a skirt and heels; today, she had added a jacket and tie to her ensemble.

"Thank you, Aegis," she said into the microphone. "Now, I'm sure you all would like to welcome the Wards to Winslow, but I'm afraid that they may feel a little overwhelmed by so much attention. So, I will be picking out a few of you to each give a Ward a guided tour of the school. The rest of you will go to the gymnasium, to help set up the after-lunch presentation."

She paused. "Hands up for volunteers to give Vista a guided tour!"

Hands shot up all over; many of the younger students, the ones still clothed, were volunteers, but not a few of the older ones also put their hands up. I saw Mr Gladly lean in and say a few words to her. She nodded, and spoke into the microphone.

"I'll take you, you, you, you ... all you four, and you. Also, Mr Gladly will be along, to act as a chaperone."

Several of the younger students came down to the front, as well as a few of the older ones. I noticed without surprise that Greg Veder was one of the volunteers. They seemed a little crestfallen that Mr Gladly was coming along as well.


"Wow, hi," Vista greeted the students and teacher who had been assigned to guide her around the school. "I'm Vista, but you knew that. It's really good to meet you all. What are your names?"

"Well, I'm Mr Gladly," the teacher told her, taking her by the hand. "And these are Graham, Laurence, Madeline, Henry, Greg, Philip, Ken, Leslie and Donna."

"Hi," she replied. The teacher was kind of hot, but he was an adult. _Probably too big._ The others were either not so great, or under-fifteens, so she couldn't tell what sort of bodies they had. "So, where do we start?"

"Why don't we start at the top floor and work our way down?" suggested Mr Gladly.

Vista shrugged; it seemed to be as good an idea as any.


I put my hand up to volunteer to guide every member of the Wards. Kid Win got a bunch of cheering fangirls, some of whom had gotten body paint, and had daubed it on their breasts in red and gold. Clockblocker got more girls, all of whom tried their best to cuddle up to him at once. Madison was one of those.

I was beginning to lose hope when I found myself being picked to escort Gallant; to my surprise, I saw Principal Blackwell pointing straight at me. And then my heart fell; she also picked Emma and Sophia. I climbed down from the grandstand, and tried to get close to Gallant, but every time I did, I found either Emma or Sophia, or one of their sycophants, edging in front of me.

With a sigh, I resigned myself to being left out once more, and trudged along with the rest of the group.


"As for Aegis," Principal Blackwell decided, "I will escort him around the school myself. We have matters to discuss, regarding the after-lunch presentation." She waved a hand. "The rest of you, go to the gymnasium. There is setting up to do."

Taking the senior Ward by the hand, she led him down from the podium and toward the school proper.


"So what do you want to know about me?" asked Vista, as they wandered through the upper floors of Winslow High School.

"Are you of Age?" asked Greg Veder, at once.

Vista smiled. "Of course." She pulled out her Age Card. "See?"

"Do you like boys or girls?" asked Donna, one of the younger girls. The other girl, Madeline, looked at her curiously.

"I've kissed a few girls," Vista told them frankly, "but I prefer boys."

"Do you like older guys?" asked another boy; Vista thought his name was Ken.

"I like one older guy," she replied. "But I can't be with him."

She noticed Madeline and Donna slipping away, holding hands, then she looked at Greg. He seemed to be a little creepy, and the way the teacher was staring at her was a little intense as well.

"Why are you wearing that costume?" asked another boy. "I thought superheroes all went around in the buff."

Vista shrugged. "I'm only thirteen," she reminded him. "Unless there's actually a crisis, I'm not supposed to go nude in public."

"But we're not in public here, are we, Mr Gladly?" the boy pressed.

Mr Gladly looked around, then opened a classroom door. "Not in here, we're not," he told them. Everyone trooped inside, and he shut the door.

Vista looked at the boys around her; clothes were being shed, and firm young bodies coming into view. Even Mr Gladly had discarded his briefs, revealing quite an impressive erection. She licked her lips, and began to unfasten her costume.


"I'm really impressed that you got body paint to welcome me to Winslow," Kid Win told his adoring fangirls.

"Oh, that's actually food colouring mixed with flour," one girl told him. She thrust out her perky breasts toward him. "Here, have a taste."

Never loath to turn down such an inviting offer, he closed his mouth around her nipple, and suckled gently, then hard. She moaned, reaching into her brief panties, and rubbing herself. He switched to her other nipple then, causing her moans to increase in intensity.

"Here, taste mine!" shouted another girl.

"And mine!" a third insisted.

A fourth cleared her throat, sounding altogether too pleased with herself. "Why don't you have a taste of this instead?" She pulled her panties down, revealing red and gold 'paint' over her crotch.

"Well now," he grinned. "To give that my full appreciation, we're going to have to find someplace more private. Do we have any suggestions?"

As it happened, they did.


Dennis grinned. His 'tour group' was apparently willing to go to quite impressive lengths to get his attention; not five minutes into the tour, they were all in the buff, and ostentatiously making out with one another, all the while shooting coy glances at him.

One of the places that they seemed intent on showing him was the girls' bathroom; he did not object. Not even when his costume started coming off. As one girl started to suck on his already-erect penis, he leaned back and groaned with enjoyment.

He didn't even mind when they figured out how to take his helmet off; he had thought ahead, and was wearing a mask under it.


Aegis smiled at Principal Blackwell. It was obvious what the woman wanted; the want had been boiling off of her ever since she had taken his hand. She let them into her office, then locked it firmly behind her.

"So," he murmured, "what did you want to talk about first?"

She stepped up very close to him, her small breasts pressing against his chest. Her hands ran over his body, tugging gently at the Velcro tabs that held his costume together.

"Is it true," she purred, "that you can exert yourself for hours and hours without tiring?"

"I can," he affirmed. "But I have to be ... unclothed ... first." His hands found the button holding her jacket closed, and released it; it fell open, revealing her naked breasts. Cupping them in his hands, he squeezed gently.

She breathed in sharply, and tugged on the Velcro closures. His costume began to come away from his body.

Lowering his lips to hers, he kissed her. She closed her eyes, while still pulling at parts of his costume. His hands roved around to her back, found the skirt closure, and undid it. When it fell to the floor, she was naked underneath.

She pulled the tab that released his throbbing erection from confinement. With a stifled gasp, she slid to her knees, and took him into her mouth. As she suckled on his rock-hard cock, he let his head fall back with a groan.

_I love school visits._


"So, Gallant," Emma asked, all but blatantly rubbing her nude body against him, "is the thing you have with Glory Girl exclusive, or are you allowed to sleep around?"

"And how do you feel about threesomes?" asked Sophia, rubbing against his other shoulder.

I trailed behind, feeling as if I wanted to die. Here I was, within arm's reach - almost - of a Ward, and I couldn't even get a word in edgewise. Each time I tried to speak to him, one of the girls would interrupt with a bright observation.

"No, we're not exclusive - " began Gallant with a grin, "but -"

He was interrupted by a loud ripping sound. "Oh, I'm sorry!" gasped Emma, in badly simulated horror. "I didn't know that would tear away so easily." She admired his broad chest, the rippling muscles, and the half-hard erection now shown to one and all. "Here, let me fix that."

'Fixing' it seemed to involve getting really close and fondling his penis; I had no doubt that they would disappear into some private place very soon ...

"Wait," Gallant commanded. "Stop right there. I couldn't feel it before, but I'm getting some nasty emotions from you girls. Pleasure at someone else's misfortune. And one of you is feeling really depressed and unhappy." He pointed directly at me. "I don't think I got your name."

"Oh, she's nobody,," Emma interrupted. "Come on, let's -"

She tried to kiss him, but he pushed her aside, gently but firmly. I tried to step forward, but one of the girls blocked me again; that is, until Gallant physically stepped around her. "What's your name?" he asked gently.

"Taylor," I told him. "Taylor Hebert."

"And what's the matter?" he asked. As he spoke, he pulled more of his costume off, until he was standing before me, naked but for his boots, helmet, and a wrist wallet.

"I - I just wanted to meet you," I mumbled, somewhat overcome by the magnificent specimen of manhood before me. I could feel myself getting wetter by the second.

He shook his head. "There's more to it than that."

I drew a deep, shuddering breath. "Bullying." Behind Gallant, I saw Emma and Sophia staring at me; Sophia drew her finger across her throat in a warning motion.

"Bullying?" asked Gallant. "Who's been bullying you."

Throwing caution to the winds, I indicated Emma and Sophia. "They've been bullying me for months. Today they took my Age Card."

Gallant turned to them; the girls in between decided that anywhere else was a better place to be. "Is this true?" he asked quietly.

"Uh, no," Emma blurted. "She's lying!"

Sophia tried to hush her as soon as she realised what Emma was saying, but failed.

"One of my powers," Gallant informed Emma, "is to read emotions. Now that I'm battle ready, I can read yours very well indeed. You just lied to me. She didn't. Lying to a Ward is the same as lying to a police officer. You want to try that again?"

Emma stared at him, eyes wide. She didn't answer.

"One more time," he told her. "Or I arrest the both of you on suspicion."

"You can't _do_ that!" burst out Emma.

Gallant smiled coldly. "With my powers, I can do 'reasonable suspicion' really well. Now, last chance."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine!" she flared. Bending over, she plucked a Card from where she'd had it tucked into her sock. "It was just a joke, is all!"

I stepped forward and plucked it from her hand, then slapped her as hard as I could. Her head rocked back, and she sat down on her bare butt, her legs spread wide. I was turning toward Sophia, who was staring at Emma, when strong arms encircled me from behind.

"Enough," Gallant told me, his breath tickling the back of my neck. I could feel his erection prodding the back of my cargo pants.

"You don't know -" I burst out, struggling to get free. "What they've been doing -"

"I can feel your emotions, so I do have an idea," he told me, not letting go. "But it's not up to you to punish them. We have laws for that."

"They'll get away with it," I told him bitterly. "They always do. Emma's dad is a lawyer."

"Not this time," he told me. As if by accident, one of his hands was cupping my breast. I didn't object. "The PRT has really high-powered lawyers."

Things moved quickly after that; Gallant made a call to the police on his helmet radio. When they arrived, they did not seem overly surprised to see him naked and holding a teenage girl; he hadn't let me go, and I hadn't wanted to be let go.

"That one is called Sophia Hess," he told the officer in charge crisply. "She's the one who stole it. She passed it on to that one, Emma Barnes, who knew it had been stolen. Only gave it back to Miss Hebert here under protest."

The officer whistled. "Age Card theft, huh? Been a while since we saw a case of that." He observed the two disfavourably, then turned to me. "Are you pressing charges?"

I hesitated. "I don't know. My dad can't afford -"

He shook his head. "The state'll be taking this one. Age Card theft is illegal everywhere."

I nodded. "Then yeah. I'll be pressing charges."

"What about her?" yelled Emma. "She hit me!"

The officer turned to Gallant. "Is this true? Did Miss Hebert strike Miss Barnes?"

Gallant frowned. "Strike her?" He turned to me. "Taylor, did you strike Emma?"

I shook my head. "No. That would be against the law."

Gallant turned back to the officer. "And there you have it. In my opinion, Miss Barnes is attempting to make up countercharges."

Emma stared from one to the other of us. "But - but -" Her eyes were wide with outrage. I could not help but feel savage satisfaction. _How does it feel **now** , Emma?_

The police officer nodded. "Not uncommon. Well, we'll be taking them away to be charged now."

Gallant nodded. We watched them walk away, Emma still struggling and protesting, Sophia strangely subdued.

"Wow," I murmured. "Are they going into lockup like that? No prison uniform?"

He nodded seriously. "Until they're charged. They go in as is."

"Emma's naked. Sophia's almost the same," I observed. "The seats in lockup - are they metal?"

He nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "And cold. Very cold."

I kissed him; he looked surprised. "What was that for?"

"For helping me," I told him. "For doing that. For _being_ there."

He smiled, and slid a hand down inside my cargo pants, cupping my naked ass cheek in his large, strong hand. I murmured and pressed against him. "Want to find someplace private?" he breathed. "You feel like you could use some cheering up."

I kissed him again, rubbing my bare breasts against his oh-so-manly chest. "I know just the place," I assured him.