
♦Topic: New member for the Wards?

** In: Boards ► Wards ENE

**ICanHazCheezeburger** (Original Poster) (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Posted on March 10, 2011:

So, I hear that the Wards have a new member. A chick called Harmonic, or Harmonica or something?

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**Aegis** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (Team Leader) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

We have a new member, yes. Her name is Harmonic.

**BiCuriousGuy** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Yeah, seen her around. Tall, skinny chck in the goggles? Tits are a bit small for me, but I wouldn't mind tapping dat ass.

**KidWin** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

I've tapped dat ass. It was all that. Seriously. All that.

**Gallant** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Hey, don't you go talking about my girlfriend like that. We're exclusive, I'll have you know.


Seriously, she's got some major pussy mojo going on there.

**Harmonic** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Wow guys (blush)

Yes, I'm the new member.

Yes, I'm getting along with everyone just fine.

And yes, I know my tits are small. (sigh)

**Vista** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Bigger than mine.

And just to note, guys. Of Age now. Yay!

**ClitLicker** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Hey, wasn't Gallant fucking Glory Girl?

Better watch it, Harmonic. You might be getting a tap on the shoulder any day now.

Cape fight for Gallant's favours! Pay per view, anyone?

**Gallant** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Nah, it's all good. Vicky's with Amy now. They're very happy together.

**ThatsNotAGun** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Wait, so Glory Hole is fucking Panacea?


Did NOT see that coming.

PS: Vista, if you're free on Tuesday night, I can PM you a place to meet.

**Vista** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Not really dating outside the team yet, Gun. But thanks for the offer.

Besides, Gallant is the guy I'm interested in. If only we were physically compatible ... sigh

On the other hand, Harmonic is willing to share. And ... wow. Does she share.

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**Clockblocker** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Okay, just to answer the original question, re Harmonic and Dat Ass.

Yes, we have all tapped Dat Ass.

And it was good.

And is it true, Vicky, that you and Amy have something special in your sex play?

**GloryHole** (Verified Cape) (Cape Daughter) (New Wave) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Yeah. Let's just say that when a biokinetic decides to have some fun, the sky's the limit.

I'll give you a hint: futanari.

I am in love, folks. Love.

**ClitLicker** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Oh god. I am officially jealous, right now.

Pussy? Ass? Both?

**Panacea** (Verified Cape) (Cape Daughter) (New Wave) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:


Oh my god, yes.

**KapeGrrrl** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Well, congratulations.

So, Vista. Had it in the ass yet?

**Vista** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Oh yeah. Kid Win took my cherry on my 13th birthday. Both ways.

**ThatsNotAGun** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Darn. There goes my fondest wish.

Seriously, that cute little butt features in some of my best fantasies. My girlfriend owns a Vista costume, just because of you.

**Vista** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

You do know I was underage until just recently, right?

**ThatsNotAGun** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:


**TinMother** (Moderator) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Let's not have any more inference of sex with underage partners, shall we? I don't want to have to temp ban anyone.

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**ThatsNotAGun** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Sorry. I'll drop the subject.

So, Harmonic. Prefer girls? Guys?

**Harmonic** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

I ... guess I have to say, it depends on the person.

I like beefcake, a lot. Aegis really does it for me; I'll bend over for him any day. Kid Win and Clockblocker are really nice too. But Gallant ... he's in a league of his own. I'd pick him over any combination of a group fuck with the rest of them.

But I'd much rather have Vista in the bed too. Because she's cute and fun and sexy, and she makes my tits look big.

**Vista** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Aww, thanks Harmonic. I wuvs you too.

(Just by the by, I'm guy oriented, but Harmonic in bed? Something else altogether. Seriously)

**Gallant** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

What Vista said. In spades.

**CumGuzzler** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Uh, what's the truth behind the rumour that you made Lung's balls explode, Harmonic?

(Please don't make my balls explode)

**Harmonic** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:


It was ONE TIME, okay. I didn't really mean to make it happen like that. But yeah, that happened.

**Aegis** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (TeamLeader) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Harmonic, you don't have to answer that.

**Aegis** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (TeamLeader) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

... too late.

**Harmonic** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Uh, sorry.

**Aegis** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (TeamLeader) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:


It's all right. It would have gotten out anyway.

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**KapeGrrrl** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Wait, the fuck? You DID that?

Wow, fuck me.

No, I mean it. Come over and fuck me any time.

That's some serious badass, right there.

I am so wet, just thinking about it.

**TakesCapeCock** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

If you had a cock, Harmonic, I would suck it, right now.

**Panacea** (Verified Cape) (Cape Daughter) (New Wave) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

I can arrange that for you, if you want.

**Harmonic** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Uh, no, I'm good.

KapeGrrrl, TakesCapeCock, feel free to PM me for off-duty meetings. Threesome, maybe?

**KapeGrrrl** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

PM sent

**TakesCapeCock** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

PM sent

**Gallant** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Wow, I'm almost jealous.

**Harmonic** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

You can come too.

**Gallant** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Woo hoo!

**Vista** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

What about me?

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**Harmonic** (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

The more the merrier.

**KapeGrrrl** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

Woo hoo! Cape orgy, my place, tonight.

**TakesCapeCock** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:

I'll bring the lube.

**KapeGrrrl** (Cape Groupie) (OfAge)

Replied on March 11, 2011:


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