The entire first week of school was incredibly boring for Aiden. The only fun he had was in getting to know Yuki more. He was a sweet guy and Aiden could see them becoming good friends in the future. They had started texting as well and Aiden learned that Yuki loved emoji's and sending cute animal pictures.
It was Saturday evening and Aiden had gone to the gym after dinner. In order to get more exercise in, instead of taking a car, Aiden jogged to the gym and was currently jogging back. The sun had set but the street lights lit up the sidewalk and the surrounding area enough to see without any trouble.
As soon as he left the gym, Aiden felt the strange sensation that he was being watched. At first, he was reminded of what he felt in Hawaii but this time was different. Whoever was following him this time was really bad at it. Unlike how he never saw anyone suspicious in Hawaii, now he could clearly point out where the people following him were. They were too obvious.
Sometimes he'd catch sight of an arm or the side of someone's body as they tried to hide whenever Aiden glanced around. Other times, one of them would make eye contact and then hastily try, and fail, to look inconspicuous. Eventually, Aiden grew tired of their antics and stopped jogging. He walked over to an alley nearby and waited. Sure enough, three idiots turned up. They were all grinning as if their plans were a success and they had cornered their prey. Little did they know that they were the ones being hunted now.
"Boss! This kid doesn't seem like the brightest. Why would he walk into an alley on his own? F***ing stupid!" The shortest and fattest out of the three sneered and laughed. A bald man with a scar stepped forward, shaking his head.
"Man, kids these days. To think he'd serve himself up like this on a silver platter." While the two men laughed, the third and final person stepped forward, standing in the middle. He was taller and more muscular than the other two and had tattoos on his face.
"Hell if I care but we got a job to do. Hey, kid!" Aiden raised an eyebrow and pointed to himself. The man frowned. "Yeah, you! You see any other kid around?" Aiden shook his head and the man sighed. "Look, don't make a fuss and we'll make this quick. We just gotta break a few bones and you're good to go. Resist and we won't go so easy on ya. Got it?"
"They called you 'Boss', right?" All three men looked at Aiden like he had a screw loose. "That means you're the moron who thought this was a good idea, yes?" As soon as Aiden's words registered with the three men, their smiles and laid back attitudes disappeared.
"How dare you insult the boss!" The two henchmen started shouting at him and Aiden thought they resembled barking chihuahua's. The leader scowled.
"Shut it, you two!" The alleyway turned quiet and the leader's glare turned toward Aiden. "You should've just kept quiet and taken the beating. Now, you're in for a lot more pain." Aiden smirked.
"Well, what are you waiting for then? A hand written invitation?" The leader growled and ordered the other two to begin.
"Go teach him a lesson. Break both his legs and drag him to me." The men grinned viciously and answered simultaneously.
"Yes Boss!" While both of them started moving at the same time, the fatter of the two was much slower so a gap appeared between them. Taking advantage of that, Aiden sidestepped the first attacker and pushed him further down the alleyway. Then, he spun around and kicked the second man. Aiden's heel connected with the side of his face causing him to stagger sideways.
By the time Aiden had both feet back on the ground, the bald one had come back. However, that wasn't a problem for Aiden who promptly punched the guy in the stomach. The man doubled over. Suddenly, two arms circled around Aiden's body, grabbing him from behind. He threw his head back as hard as he could, smashing the man's nose. The hold on his body loosened allowing him to bend down and reach between his legs to grab the back of the man's calf, then he pulled it forward with as much force as possible. The attacker lost their balance and fell.
Aiden felt something wet on the back of his neck. He reached up and touched it, then brought his hand forward which was now covered in blood.
"Ew! Gross!" The man's nose was completely broken and blood was pouring down his face. The bald man ran at Aiden hoping to take advantage of his apparent distracted state. Only, it wasn't unexpected and Aiden had no trouble dealing with his opponent. In two short minutes, both attackers were unconscious on the ground. The so-called Boss was livid. Veins popped up on his neck and forehead.
"Useless bastards! Fine! I'll deal with you myself!" The leader ran forward and threw several punches in quick succession which Aiden easily dodged.
"Whoops! Too slow!" The man continued his attacks and Aiden continued to only dodge, angering the leader more and more with every step. "Come on 'Boss', what's the problem?" Things continued that way until the man was panting heavily. On the other hand, Aiden hadn't even broken a sweat. He looked lazily at the still unconscious men and their worn out leader and sighed. "Well, shall we finish this up? I'm bored now."
"Argh!!" The man threw all caution to the wind and launched himself at Aiden again in a last ditch effort. The result was utter failure. In one swift motion, the leader was flipped upside down and landed hard on his back. Before he could catch his breath, he was spun face down into the ground and his arm was pinned behind him, painfully.
"Now then, this might sound familiar. Here goes… don't make a fuss and I'll make this quick. Resist and I won't go so easy on you. It sucks when your words come back to bite you in the ass, doesn't it?" Aiden grinned but his smile didn't reach his eyes.
"Ugh!...What do you want?" The leader groaned.
"It's quite cliche actually so I'm sure you already guessed what I want to know. Who hired you?"
"What makes you thi- AH!" The man felt like his arm was going to be ripped clean off his shoulder.
"Come on, now, let's not be like that. We both know you're going to answer me in the end anyway so out with it." Aiden bent the man's arm a little bit more.
"Ah! Dammit! Okay, okay! Just stop already!" The pain eased somewhat but not completely. "It…it was just some kid. I don't know who h- Gah!" Before he could finish speaking, one of his fingers was broken.
"I am aware of just how stupid you are but even someone like you would get a name or a phone number of the person who hires you. Try again."
"F**k! Spencer! That brat said his name was Spencer! He paid a grand for us to beat you up! That's it. That's all I know."
"Thanks so much!" Aiden smiled brightly, then knocked the man out. With all three attackers unconscious, Aiden picked up his gym bag and left the alley. Spencer. Of course it was him. "It seems I've been too nice lately." Aiden mumbled to himself as he walked the rest of the way back to the house.
When he arrived, he was glad that Mrs. Hudson had already left for the night and no one else seemed to be awake. He didn't know how he'd explain the blood that had gotten on him or his bruised knuckles if he were seen. Quietly, he went up the stairs and into his room. Then he dropped his gym bag, grabbed a change of clothes and hopped in the shower. As the water washed over his skin, the water was dyed red for a moment and vanished down the drain.
After he was sure he'd gotten all the blood off, he got out. He got dressed and then took a look at the gym clothes he was wearing before. Since blood had gotten on them as well, he decided to just throw them away. Aiden sighed and flung himself onto his bed. He was always so different when he got into fights but it worked out for him in the long run. He learned a long time ago not to have any mercy on people who messed with him.
It sometimes felt like he was a whole different person whenever things got violent. Of course that wasn't actually the case though. Whenever he fought he'd find it fun. He would toy with his opponents like a cat playing with a mouse. He knew it wasn't normal but he had always been that way. He had a dark side and he did his best not to let it show too often. He didn't care if people he didn't like avoided him but he didn't want the people he cared for to think he was some kind of monster.
He sighed again and sat up. He was tired of dealing with his cousin's and his aunt. Was it too much to ask to just be left alone? At times like these he would usually hang out with Bex to take his mind off things but, with her studying abroad, that was no longer an option. With nothing better to do, Aiden turned off the lights and went to sleep.