Wasted and Hungover

Aiden looked down at Derek, asleep in his crumpled suit, and sighed. He'd deal with that after he changed clothes. So, he grabbed a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt and headed to the bathroom. He changed, removed all the jewelry and accessories, and took the makeup off his face. After hanging the dress up, he went back to Derek.

First, he took off Derek's shoes, jacket, and tie, since they were the easiest to deal with. Then, he took off his belt, which made his imagination run wild for a moment, but he pushed those thoughts away and mentally scolded himself. Next, he unbuttoned the dress shirt and pulled that off. Finally, Aiden took off Derek's pants. It took longer than he expected to undress him and move him so he was properly in the bed.

Most likely, Derek was going to sleep for quite a while but just in case he woke up early, Aiden put a bottle of water and some pain medicine on the bedside table. Derek was definitely in for a serious hangover.

When he finished everything, Aiden turned off the lights and climbed into bed as far from Derek as he could and tried to fall asleep. However, that was easier said than done with how fast his heart was beating. He held a hand to his chest as if that would slow it down.

"Calm down, stupid," he whispered and pulled the blankets tighter around him. He wasn't sure how long he was laying there, unable to sleep, but at some point there was the sound of rustling blankets behind him. He figured Derek just rolled over or something and didn't pay it any mind. That was a decision he regretted just seconds later when two muscular arms wrapped around him. He tried to free himself but the only thing he managed to do was get spun around facing Derek. Aiden's head and both his hands were pressed against Derek's chest.

Whenever he tried to back up, Derek's arms just wrapped tighter around Aiden's waist and shoulders. He was well and truly stuck. What was worse was the fact that Derek had done all of it in his sleep. He couldn't even complain. He knew when Milo suggested it that bringing Derek to his room was a bad idea. Aiden couldn't help but wonder if he should've left Derek to sleep in the hallway after all. He sighed and gave up struggling.

The longer Aiden stayed in Derek's arms, the more relaxed he felt. It was warm and comforting even though his heart was pounding. It was perplexing but he didn't want to think about it. He was tired. Soon after that, Aiden drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Derek woke up to the sound of an alarm. He had a splitting headache and he groaned. He tried to reach for his alarm clock only to find that it wasn't there. That's also when he noticed that it sounded different than his alarm and that someone was sleeping in his arms. He flinched and his eyes shot open in surprise. Looking down, he felt dumbstruck when he recognized Aiden curled up against his chest. His heart skipped a beat.

A moment later, he saw that the alarm was coming from Aiden's phone on the bedside table across from him. Derek tried to move gently as he didn't want to wake up Aiden in their current situation but he froze when Aiden moved. Derek slowly looked down just as Aiden's eyes fluttered open. Their eyes locked and neither of them moved. That's when Aiden finally heard his alarm.

"Ah!" His eyes went wide and he quickly jumped up and grabbed his phone. "Shit! I'm gonna be late!" Aiden flung the blankets off him and disappeared into the bathroom. After what felt like a split second, he was back out wearing different clothes. He grabbed his phone and his school bag before heading for the door. Derek quickly spoke up before he left.

"Wait a second! What's going on? Why am I here?"

"Ask Milo later. I have to go." Aiden rushed out of the room.

"...Why Milo?" Derek moved the blankets to the side and sat on the edge of the bed. He groaned again and held a hand over his eyes. He couldn't remember how much he drank but it must have been a lot. He didn't even know how he got home.

When he uncovered his eyes, he noticed a bottle of water and pain medicine. He smiled softly knowing Aiden was the only one who would have put those there and he took the pills. Then, he stood up and collected all of his clothes which were strewn across the floor trying not to think about the process that had left him in bed with nothing but his underwear next to Aiden.

He put on his suit pants in case he ran into someone in the hall and then went to his room to shower and change before work. Fifteen minutes later, he went downstairs and was met with a disapproving look from Mrs. Hudson. She held up a travel mug of coffee and shook her head.

"Aiden told me on his way out this morning that you'd be hungover. Just how much did you drink last night to end up in such a state?"

"I have no idea." Derek took the mug.

"Goodness! Just what am I supposed to do with you?" With a long sigh, Mrs. Hudson went back to work. Derek picked up his briefcase from the table near the door and went outside to the car. He squinted when the sunlight shined across his face. The weather was too nice for him to be feeling so awful. He frowned when his driver, Max, greeted him.

"Good morning, sir!"

"Ugh! Not so loud." Derek got in the car and closed his eyes. Max hopped in and started the car.

"Fun night, sir?" Max chuckled but didn't say anything else and started driving after receiving a glare from Derek. For the entire drive to work, Derek silently drank his coffee and rested his eyes. It would've been better if he could have taken the day off but he still had work piled up from his vacation. He couldn't afford to slack off.

The car soon pulled up outside of the company. As Derek walked inside, many employees would politely greet him on his way to his office. Once there, he sat down at his desk and got to work. Around lunch time, Derek remembered what Aiden said about talking to Milo so he sent a text to find out what happened after the banquet. He wasn't sure when Milo would respond so he just continued working after lunch without thinking too much about it.

However, when Milo sent a response a few minutes later explaining everything, Derek was astonished at his own foolishness. How could he have allowed himself to drink so recklessly that he couldn't even walk on his own? He had never done anything like that before. When he imagined everything Aiden had dealt with, he felt even worse. It's not like he was some kid trying alcohol for the first time. If he knew that's how things would have ended up, he wouldn't have had any wine at all. He would need to be more careful in the future.

He sighed and laid his head face down on the desk, only sitting back up again when his cell phone buzzed. He picked it up and paused when he saw it was a text sent from Aiden. He felt nervous for some reason but knew he couldn't just avoid reading it. He opened the message and was relieved that Aiden was just asking if he was feeling better. Derek didn't know what he had been expecting but he was glad everything seemed normal.

The two of them texted back and forth a few more times throughout the day which improved Derek's mood significantly. He wondered when his emotions had become so easily influenced. It wasn't like him at all. Just exchanging a few sentences over the phone with Aiden had completely erased all of the fatigue he'd been feeling since he woke up that morning. Due to his renewed energy, Derek was able to get more work done than he thought he would.

Unfortunately, he was still far behind what was needed. He'd have to work late if he wanted to finish everything. Normally if he wasn't going to be home for dinner he would simply send a message to Mrs. Hudson. This time though, he informed Mrs. Hudson as well as Aiden that he wouldn't be back in time. Things were slowly changing ever since he'd met Aiden but Derek realized that he didn't mind at all.

As soon as his phone buzzed again, he picked it up to check the message. He was disappointed when he saw that it wasn't from Aiden but Mrs. Hudson instead.