The day of the class ski trip finally arrived. It was early in the morning and Milo was loading Aiden's bags in the car. Derek had made sure to wake up early so he could see Aiden off but unfortunately, since Becca and Spencer were also going on the trip, everyone else was around. That meant he wouldn't be able to say goodbye the way he wanted to. Derek sighed and shook his head. He knew he wasn't the only one disappointed and annoyed at the presence of Lyla and her children.
Aiden stood off to the side with his arms crossed in front of him. He watched the chaos of Lyla trying to get Becca and Spencer's driver to successfully load their luggage into their car. However, Becca had clearly packed way too much and it would be impossible to make it all fit and allow room for Becca and Spencer to actually get in the backseat. When Lyla reluctantly admitted to herself that it was indeed not possible, she started arguing with Becca to leave things behind.
Thankfully, Aiden didn't have to be subjected to their collective stupidity for too long because, moments later, Milo informed him that his belongings were loaded and they could leave at any time. Aiden walked over to Derek and smiled.
"Well then, I guess I should get going." Derek nodded.
"Mhm. Have a safe trip." The two of them stood there in silence just looking at each other for a second.
"...Yeah, I will. I'll see you later." Aiden turned and walked away without looking back. He felt sad, which frustrated him a bit. It wasn't like they wouldn't see one another again. The trip only lasted a few days after all. Aiden couldn't help but think that he was being ridiculous. Was it normal to be so attached that even a few days apart felt like a lifetime? Surely not, right?
Once Aiden was seated in the back of the car, Milo drove off in the direction of the school. Derek only stayed until Aiden was gone and then left without saying a word to any of the others. Spencer was sitting in the car waiting for his sister while Becca and Lyla were still arguing about her luggage.
Arriving at the school parking lot, Aiden saw several buses waiting to be loaded with students and their luggage. The teachers that were going along as chaperons were already there and were assisting the students who had gotten there before Aiden. Some of the students' parents were present but most of them had their drivers or other household employees handling their bags.
Milo parked the car and went to get Aiden's bags. Aiden got out in a hurry and tried to carry his own luggage but Milo insisted.
"It's fine," Milo said. "This is also part of my job, you know. Besides, look around. Do you see any of the other students carrying their own stuff?"
"No, but that doesn't mean I can't."
"Just let me get it this time." Milo carried the bags away leaving Aiden no choice in the matter. When Milo was done with the luggage, he said his goodbyes and left.
After checking in with one of the teachers, Aiden was told to wait with the other students until everyone else arrived and then they'd get on the buses. He saw Zeke sitting on the ground with his back against the building, trying to sleep by the look of it, and Ava pushing his legs with her foot and pestering him to get up.
"Do you know how unsanitary it is to sit there?" Ava asked. "Why didn't you go to sleep early last night if you knew we had to be here so early?" Zeke continued to ignore her with his eyes closed and Aiden thought it best to steer clear of the overly energetic Ava so early in the morning.
Turning around, Aiden saw Yuki arrive with his step-brother. Mikael handled the luggage and they spoke for a moment afterwards. Aiden could tell even from a distance that their interactions were stiff and awkward but Yuki seemed to be trying his best. Before Mikael got back in his car, he hesitantly patted Yuki's head. Only after Mikael's car had disappeared did Yuki turn around and see Aiden wave at him.
"Aiden! You're here already! Good morning."
"Do you want to sit together on the bus?" Yuki asked with obvious excitement. Aiden smiled and nodded.
"Sure. It'll be more fun that way." They both continued to chat as more and more students arrived. Eventually, one of the chaperons started having the students get on the buses. Each student was checked off on a list as they boarded. Yuki and Aiden got on the bus and sat together towards the middle. Soon after, Zeke and Ava boarded the same bus. When Ava saw them, she waved enthusiastically and grinned.
"Yuki! Aiden! I'm so happy we're on the same bus!" She pushed Zeke forward and into the seat across from them and then sat down next to him. Zeke never said a word the entire time and simply put his earbuds on and leaned against the window. Almost all the students were present and on the buses when a final car sped into the parking lot.
Naturally, it was Spencer and Becca who got out of the car. The poor driver was left to deal with all the bags as they both went to the last empty bus and checked in with the teacher. Aiden was just glad he wasn't stuck on the same bus as them. It was supposed to be a long ride, taking a little less than five hours to get to the resort.
When everyone was accounted for and the buses started driving, some of the students cheered. Since they all had to be at the school very early for the trip, a lot of people ended up falling asleep on the way. Yuki was one of them. It only took twenty minutes for him to drift off to sleep and fall over onto Aiden's shoulder. Aiden chuckled and took a picture of them. He'd send one to Yuki later.
After an hour or so, something in traffic caused the bus driver to slam on the brakes, waking up every single person who was sleeping. Aiden had to catch Yuki to prevent him from falling forward and hitting his head.
"Huh? What happened?" Yuki glanced around and Aiden explained. Yuki gasped. "Oh! I'm so sorry! You could've just pushed me off. I didn't drool on you, did I?" He wiped the sides of his mouth to check. "And thanks for catching me."
"It's fine! No worries. You can use my shoulder as a pillow whenever." Yuki chuckled.
A few more hours passed and they finally arrived at the resort after driving through the mountain roads for a while. There was lots of snow everywhere and they could see other people skiing on the slopes as they got off the bus. One of the teachers quickly gathered the students.
"Alright, listen up! The rooms are separated into boys and girls with four students in each room. I want everyone to pair up and then find another pair to join you before coming to get your room keys. You're to find your rooms and unpack first. Then, meet in the mess hall for lunch and the teachers will hand out the vouchers you need to rent equipment. For anyone who doesn't know how to ski, today and tomorrow there will be lessons right after lunch. Any questions? No? Then get moving!"
Yuki and Aiden were already a pair so they started looking for another pair to join them. Yuki spotted Zeke and tugged Aiden's sleeve.
"I don't know who his partner is but we could ask Zeke." Aiden agreed and they walked over. Zeke saw them coming.
"We were wondering if you wanted to room with us after you find a partner." Aiden said. Zeke answered right away.
"Mhm." At his short reply, Aiden and Yuki looked at each other and then back at Zeke. Yuki asked,
"Do you have anyone you want to ask?"
"Nope." Yuki didn't know what to do and Aiden laughed.
"Don't worry about it, Yuki. After everyone else gets paired up, there'll be someone left over and he can join us." Aiden didn't think much about it when he said it but he really regretted his laid back way of viewing the situation when the only one left without a group was Spencer. Aiden frowned. "You've got to be kidding me."
"What?" Yuki and Zeke asked simultaneously.
"...He's my cousin." Aiden knew that, with just those words, Yuki would understand since he told him a little about his family circumstances before. Zeke on the other hand could only guess from the expression on Aiden's face that they didn't get along. Reluctantly, Aiden went to tell the teacher who was in their group and got their room keys.