Ever since Yuki and Mikael started talking somewhat normally again, the two of them didn't really have many opportunities to spend any quality time together. In the past, even when they didn't see each other for a while due to Mikael being at college, they would still communicate even by phone almost everyday.
However, neither Mikael nor Yuki really knew how to talk to the other like they used to. So many things had changed and despite them both trying, it was rather awkward. That's why Yuki wasn't expecting Mikael to suddenly suggest spending the entire weekend together.
"Huh? You want to what?"
"I said that I think we should go to the aquarium today. Also, there were quite a few new movies released recently so you should pick one for us to watch tomorrow. And we might as well eat out while we're at it."
"So…You want to spend the whole weekend with me? All of it? What about work?" Yuki asked.
"I'm taking the weekend off. But, if you don't want to go…"
"No! I do! I want to go!" Yuki blushed slightly when he realized he had shouted.
"Alright then. Go get ready." Mikael's lips formed an almost imperceptible smile as he watched Yuki excitedly scurry out of the dining room.
Around a half an hour later, both Yuki and Mikael headed out the door and over to the car. Mikael got there first and opened the passenger side door for Yuki, who looked at him questioningly.
"...Are you driving?" Mikael only nodded in response and ushered Yuki into the car. After sitting down in the driver's seat, Mikael checked to make sure Yuki had his seatbelt on before starting the car.
The drive to the aquarium didn't take too long but the entire time passed in silence. It was clear that neither of them had any idea what to talk about. Yuki kept fidgeting in his seat throughout the car ride.
When they finally arrived, Mikael went to buy the admission tickets and told Yuki to wait for him nearby. Yuki watched Mikael's back as he walked away and his thoughts began to wander. He couldn't help but wonder why he was suddenly invited out. Despite both of them wanting to talk more and fix their relationship, it was still so strange. No matter how hard he tried, Yuki always felt tense and anxious when he was around Mikael. He was constantly worrying about everything falling apart all over again.
"Huh?" Mikael's voice shocked Yuki out of his thoughts. He then realized that Mikael was standing in front of him and holding out a ticket. "Oh! …Sorry. Thanks." Yuki shyly took his ticket without making eye contact with Mikael.
"What were you thinking about so intently to zone out like that?" Mikael asked.
"...Nothing much." Realizing Yuki had no intention of saying more about it, Mikael decided to change the subject.
"Alright. Shall we go inside then?" Yuki nodded and the two of them entered the aquarium. Yuki's eyes lit up in excitement the moment they walked through the doors.
Hanging from the high ceiling were several sea creature replicas. Huge whales, dolphins, and sea turtles seemed to swim through the air above them. An ocean mural decorated the tile floor beneath their feet and decorative signs throughout the building pointed towards different tanks and exhibits.
As Yuki was gazing around in awe, he caught sight of Mikael watching him with a small smile. Yuki blushed.
"Uh…W-where do you want to go first?"
"It's up to you." With the choice left to Yuki, they started exploring the aquarium.
They passed tanks of all kinds of fish and coral of many different colors. Yuki happily scurried from one tank to the next making sure not to miss anything. Sharks, turtles, manta rays, jellyfish, and more filled room after room. Yuki even squealed in delight when they happened upon a penguin habitat.
As the time ticked by, more and more people started to fill the aquarium. As it was a weekend, it became incredibly crowded. At one point, Yuki was almost lost in the crowd but he soon felt a tight grip on his hand before being pulled to Mikael's side.
"Oh! Um…t-thank you. Uh, you can l-let go of my hand now." Yuki stammered as he stared at Mikael's hand holding his own but Mikael didn't release him.
"It's better to stay like this so you don't get lost."
"Uh…okay." So, from then on, they continued around the aquarium hand in hand.
Once they had seen everything there was to see, they went to the gift shop. Yuki was only planning on looking around and then leaving but, surprisingly, Mikael went to the counter to buy something. Yuki waited patiently off to the side until Mikael was done and joined him. Then, they left the aquarium and went back to the car.
When they were both seated inside the car, Mikael handed the small bag containing his gift shop purchase to Yuki.
"Here." Yuki took it with a shocked look on his face.
"Huh? Is it for me?" Mikael simply nodded and started the car. Yuki slowly opened the bag and pulled out a small adorable penguin keychain. He smiled warmly at the gift. "Thank you." The rest of the drive passed in silence again but, contrary to before, the silence was a peaceful one.