6: The End (Not the Actual End)

"Where are we?" Nobita asked as he looked around the abandoned warehouse. The place looked creepy as the moon shone from above. He was still shaking from his previous encounter. He had finally let his heart out at them. They probably will try their best to find him now. His friends. Those people are trying really hard to bring him back, only to abuse him again and again...

"This is an abandoned warehouse, in case you're wondering." Absolute gave a smug reply as he appeared from the entrance: "This is where I and Riruru hid from the world."

Nobita was so engrossed in looking around that he had not seen Absolute's creepy smirk as the criminal stared at the moon. "Anytime now," he whispered in a giggly voice. Now that he has Nobita where he wants him, he can finally carry out his plan. Absolute almost gave out a sinister laugh, but he managed to cover it up with a cough.

"So..Nobita? Are you ready to abandon this world? wi;; you follow me? It'll be us against the world. Are you up for it, partner?"

Nobita nodded with no hesitation. He was done. Now that he was finally free from his torture, he would fight against the world he now hates. If the world wants to betray him, it's time for him to betray the world.

"Good..." Absolute's eyes gleamed suddenly.

The moon changed color.

Finally, the time has come.

"We can still make it." Absolute would always bring his victims to this specific abandoned warehouse location. No matter what year or timeline he is in, he always brings them here. But hopefully, my theory is right. Dorami hoped as the group ran. They suddenly felt the earthquake, but Dorami encouraged them to keep running.

"Wh-what's going on!?" Suneo screamed as the group kept running to their next destination, led by Dorami. The group kept on running despite the ground trembling and tearing, causing a fissure in the road behind them. The group looked back to see people running out of buildings as the tall buildings crumbled down like sand. This looked like an apocalypse.

"Absolute has done it. This timeline will be erased, but..." Dorami paused as they reached an abandoned warehouse. "Gian, kick down the door."


"What's going on?" Nobita asked as he and Riruru tried to balance themselves after the earthquake. Suddenly, Absolute pulled out a knife and pointed it at Nobita. Seeing this, Nobita widened his eyes in fear.

"Absolute? "What's going on?" Nobita asked as he tried to get away from the criminal, but he stumbled and fell, his eyes not tearing away from Absolute's creepy grin as he held a knife.

"You really are a fool. With this, I can finally take over the timeline. I just need to kill you, and then it will all be over." Absolute said in a giggly tone and lunged at the boy. Miraculously, Nobita jumped out of the way, but Absolute did not hesitate to lunge again.

"Why are you doing this?" Nobita had managed to ask over his trembling voice. Absolute was his friend. He had shown Nobita the kindness he hadn't seen in this world, and now here he was, running away from his own friend, trying to kill him. Backing into a corner was a grave mistake as Absolute had cornered him. Bloodlust was in his eyes as he prepared to finally kill Nobita when suddenly


Absolute frowned as he heard the door open with a sharp bang. He turned to see who it was and clicked his tongue in disgust when he saw who it was.

Doraemon and the group

noticed that the attention was away from him. Nobita tried to slip past, but Absolute tripped him with his feet.

"Nobita was really easy to fool. I just had to wait until he was broken and befriend him. It was all too easy," Absolute said as he slammed a foot down on Nobita's back, preventing him from escaping, but a sudden air canon blast knocked him away, allowing Nobita to easily escape.

"Nobita! Come!" The giant shouted, but instead of going where Doraemon and the others are, Nobita ignored them and ran to help Riruru instead. Holding out a hand, Nobita tried to help her up. "Come on, Riruru! "We have to get away!"

Riruru stared at the hand before slowly reaching out to grab it. Doraemon and the others thought the two would be safe for now until they dealt with Absolute. But Riruru suddenly pulled Nobita down and pinned him to the ground, shocking the others.

"Riruru! "What are you doing!?" Suneo shouted as he tried to reach for them, but the earthquake made him fall flat on his face.

"Nobita must die here... Absolute will have this timeline whether you like it or not," Riruru said in a monotone voice, shocking Nobita and the others.

"W-Why?" Nobita asked with tears in his eyes: "Too many betrayals had happened in just weeks in his life. Now he doesn't know who to trust anymore."

"Because.." Absolute suddenly spoke as he knocked Doraemon down and stole the air canon from him: "I can't take over a timeline if you still exist." Absolute explained that the earthquake tore the warehouse apart completely, leaving them in a barren wasteland with dead red skies.

"Take over a timeline. Don't tell me. Dorami suddenly spoke. Her mind filled with the cases Absolute had done—the killings and murders across time. He killed this one specific person last.

"Absolute..you're an alternate version of Nobita!"

Absolute paused as he slowly turned his head to the group, slowly giving a creepy grin as the earthquake slowly stopped, turning his head to look at the group, "Finally figure it out? "It took you long enough, Dorami."

What..the others were shocked by this truth..the s-rank criminal that took over various timelines and destroyed them..the criminal that was feared by the past, present, and future..the criminal that gave the time police a hard time..was a former ugly, useless, and timid boy they used to know? Nobita, on the other hand, was speechless beyond words. Absolute was actually an alternate version of him? it sounded like from a storybook.

"you're kidding..right?" Suneo managed to stutter out "Absolute is actually Nobita from another timeline."

"It can't be..." Shizuka sobbed.

"Doraemon.,.you?" Gian asked Doraemon when he saw that Doraemon wasn't shocked or crying; instead, a serious look was on his face.

"I'm sorry everyone. Dorami and I were the only ones who knew about this. We didn't want to tell you." Doraemon said with guilt in his voice as the others stood up slowly, now that the earthquake had stopped.

"You..why?!" Suneo asked again.

"Because..you all won't have the heart to catch him and put him on trial..you can't stand seeing your friend in the time police courtroom..if you knew..you would hesitate." a voice suddenly said. A hole appeared, and a figure that looked like Doraemon dropped down in front of them.

"Dora the kid." Dorami greeted her boyfriend. Kid nodded in return as he turned to face Absolute. "Absolute..you're under arrest..we've known your identity, so you can't run away now..give up."

Absolute, however, looked bored. "Hmph. Do you really think I care if I get caught? All I need to do is kill Nobita, and the timeline will be mine."

"What does it mean to kill yourself? "Won't that make you disappear?" Giant asked

"Hmph..it's pointless to tell you since you'll die, but..whatever. I can't use my full power to erase the timeline if Nobita is here..because we are the same person... Nobita actually has half of my power... when I kill Nobita..that means there will only be one Nobita instead of two in the same timeline..that means the powers will return to me.." Absolute answered as he smirked again. "Any more questions before we say goodbye?"

Gaint just wanted to pound Absolute to the ground, but before he could say anything, Shizuka suddenly spoke after overcoming her shock. "If you're Nobita, then why?" Shizuka trailed off as he felt everyone's attention on her.

Absolute raised an eyebrow as she continued, "Why are you doing this? If you're Nobita, then what happened to make you become like this? an S-rank criminal on the run..why?"

Absolute was silent for a while. The others did not do anything as they waited for Absolute to answer and were surprised to hear him scoff.

"A story about me? "Well..you're going to die anyway.." Absolute snapped as suddenly everything was pitch black.

I got home from school, sick and tired. I was scolded by sensei. I was bullied by Giant and Suneo. I was rejected by Shizuka. And finally, Doraemon left me. I was planning on running away, but that wasn't enough. I desired revenge.

I researched some tools in the 23rd century and managed to find an article about an abandoned experiment led by scientists. They were trying to create a ring that can control people. It was deemed too dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. So I traveled back to the 23rd century and stole the item. I also stole various other items, including gauntlets that can create shock waves, pills that make me stronger than usual, and an item that can be used to change my face and identity.

I wanted to use the time ring to erase my own timeline. However, it needed time to charge. It wasn't long before Dorami and the time police received a report of the missing items and identified me. Now Dorami and the time police, along with Giant, Suneo, Shizuka, and Doraemon, tried to stop me, but I killed them all and erased my timeline. And with this newfound power, I bought Riruru back and erased that timeline so she didn't have to disappear. But thinking about the other timelines where a Nobita is always bullied, I've taken it into my hands to recreate every single timeline.

"Just because you've had a bad day, you decided to erase the entire timeline?!"Giant retorted" Absolute merely sneered.

"Not just a bad day, but a bad life, now with me so close to recreating a timeline. I won't let you stop me." Absolute smirked as he walked over to Nobita. The others couldn't do anything as Absolute had created a shockwave to keep them away.

"Now..say goodbye..useless fool.." Absolute was about to plunge the knife when suddenly

"WAIT!" Nobita held out a hand, effectively stopping Absolute, who raised an eyebrow. "I'll kill myself. That way, you won't have to do it."

Absolute raised an eyebrow. "Hmph... rare of a Nobita requesting to kill himself. Must've lost all hope to live?."

Absolute paused as he looked at Riruru. The girl only gave a nod. "It'll be better if he kills himself. That way, you can fully assume your powers." Riruru explained. Absolute smirked as he held the knife out to Nobita.

"Hmph..fine..at least I get to see your pathetic face killing yourself."

The group could only watch in terror as Nobita took the knife and held it near his throat. "No! Don't do it, Nobita!" they screamed as they tried to fight against the shock wave blowing them back, but it was too strong.

Was it all over?

Nobita suddenly stabbed his knee, shocking Absolute for the first time along with everyone. Absolute suddenly felt pain in his knee and fell to the ground.

"What happened!?" Suneo asked as the shockwaves died down, allowing them to run to Nobita's aid as Riruru ran to help Absolute, who was glaring daggers at Nobita.

"Y-you.." he growled.

Nobita gave a light chuckle despite his face churning up in pain. "Heh, guess even though you're powerful..you still have that same brain of mine," Nobita said as he held an item in his hand—the time ring.

Nobita had managed to steal the time ring when Absolute gave it to him. Now, because Absolute erased his own timeline, he started to disappear.

"No! This can't be!! I won't.-" Absolute couldn't finish as he faded into nothingness. The group fell to their knees. Finally, it was over.

With the S-rank criminal erased from existence, Tokyo was back to normal, minus the crumbled buildings and tears on the road. The skies turned back into a bright blue, and people came out of their hiding spots to relive the fresh air and the feeling of the sun once again.

"Riruru?" Nobita called out to the girl. Riruru turned to Nobita and gave her a smile. "Forgive me, Nobita."

"It's alright, Riruru. If it weren't for you, I may not have been able to steal the ring." Nobita thanked him as he held the time ring up to show her. As the police started investigating, Doraemon treated Nobita's wounds as each of them apologized.

"We're really sorry, Nobita. Please forgive us."

"Nah, it's my fault because I chose to get revenge. This is partly my fault too."

Riruru watched with a smile as she felt herself glitching. She looked down at her hands to see her hand glitching from existence. It was time for her to say goodbye.

"Riruru?" Shizuka called out and noticed her disappearing. "wha-"

"I'm sorry..but since Absolute erased my timeline as well, I cannot exist here." Riruru explained, "Even though I don't remember you, I'm sure we were all good friends, right?"

"Of course we are, and we will always be," Shizuka spoke as tears rolled down her eyes. Her heart ached as she remembered saying goodbye to Riruru before, and now she has to say goodbye once again.

"Well... Goodbye, everyone!" And with that, Riruru disappeared.

It's been 4 months since the incident with Absolute... After Riruru disappeared, Nobita had an awkward reunion with his parents, friends, and teachers at school. The only difference this time is that Nobita has to see a counselor every week, but besides that, everything was back to normal.

But. But what was more surprising was that Nobita's grade seems to have increased and he and he has become somewhat more responsible.

Shizuka had finally had the guts to ask Nobita out. However, However, Nobita rejected it, as if someone else was in his heart.

"What are you doing?" Doraemon asked as Nobita came out of the drawer where the time machine was.

"Just picking this up," Nobita said as he held an item that made Doraemon widen his eyes.

"What are you planning to do with the time ring?"

Nobita gave a creepy grin and said, "I'm going to going to erase the timeline." ." Nobita trailed off when he noticed Doraemon aiming at him with an air cannon. "Just kidding..." Nobita laughed as he placed the time ring on his ring finger. "I'm just trying to see if this works.."

The time ring glowed and nothing happened when suddenly, something materialises in front of them. No, No, it's not something but it was someone. Doraemon was shocked beyond words as the recently materialized figure gasped as she looked around, finally laying her eyes on Nobita, Tears leaked out of her eyes as she lunged at Nobita to give him a hug.

"You bought me back." ." She whispered

"I promised you from another timeline..."

If we beat Absolute, then please use the time ring to bring the meme backpack from your timeline if possible. I want her to be happy.

"Welcome back..Riruru"