Chapter 1: The Boy who will become King

*Prologue Begins*The world was once a desolate place, overrun by corruption and evil. Leaders and criminals alike took advantage of the chaos, leaving ordinary people helpless. But there came a time when three individuals could no longer bear witness to this injustice. This is the story of their journey, and how one of them would forge a lasting legacy.The tale begins in an ordinary city, where a man named Harrison stood atop a towering building, gazing out into the distance. Exhaustion lined his face, a testament to the burdens life had placed upon him. Suddenly, his attention was captured by a boy leaping from rooftop to rooftop, surrounded by crackling lightning. Close behind, a military man pursued the boy relentlessly, demanding him to halt. Intrigued, Harrison decided to follow the chase from a safe distance.The boy found himself unable to shake off his pursuer, but a glimmer of hope appeared in the form of an alleyway ahead. He headed straight for it, with the military man hot on his heels. As the boy reached the alleyway, the military man closed in, speaking to him in a calm tone."Kid, stop running. I've been ordered to bring you in peacefully. I know you have no family and you're not registered as a Special, just come with me. My name is SGT..."Before the Sergeant could finish his sentence, the boy retorted with defiance."I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE! YOU'RE JUST A GOVERNMENT LAP DOG TRYING TO TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM. I WILL NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN!"The Sergeant's amusement waned, but he attempted to reason with the boy, explaining the significance of joining the military. However, the boy remained unmoved. "Listen, boy, if you come with me and join the military, you can have the great honor of serving the King! Doesn't that sound great?"For a brief moment, the boy fell silent, causing the Sergeant to believe progress was being made. But then, the boy burst into laughter. "SCREW THE KING!"Both the Sergeant and Harrison were taken aback by the boy's words but for different reasons. Undeterred, the boy continued, "The king doesn't care about his people, this world, or any of us..."The Sergeant, growing increasingly frustrated, attempted to dismiss the boy's claims as naive. Yet, the boy wasn't finished."THAT'S WHY I, CHRISTIAN, WILL BECOME THE KING AND SAVE THIS WORLD!"As Christian declared his ambition, his face held a determined pride. He appeared no older than fourteen, with a shock of white hair and the appearance of someone who had endured a life on the streets.The Sergeant, realizing the futility of reforming Christian, prepared to apprehend him. He unleashed his special ability, summoning clones of himself—one after another until there were ten Sergeant figures blocking Christian's path. But Christian, undaunted, took a step back.Harrison watched from a safe distance, silently pondering, "What will you do now, kid?"Closing in, the Sergeant approached Christian, intent on capturing him. "It's over now, kid." Christian continued to retreat, but suddenly, he touched a nearby power box in the alley, drawing electricity into his hand. A surge of power gathered, and just as the Sergeant lunged forward, Christian released the amassed electricity, electrifying the ground and incapacitating the clones and the Sergeant in a single, devastating strike.Impressed by Christian's display, Harrison couldn't celebrate. The Sergeant may have been defeated, but a new threat emerged from the alley's entrance. A shadowy figure spoke, "Good thing I followed along." Christian visibly trembled at the surprise visitor.Stepping into the light, the figure revealed himself as Neo, the 1st Lieutenant of the Marine Corps. He addressed Christian, "That guy was one of my marines. Not bad, kid, but your tricks won't work twice."In an instant, Neo hurled a barrage of shurikens toward Christian, who couldn't react in time. But just as the shurikens closed in, Harrison descended from the roof, intercepting them with deft movements.Addressing Christian, Harrison spoke, "You did well, kid. I've taken a liking to you."Surprised by Harrison's sudden appearance and protection, Christian cried out, "STRANGER DANGER!" only to be swiftly silenced by a smack on the head."Stop yelling that, kid, or people will get the wrong idea," Harrison chided.As Christian rubbed his sore head, he cautiously observed Harrison—a man wearing a suit with a cross pendant and carrying a large steel case in the shape of a cross. This man, with light purplish hair of medium length and a scar on his face, had made a grand entrance.Christian tries to escape still thinking he's in danger. Harrison tries all he can to reason with Christian but Harrison finds his efforts fruitless and opts to knock him out instead. "Jeez, kid, you're quite the handful."Amidst the commotion, Neo seized the opportunity to unleash a few more shurikens while Harrison's attention was diverted. Unfazed, Harrison effortlessly caught each one, much to Neo's surprise. Not missing a beat, Harrison returned all the shurikens in one fluid motion, forcing Neo to unsheathe his ninja sword and block the incoming projectiles. Neo smirked, acknowledging Harrison's skill.Harrison thanked Neo for the compliment, responding with a touch of humor, "Thanks, I've been working out." He then lit a cigarette, further irritating Neo, who believed Harrison wasn't taking the situation seriously. Seizing the moment, Neo charged at Harrison with incredible speed, wielding his ninja sword in a relentless assault. Yet, Harrison effortlessly evaded each strike with slight, graceful movements. Neo's frustration grew as he continued his barrage of attacks.Time and time again, Harrison eluded Neo's strikes with apparent ease, never once allowing a blow to connect. Frustrated, Neo pressed on, his attacks relentless. But in a momentary lapse of focus, Neo made a small mistake, granting Harrison the opening he needed. Swiftly, Harrison struck Neo's stomach, sending him sprawling several feet away, gasping for air.As Neo struggled to regain his composure, he glanced up at Harrison, his eyes widening in terror. Harrison twirled several pins between his fingers, pins that Neo recognized as the grenade pins from his own belt. Then, an enormous explosion erupted, engulfing the area.In the chaos, Harrison grabbed Christian, whisking him away from the danger. The Sergeant lay unconscious, and the mysterious Neo had vanished amidst the explosion's turmoil.Harrison looked down at the boy in his arms, muttering, "Poor kid."He carried Christian back to his apartment and gently laid him on the couch, waiting for him to awaken. Hours passed, and Christian finally began to stir.As Harrison poured himself a cup of coffee, he addressed Christian, "Hey, kid, you alright?" The shock of awakening put Christian on edge, unsure of his surroundings."Who the hell are you, old man?" Christian snapped. Harrison chuckled in response, trying to ease the tension."I'm not that old."Undeterred, Christian pointed and shouted, "LIES! I see that white hair on your head, and you're drinking coffee! STRANGER DANG..." Once again, Harrison silenced Christian with a swift smack to the head."Stop yelling that, kid, or people will get the wrong idea," he scolded.Rubbing his aching head, Christian grumbled, "NEVER, STRAN...!" The back-and-forth continued as Harrison repeatedly smacked Christian's head.Finally, Christian relented, his head filled with lumps. Sighing, Harrison attempted to resume the conversation. "Kid, why don't you eat something? Here." He handed Christian a bowl of ramen, but Christian adamantly refused despite his growling belly. Harrison persisted, offering other food items, but Christian remained stubborn. Eventually, Harrison gave up and returned the last dish to the fridge. However, Christian's eyes caught sight of a peculiar food item—the musubi.Christian's mouth watered at the sight of the rice rectangle topped with spam and wrapped in seaweed. Without hesitation, Harrison retrieved the musubi and handed it to Christian, who dove into it with fervor."Glad you enjoy it, kid," Harrison remarked, watching Christian devour the treat.Once Christian had finished his meal, Harrison initiated another conversation. "Alright, kid, I guess the best way to start this off is by calling you by your name. It's Christian, right?"Christian, his demeanor softened, responded between bites, "Yeah..."Seizing the opportunity, Harrison introduced himself. "My name is Harrison. I saved you from the Lieutenant who tried to apprehend you."Pondering Harrison's motivation, Christian asked, "Why did you save me?"Harrison settled into a seat and contemplated for a moment. "I'm not sure. Maybe I was intrigued by the future king of this world."Christian's tense expression relaxed, and his tone softened as he replied, "I see..."Recognizing the change in atmosphere, Harrison suggested that Christian get some rest.