Chapter 25: The Flame of Revenge

The moment Colonel Johnston showed up he had his sights set on Ace, "Hey Priest, the lieutenant somewhat explained the situation to me but I don't understand the big picture."

While Colonel Johnston was locked up she was able to give him the basics of the plan itself.

Harrison responds to the Colonel saying, "Well, for now, we have to worry about the assassin."

Colonel Johnston nods his head, "That's what I thought, I have a request for you."

Harrison asks what the request may be and all Colonel Johnston said was, "Protect Emma." Then Colonel Johnston's flames start to engulf his entire body radiating a ridiculous amount of heat.

The lieutenant arrives moments after as the Colonel leaves to take on Ace.

"What's going on priest?"

Harrison responds to her, "He plans to fight the assassin himself."

Lt. Campos is shocked when she hears this realizing how strong the assassin is, "What! And you let him! We have to help!"

Harrison just shakes his head no.

"What, what do you mean no?"

Harrison then explains, "It's not wise to fight Ace with more than one person. Ace is an assassin and specializes in taking advantage of their opponent's weaknesses. For example, using hostages." He says this as he looks at Lt. Campos. "I think your Colonel here has realized this and decided to take Ace one on one. He also asked me to look out for you as well."

Lt. Campos feels helpless and frustrated in this situation.

"Sorry to say this lieutenant, but since you're already marked, you're only a liability leave it to your Colonel."

Lt. Campos feels down but realizes this isn't the time for that and smacks her face with her hands to snap her out of it. "Fine so what now?"

"Well stay with me for now just in case." When he said that, a knife flew towards the lieutenant and Harrison knocked it away. "You're still a target. We need to continue making a scene elsewhere to get attention away from Teddy and Christian."

Harrison and the lieutenant begin taking out more thugs in the most open areas in the city. While the Colonel and Ace begin fighting in the city.

Ace and Colonel Johnston are fighting in an intense battle, "Seems like you're much more serious now, Colonel."

Colonel Johnston with a complete focus on Ace says, "I won't let you escape." The Colonel starts creating massive damage to the city as the fight continues and his flames start engulfing everything in his path. Ace continues to try to dodge his attacks but huge flames continue to chase after them and every time they throw something at the Colonel it burns up before it reaches him.

"You seem very destructive Colonel. What happened?" When looking into the Colonel's eyes they sees a raging fire that only looked like it was meant for destruction, however, all of a sudden Ace got a call.

"ASSASSIN, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" The call was from Mr. J.

Ace answers, "Just having a little fun here, how about you boss."

"He's destroying my city, I need you to KILL HIM NOW!"

"I thought you wanted to keep him alive, now you want him dead. Make up your mind bossman." Ace chuckles a bit.

"THIS IS NOT A JOKE, IF YOU DON'T FINISH HIM OFF IMMEDIATELY I WILL...." In the middle of him talking Ace hangs up and picks his ear because Mr. J was so loud.


Mr. J becomes very frustrated. And the fight continues.

"Damn assassin! Melody!"

The A.I shows up, "Yes Sir."

"What is the state of my city now." He says as a vein pops in his forehead.

Melody responds with a holographic model of the city taking damage, "It seems there's destruction in many major parts of the city, also a huge fight is going on in the middle near the apple statue."

"Dammit, what's going on!" Mr. J yells in anger and frustration.

All this happens while Christian and Teddy continue moving up the tower eliminating thugs quietly until they finally arrive at the main office.

Teddy starts off by saying, "Alright, we are finally here."

Christian replies, "Sweet! So now we just have to beat up that guy right?"

Teddy responds, "Basically and I need to find my mother."

Christian puts a smile on his face, "Simple Enough!" Then Christian knocks down the door and exclaims, "THE KING IS HERE!!!"

Teddy looks at Christian like he's an idiot, "So much for the quiet approach and man was that cringe."

Christian then points at Mr. J who still is looking outside the window, "I got you bossman, give up or I'll punch your face!"

Mr. J as he looks outside the window is visibly pissed off, "Melody... what are these kids doing here..."

Teddy finally speaks up with a shaky voice, "Melody doesn't respond to you anymore. Hey Melody."

Melody appears before Teddy, "Yes Master Theodore."

Teddy looks at Mr. J when he says this, "Complete shutdown protocol."

Melody responds, "As you wish." The entire office starts being locked down and the self-defense systems across the city have been activated.

Teddy then faces Mr. J. "It's over, hand over my mother, or else."

Mr. J slowly turns around, "OR ELSE... WHAT!" As he says this he looks at both Christian and Teddy with a fierce intensity. "You think you two little kids can stop me! RIDICULOUS!" Mr. J then pulls out a gun.

Christian looks at him and laughs, "What is that going to do, you see this guy Teddy."

Teddy replies, "He must be planning something. We better deal with him quickly."

Christian smiles, "Easy Peasy." Lighting forms around him as he begins to charge.

Mr. J smiles maniacally, "Is that so... Melody..."

Teddy is confused and responds, "I told you Melody doesn't answer to you..."

Mr. J then utters something, "Bypass code, 322781."

After he says this Melody responds, "Code 322781 activated. Special Dampening Room engaged!"

Christian then says, "Special... what??" At that moment, all the lightning around his body disappeared and he fell to the floor.

Teddy at that moment came to a realization, "Wait, special dampening... it can't be."

Mr. J then starts laughing, "You're a smart kid, yes it has been completed. The ultimate weapon against specials!"

Teddy then looks visibly nervous, "But... how..."

Mr. J continues laughing, "I have my ways boy, once your life was threatened things were easy. Now that your special friend is weak, what will you do."

Christian starts to get up visibly tired and energy drained, "Hey bastard this fight just got started."