Chapter 53: Lucy vs Lt. Campos

The battlefield crackled with tension as Rax faced off against his formidable opponents, Koa and Christian. With his massive sword in hand, Rax channeled solar energy, infusing his weapon with power. He lunged forward, slashing through the air with a series of lightning-fast attacks.Koa and Christian proved to be agile adversaries, effortlessly dodging Rax's onslaught. Christian, harnessing his incredible speed, leaped into the air, lightning claws poised to strike. But Rax was prepared. With a swift motion, he blocked Christian's attack, their clash creating sparks that illuminated the battlefield.Seeing an opening, Rax used the solar energy coursing through his sword to unleash a devastating strike while Christian was still midair. However, Christian managed to react in the nick of time, using his lightning claw to anchor himself to the ground and narrowly avoid Rax's slash."Damn, that was close," Christian muttered, his voice laced with both relief and determination.As Christian evaded the attack, Koa seized the opportunity to launch a fierce assault, charging towards Rax with unwavering determination."I've got you now, you bastard!" Koa shouted, the intensity of his voice matching his relentless advance.Despite being momentarily off balance, Rax's lips curled into a knowing smile. He channeled even more solar energy into his sword, preparing for the clash with Koa.When Koa was within striking range, Rax propelled himself forward, utilizing the power of his solar-infused weapon to deliver a colossal swing aimed directly at Koa. But just as Rax's attack was about to connect, Christian intervened, gripping Rax's sword with his lightning claw. The distraction provided the perfect opening for Koa to penetrate Rax's defenses.With lightning-fast strikes raining down on Rax's body, Koa unleashed the full force of the Lee Clan Martial Arts."Lee Clan Martial Arts Karate Blitz!" Koa's voice echoed triumphantly.Rax endured the onslaught, blood spilling from his mouth. However, his spirit remained unyielding. Falling to the ground, he wore a defiant smile as the mysterious tattoos on his right arm began to spread, creeping across his entire body.As the temperature in the battlefield rose, Rax's fiery-red hair flared up, signaling a transformation. His grip tightened around his sword, determination burning in his eyes."It's time for round two!" Rax declared, his voice resonating with unwavering resolve. As he gets back up.Meanwhile, another clash unfolded between Lieutenant Campos, Quin, and the formidable Lucy.Bullets erupted from Lieutenant Campos' weapon as she fired a volley of shots at Lucy. Yet, Lucy effortlessly evaded each projectile, her nimble movements a testament to her skill. Simultaneously, Quin engaged in a fierce hand-to-hand combat with Lucy, her strikes met with expert blocks.Lucy, her voice filled with a mix of amusement and challenge, taunted Quin, "Is that all you've got, girly?"Undeterred, Quin persisted in her relentless assault, her determination unwavering. However, Lucy's agility proved difficult to overcome. During one of Quin's strikes, Lucy astonishingly defied gravity, launching herself into the air.Perplexed, Lieutenant Campos watched the unexpected aerial maneuver, her sharp eyes honing in on the source of Lucy's agility—a tail."She must be a mutant type," Lieutenant Campos thought to herself, her mind racing to determine the specifics.Exploiting the opening, Lucy swiftly descended from above, delivering a powerful punch that sent Quin hurtling towards the ground.Quin lay momentarily stunned, and Lieutenant Campos, her mind racing with concern, reached out to her telepathically."Eve, Quin, are you okay?" she communicated, her voice filled with worry."No, my body hurts all over. She's a tough one," Quin replied, her voice laced with pain.Eve, their ally in this battle, provided a glimmer of hope. "I might have a plan to defeat her," she suggested, her telepathic words resolute.Quin's curiosity piqued, and she responded, "I'm listening..."Meanwhile, Lucy relentlessly charged at Lieutenant Campos, her every movement intent on taking her down. Lieutenant Campos found herself on the defensive, searching for an opening amidst the onslaught."You're quite relentless, huh?" Lieutenant Campos remarked, her voice a mix of admiration and challenge.Lucy's assault continued unabated, her strikes landing with considerable force. She reveled in the exhilaration of the fight, calling out to Lieutenant Campos, her voice filled with delight."Don't give up on me now! I want a good fight!"Amidst the chaos, Lucy launched a barrage of punches, and Lieutenant Campos found herself desperately defending against the onslaught. Then, Lucy's hands came together for a double handed hammer fist towards the ground what followed was a thunderous impact, Lieutenant Campos was driven forcefully into the ground, creating a deep crater.The dust covered the battlefield, revealing Lieutenant Campos amidst the debris, her body covered in scratches and bruises. Though wounded, her resolve remained unshaken."Not bad, Lieutenant," Lucy admitted, a note of surprise in her voice. "I misjudged you. Most lieutenants I face are knocked out after a single punch."Lieutenant Campos responded with gratitude and a touch of admiration. "Thanks. I didn't expect you to be such a formidable opponent."Lucy's smile returned, revealing a hint of appreciation. "Aw, thanks."Lieutenant Campos uses her ability to analyze Lucy while she is covered by the dust. Lucy at the top of the crater began to yawn casually, her posture relaxed. Unbeknownst to her, a bullet soared towards her from the crater. Lucy, utilizing her tail, deflected the projectile effortlessly.Lucy's smile widened. "Seems like you still got some guts."Emerging from the debris, Lieutenant Campos shook off the dust, her body battered but her determination unbroken. She stood firm, ready to continue the fight.Lt. Campos pulled out her double pistols firing relentlessly at Lucy. Lucy continues to effortlessly block each shot with her tail. However Lt. Campos doesn't waver as she continues the onslaught. Lucy getting bored responds to the attack, "Is this all you have left?"Lt. Campos not responding continues until her very last bullet is used up. The moment she tries to fire again Lucy notices she is completely out of ammo. Lucy puts a huge smile on her face preparing to attack Lt. Campos but in that brief moment Quin took advantage of the fact she let her guard down.Lucy's surprise mounted as Quin, seemingly recovered, summoned her remaining strength, launching a dropkick that propelled Lucy into the air above the crater. Lucy's realization dawned upon her. She was tricked.Lucy looked down, witnessing Lieutenant Campos clutching a massive sniper cannon, aimed directly at her.Lucy's contemplation broke the silence. "Where was she keeping that thing?"In the past, while Quin lay unconscious, Eve and Quin had communicated telepathically, devising a plan to confront their overwhelmingly powerful adversary."She's too strong for us to take on directly. We need a plan to defeat her," Eve had proposed, her voice filled with determination.Quin, sharing the sentiment, replied, "I agree, but it feels like we lack the firepower to overcome her."It was then that Lieutenant Campos interjected, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos."I have something that might help. I carry a weapon capable of taking down even the most formidable specials. It requires preparation and time to set up, but with your support, we can create an opportunity," Lieutenant Campos revealed, her voice steady and confident.That is when Eve came up with a plan to lure Lucy in the air defenseless for Lt. Campos to get the shot off. We return back to the scene as Lt. Campos has her eyes set on Lucy with the Sniper."I've trained extensively with this weapon. It's known as the Anti-Special Cannon, designed specifically to neutralize the strongest opponents. Although it's still a prototype, its effectiveness is unparalleled. Very few in the military possess the skill to wield it, let alone in battle. Even I can't guarantee a hit. That's why I needed the perfect moment, the perfect shot. Farewell, Lucy. You were a worthy opponent."With those final words, Lieutenant Campos pulled the trigger, unleashing a colossal blast that consumed Lucy, her screams of agony echoing through the battlefield.As the dust settled, Lucy's lifeless body collapsed onto the ground, a testament to the combined efforts of Lieutenant Campos, Quin, and Eve.Lieutenant Campos emerged from the crater, sighing in both relief and exhaustion. "Well done, girls," she acknowledged, her voice brimming with gratitude.The three warriors, their bodies battered but spirits unyielding, took a moment to catch their breath, their gaze fixed upon Lucy's motionless form, a powerful reminder of their resilience and determination.