Chapter fifty eight

In the house, Caihong just finished cooking tofu and white cabbage.

Today was the new day of the week; she thought that the elder female should come. Actually she didn't expect that her guest would come at noon, but she didn't know why, she felt she wanted to cook it.

While she was organizing the food on the wooden dining table, a voice appeared, "Good smell." 

Just hearing it, Caihong hurriedly rotated. At the door, Lantian was standing with her lips expanding.

It was a joyful moment for the young lassie to witness the woman who she had been waiting for five days arriving. Heart inside the chest bloomed like a flower; however, she tried to hide her smile.

"You finished your work?" She said.

"Can say that," Lantian said while she was coming towards the table.

"Wan Hua Lou agreed to buy my menu," Caihong told.

"Good." Lantian wagged her head then she sat on the chair.

"What are you doing?"

"I have lunch."

Caihong cocked her head, "Lunch! Here?"


Apparently when hearing it, Caihong was very glad, but she was shy to show her content, so she pretended that she seemed to not want to.

"Why don't you eat at your house?"

"You don't want me to eat with you, do you?"

Hearing this claim, the girl was afraid that the elder woman might leave; she hurriedly tried to correct her words, "I just asked. I didn't mean like that."

"Though you meant it, I have to eat it here because you owe me four days. This lunch is what you have to pay me."

"Actually, it does not need to be cut. I want to thank you for helping me…"

"Making tofu," Lantian cut in and looked straight into the eyes of the girl.

At that time, the images of that night jumped to the head of Caihong, especially the scene when she laid on the girl of Wu on the chair.

When reminded of that picture, Caihong was very embarrassed. Her body was frozen, even her lips were unable to open. Seeing the expression of the younger girl, Lantian grinned her cheeks up. As well, her mind remembered and missed that portrait the most but since she didn't want the young lassie to feel not easy towards the scene, she quickly eased the environment.

"I don't take advantage of you. You owe me only three days."


"No but. Come on. I'm hungry."

It seemed to have nothing to refuse. Caihong hurriedly went to the kitchen to take two bowls of rice then came back to join the table with the elder female.

During the meal, they didn't talk; however, Lantian didn't forget to pick the food for her. It was a silent lunch, but the two females felt it was the happiest moment of their days.

After consuming, Caihong did the washing up. She assumed that Lantian was resting in her bedroom. Nonetheless she seemed to not mind anymore even if she wanted to use her mattress. When she finished washing, she went out to check her flora whether they had any dead leaves. While she was examining a blue butterfly pea pot, she heard Xiaolan's calling for Lantian. Since she thought it was their personal story, she didn't get up and continued checking the flowers. Her mind thought that Lantian was coming out and talking with her private servant then she would come to inform her. But it was several seconds passed, Lantian didn't come to her.

'She might leave with her maid already.' Caihong thought. It was upsetting but what could she do? 

"Ugh," she sighed slightly then she rotated her face. Surprise! The face of Lantian was right before her and very close.

Quickly, she stood up and stated with her heart still quaking, "You didn't go yet?"

"You chase me!" Lantian said and raised on her feet.

"Your maid is arriving. I think she came to call you back."

At that time, Xiaolan showed up behind Lantian's back, "Miss, you're here."

"Did you give it to Yang Ying?" Lantian asked.

"Yes, I already gave it to her," Xiaolan responded.


Without knowing why, when hearing the name of the hostess, Caihong was in rage at once. Hence as she heard Lantian say to her maid, "Let go", she quickly yelled, "If you do like this, when will I be able to pay you?"

Lantian rotated with her eyebrows narrow. She didn't understand what Caihong was speaking about. "What's the matter?" She stated.

Within crossed face, Caihong described, "You come one day then disappear for many days. I owe you only five days, but it has been many days already, I still cannot pay you all. How long do you want to expand?"

"Oh, you're worried about this. Don't worry. I will come tomorrow."

"What's time?"


"No perhaps," Caihong cut in. "Say the exact hour."

"Eh," Lantian shrank her eyes, "what's wrong with you? Why do you seem to be angry with me? What have I done wrong?"

"You don't know?"

Lantian shook her head.

"Because of you, my flowers are not good."

"What has anything to do with me?"

"You never say the exact time. When you want to come, you come, then drag me out making me unable to look after my flowers properly. Look, they are having a lot of yellow leaves and their sprouts are less."

Lantian giggled as she heard it, "Your flowers are not good because you don't water them enough or put fertilizer. Not because of me."

"You said you will come, but then you will say you are busy, you are not available till next week and tell me to wait. After that, you will say you have another job; I have to wait for next two weeks or maybe next month. You are the creditor, you say everything easily. I am a debtor, I cannot even suggest, only wait to listen and to follow your words."

The telling of the second daughter of Yang put the question mark in the head of Lantian. She viewed the girl who was having an expression like the giant while in mind was thinking about what was going on. At the last moment, this young woman was kind, but in a short time, she was changed to be like a fire was burning her and she seemed to talk out of topic.

Because time was not long enough, it was hard to find out, but Lantian thought about another scheme to play with the youngster.

"Well, if you don't want to pay one by one, climb the bed with me, then your three days will be called off."

Caihong carried a red face and knotted eyebrows, "Speak crazily."

"Crazy!" Lantian giggled. "You women are strange. You agree to climb the bed with a man, but refuse to do it with a woman. Then you cry that the men hurt you "

"What I meant is how dare you say that!"

"Why can't I? You are not a kid."

"Even though, you shouldn't say it to me. It's inappropriate."

"This word has nothing wrong. You are eighteen years old already."

"I'm not yet eighteen."

"When we met for the first time, you said you were almost eighteen. One month has passed, so you should be eighteen now."

"I will be eighteen next month."

"Oh, next month! I bet you will be on day seven or ten."

"I was born on day five."

"I see." Lantian wagged her head with her lips grinned widely. "Your birthday is March 05." 

At once, Caihong knew that she was gamed by the female scholar.

"Tricky person!"

However, Lantian laughed happily.

"I go now, little naive girl. See you tomorrow." 

After saying goodbye, she walked her body off leaving Caihong standing and biting her lips with displeasure – because she lost to her ploy.