Get out of my face

Stephanie's eyes stung every time she looked towards Alice, 'How dare she wears 'ForYou' design, I'm supposed to be the one wearing Ella's brand' she seethed internally and sulked externally. Her end game was to gain pity from those heiresses so she can implement her plan to have them cut Alice off. 

The court proceedings commenced, Stephanie and Ramona were reprimanded a couple of times and finally Ramona was kicked out due to her inability to not shout at Alice. Following all the evidence the judged ruled in favour of the plaintiff's, he went to advise Stephanie in future to speak on things or people she knows nothing about because the consequences may be far worse than just 20 million in compensation. Stephanie's eyes were red, she walked out of the courtroom angry, she believed that the judge was paid off and that was why he could not see things her way.