Sea Cowboys?

Luffy and the Kuja Pirates suddenly found themselves surrounded by a group riding horse-like creatures standing on the water's surface.

"What the hell are they?"

Mariegold said while looking around.

"I don't know but they don't seem friendly."

Sandersonia gestures to the rest of the girls.

"What kind of creature is that?! And their suits look so cool, especially their hats!"

Luffy was bursting with excitement with his eyes sparkling.

"These guys look so cool!"

"Wait, Luffy! You can't let others see...."

Elder Nyon stopped talking halfway after a chill ran down her spine. She turned her head to look at Hancock.


Hancock was silently staring down at the mysterious riders. The tension around her was stifling as an air of intimidation surrounded her. She walked away from the others and headed to the front of the ship. She leaped and landed on one of the Yuda Snakes' heads. The riders looked up at her.

"Who dares to block my path?"

Despite speaking in a low voice her words were heard clearly by everyone in the vicinity.

"We don't have to name ourselves, Boa Hancock."

A male voice came from one of the riders.

"We're here because—"

A burst of Conqueror's Haki rushed forth. Waves formed in the ocean and strong gusts spread out and hit the creatures and their riders.


Several of them lost consciousness one after the other. The creatures became frightened and cried. They started to submerge in the water to escape. Soon all but one of the riders were left, it was the one who spoke earlier. However, he was visibly shaken up and clenched the reins in his hands as hard as he could to not fall off.

"You don't have to name yourself?"

He looked up at Hancock. He was met with a cold glare voided of compassion and mercy. These cold blue eyes darkened the longer he looked into them. He could feel an icy grasp on his heart causing his breathing to quicken. Hancock showed a small smile.

"Do you want to try that again?"

He kicked the horse's side. It sunk into the water along with him.

"He's escaping?"

Hancock's smile grew.

"Right course of action under most situations..."

She snapped her fingers and pointed to her left. Rindo landed on the other Yuda Snake with her Bazooka Rifle in her hand. She load it with a harpoon, positioned herself, and took aim.

"However, you made the mistake of showing arrogance in my presence."

Rindo fired. The harpoon flew and hit the water. Seconds later blood appeared on the water's surface. Rindo pressed a button on the Bazooka and the harpoon was retracted.


The man was pulled out of the water screaming. The harpoon was lodged into his shoulder. Rindo grabbed the rope and flung him onto the deck. The moment he slammed on the deck, all of the Kuja Pirates aimed their bows at him.

"Welcome to the Perfume Yuda, the infamous ship of the even more infamous Kuja Pirates."

Hancock spoke while still facing the sea.

"Men from all over the world dream of boarding this ship."

The man glared at her back while holding the harpoon stuck in his flesh. She looked over her shoulder with a slight smirk.

"Be grateful."

(....So this is the Boa Hancock the world knows and fears.)

Elder Nyon thought as she watched Hancock turn her attention back to the ocean. Luffy leaped and landed next to her.

"His friends are still around but they are underwater."

Luffy said.


Hancock frowned. In her mind—

(I wonder if I was too scary and intimidating for Luffy? What if I seem too masculine just now?!)

Her thoughts had already gone elsewhere.

"Hey, Hancock."


"Do you think I can capture one of those strange horses?"

A huge grin appeared on his face.

"I want to show my crew, maybe even keep it as a pet."

Hancock smiled.

"If you want one then I'll get one for you."

"Nah, I can get it myself."

Water pillars were erected out of the ocean and surrounded the ship in a circle. Luffy grinned.

"Let's get to it."

Bullets fired from the water pillars. They flew at the girls circling the man. Luffy and Hancock popped up in front of them. Luffy stretched his body while Hancock coated her leg in Haki. Bullets flew into Luffy's body and shot back out. Hancock swung her leg with a spin. The bullets were crushed and hit the floor.

"Don't get cocky, Hancock!"

The water pillars disappeared and enemies appeared in midair.

"You just caught us off-guard! That won't happen again!"

A woman's voice came from one of the riders. The sea creatures opened their mouth and fired water at the ship.

"Leave this to us!"

Sandersonia shouted as she and Mariegold transformed into their snake forms. Mariegold spat venom into the air with a spin. Venom clashed with water creating a venomous mist in the air. The sea creatures dove into the water while a few riders landed on the ship. They charged at the girls. Sandersonia blocked their path. Her hair turned into snakes and flew at them. The riders accelerated and evaded the snakes. They disappeared and popped up in front of her.

They fired guns at her body. She dodged them with serpentine movements.

(That movement just now was Cipher Pol's...)

She thought as her tail flew at her attackers. They twisted themselves out of the way and retreated.

(They're aiming to jump off the boat!)

Mariegold rapidly spat venom while chasing after them. Several water pillars rose again. The rest of the riders appeared and fired bazookas at her. She was hit but didn't waver even as her body was on fire. The sea creatures fired water and hit her.


She hit the floor drained of her strength. The other two leaped off the ship and landed in the water. The rest of the riders dove back underwater.

"They're trickier than I thought."

Hancock mumbled while looking around. She looked at the man that she captured.

"I suppose you're their leader and they're trying to get you back."


The man remained silent. However, Hancock smiled. She used her hands to form a heart.

"Mero Mero Mellow!"

The man was hit by a beam of hearts and turned into stone.

"Let's do it like this."

Hancock picked up the statue by the rope attached to the harpoon lodged inside it.

"Luffy, I'll be right back~."

She looked at Luffy lovingly before walking to the front of the ship with the statue. She lifted the statue up for all to see.

"I'm going to give you until the count of 3 to resurface or I'm shattering your comrade."

She smirked as her eyes shone a red light.


She threw the statue into the air. Pillars of water were erected as the enemy flew out of the ocean. Hancock leaped into the air. She kicked the nearest rider in the head. They fell off their steed. She kicked off the horse forming a gun with her fingers after kissing them.

"Pistol Kiss!"

She fired shots at the three furthest and hit them in the throat. She landed on another creature and kicked off the rider. She leaped off the creature and flew above the riders. With a glare, a rush of conquerors haki hit everyone below. She blew a kiss and a giant heart formed in front of her.

"Slave Arrow!"

Arrows rained down and struck all of the enemies and their steeds. They all turned into stone statues.

This entire sequence happened in a few seconds. Luffy stretched and caught the statues before they dropped into the water. Hancock landed on the ship's deck.

"Snake Princess!"

"So cool!"

She was showered in cheers as she flipped her hair.

(Future Sight made everything a lot easier. It takes a lot of concentration to use though...)

She smiled and approached Luffy.

"Luffy, did you get your sea horse?"

"Yeah, but it's pretty much stone now."

"I'll free it soon."

She turned away from Luffy and the smile immediately fell from her face. She approached the man's statue. She blew a stream of hearts at the statue.


The hearts hit the statue and undo petrification.


The man looked at Hancock with a terrified expression. He looked around and saw statues of all of his comrades.


A slap on his cheek forcibly turned his head back to Hancock. She showed a beautiful smile that soothed his heart for a second before a fearsome dread clenched it.

"Do you feel like talking now or do you want me to sink you to the bottom of the ocean?"