The Strongest Bounty Hunter- Tate Tobin

"Alright, it looks like you're all okay."

Caria spoke to the Kuja with a bright smile.

"You're all pretty lucky to survive a run-in with that vile Mihawk."

"Yeah, he was stupidly strong. Especially at Marineford."

Luffy said.

"Oh, you were watching too?"

Caria frowned.

"It was rather vexing watching him in action. It made me realize how far apart we are in skill."

"Are you aiming for that Hawkeye guy, Butterfly Girl?"

Caria nodded.

"I'm aiming to cut down all pirates who call themselves swordsmen."

"Really? Then you should give up."

Caria frowned.


Luffy showed a huge grin.

"Because you'll never beat Zoro, even if you beat Mihawk."

"Zoro? You mean Roronoa Zoro?"

"Ah, don't mind her!"

Elder Nyon stood between the two of them.

"She's just a huge Zoro fan!"

"A fan?...What's your name?"

Luffy moved Elder Nyon's hand.

"It's Lu—"

"Lucia! Her name is Lucia!"

Elder Nyon covered his mouth with her other hand.

"Listen up, Lucia. You shouldn't idolize pirates. They're the scum of the earth who plunge people's life in despair for their own benefit."

Caria's eyes became cold.

"Those who idolize pirates are on a pathway to hell."

"Come on, Caria. Stop forcing your values on others."

Frantz patted Caria on her shoulder and rested his hand on Luffy's.


Caria backed down and went to talk to the nurses. Frantz sighed and glanced over his shoulder. Hancock's eyes were still locked on him.

(Hey, I calmed down the situation! Why do you still want to kill me?!)

He screamed internally. Meanwhile in Hancock's mind—

(Get your dirty hands off Luffy, you savage! Just because he looks beautiful as a woman doesn't mean you can get grabby.)

"Alright, if things go south I'm killing him first."

She mumbled under her breath. Frantz's body stiffened.

"Curse my good hearing."

Tears started gathering in his eyes.

"Alright, it's time to go meet with the Mayor."

Caria came back over. Frantz's eyes lit up.

"Yes, let's go meet the very strong and powerful Mayor! I'll be safe—I mean I'm sure he wants to discuss some things with you guys!"

Just as Frantz hoped everyone left the hospital to meet the mayor at his residence. They arrived at his gate which opened upon their arrival. They entered the premise and locked their eyes on the mansion before them. The door opened and the bear-like Tate stepped outside.

"Welcome, guests. I'm sure you're all tired after everything you've gone through..."

He gestured to the inside of his home.

"Come inside, we have a feast prepared."

"A feast?!"

Luffy's eyes changed into meat. Hancock held onto him to prevent him from running inside. She glanced at Rindo, who immediately stepped forward.

"We're extremely grateful for all you've done for us. We will take up your offer."

Tate nodded and walked back inside the mansion.

"Be on your guard."

Hancock whispered. The girls nodded. They entered after Caria and Frantz. The inside of the mansion was a perfect mix of white and gold. On the walls were bounty posters with Xs crossed over them. There were also pictures of various people meeting marine officers. The group walked glancing at the pictures and wanted posters. Elder Nyon stopped in front of a picture.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku?"

It was a picture of a younger Sengoku with Tate.

"Are you shocked?"


Elder Nyon spun around and found herself facing the mountain of muscle that was Tate. He looked down on her with a smile smirk.

"Are you curious about that picture, old man?"

"N-No. It just caught my eye."

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal for me to talk about it."

Tate stretched and took down the photo.

"This was taken a decade ago when I became mayor. I went to pay my respects and took this photo as tradition."


Tate smiled and pointed at the wall. Elder Nyon followed his finger. Her eyes slowly widened as she saw a picture of Sengoku with another man. Beside it was a picture of two other men, one of which she recognized.

"Former Fleet Admiral Kong..."

Her eyes moved across the wall. There she saw pictures of various people from different eras of the Navy posing with each other.

"You see the people of this island have always had a strong relationship with the world government. I mean, it makes sense. We hunt notorious pirates for them which lessen their burdens. Also, with us, they don't have to worry about losing manpower if anybody dies. We're basically mercenaries after all."

Elder Nyon looked up at him with trembling eyes.

"Just how long has this island been around?"

"Who knows? I doubt anybody in the world can answer that question."

Tate started walking away.

"Let's go, eat and rest up everyone."

He walked into the kitchen with Elder Nyon staring at his back.

"The relationship between this island and the world government is stronger than I expected."

She mumbled before entering the dining area. After a while, everyone was seated at the table and eating. Luffy was eating faster than the servants could put down the plate. Frantz and Caria looked at him in shock. Tate didn't show much reaction other than a small smile.

He tapped the tip of his glass with a spoon to draw everyone's attention.

"Once again, I wish to introduce myself."

He stood up.

"I am the Mayor of this island and the strongest Bounty Hunter, Tate Tobin. I formally welcome you all to my domain."

The grin on his face was overflowing with confidence and power.

(This guy is definitely strong. He could be a big-name pirate in the New World with his strength.)

Hancock started sizing up Tate. Luffy looked at him with curiosity as he chewed on meat.

"Now that I've introduced myself and welcomed you, it's time to get down to business."

The smile fell from Tate's face and the atmosphere changed.

"As you all know, this island is hidden from the rest of the world. So much so that there aren't even rumors of its existence. Do you know how we achieve this?"

No one answered because the answer was clear.

"It's as you're thinking. We eliminate all who know of existence."

The Kuja tensioned up. They were all readying themselves. Tate lifted his hand and gestured for them to calm down.

"I say eliminate but we don't always kill castaways. In the past, we had people who had Devil Fruits who could erase or overwrite memories. Unfortunately, all of them have passed. Since then, we've changed our approach."

He smiled.

"We recruit the castaways to work with us either as Bounty Hunters or support."

"If that doesn't work?"

Ran asked.

"If you refuse, we simply let you on your way."

His smile grew into a smirk.

"After all, if you made it here then it's most likely an accident if you're not from the Marines. In other words, you're trapped in the middle of the calm belt, a sea filled with Sea Kings. Sometimes it's best to let nature do its thing."

(He let people get eaten by Sea Kings!)

A chill ran down Elder Nyon's spine.

"Of course, we only go through the trouble of inviting civilians. As for pirates—"

He used his thumb to suggest cutting his throat. He sat down and then leaned over.

"The question now is which are you? Civilians who will become Bounty Hunters or just another group of pirates who will bless the Sea Devil with their presence?"

He showed a bright smile.

"Please answer truthfully."

The Kuja started looking at each other. Hancock frowned as she glared at Tate. Caria was glaring at Hancock in return. As for Frantz, he was surprisingly calm. At this moment—

"Who am I?"

Luffy stood up.

"I'm the man who will become King of the Pirates!"

His shout shook the building. Elder Nyon looked at him with her jaw hitting the floor. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she leaned in her seat. Frantz's eyes were peeled open. Caria stood up kicking away her chair.


She put her hand inside her poncho. A burly hand grabbed her arm. She looked to her side and at Tate with confusion. He was wearing a huge grin.

"I see. So you want to be king of the Bounty Hunters. That's a great ambition to have."


Everyone froze.

"N-No, I said the king—"

"Yes, yes, I understand. I feel your passion from over here."

He stood back up and picked up Caria's chair. He placed it behind her and made her sit down with a small push.

"With passion like that, I'm certain your dreams will come true, as a Bounty Hunter."

"...Hancock, is this guy stupider than me?"

Luffy turned to Hancock with a confused expression. She had a similar expression.

(Luffy clearly said King of the Pirates, but this guy...He's ignoring it.)

Tate started petting Caria's head as she sat with a confused expression. He glanced at Hancock and smirked. She couldn't feel any hostility from him at all. The same could be said for Frantz who didn't react to anything. Only Caria reacted appropriately and she was being treated like a child. This entire situation greatly confused Hancock.

(What the hell is going on here?)