
After leaving the shores, Luffy ran through the town following behind Rindo who was leading him to the mansion. In his arms, Hancock was limped with the eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"I was right! She is injured! Why was she acting tough?!"

Luffy started panicking after seeing Hancock's condition. In his eyes, she was on the verge of death, which was true, but the reason she was at death's door was different than he thought.

"This is my fault! If I wasn't taken out by that ship, I could've helped her fight, and she wouldn't be this hurt."

That is wrong.

"Her opponent must've been a monster if she could reduce Hancock to this state!"

This is also wrong.

"Hang in there, Hancock! I know you don't want to die like this!"

This is very wrong. Boa Hancock would like nothing more than to die in Luffy's embrace. The reason for her condition wasn't from fighting, her opponent wasn't near her level. The reason for her death is because she was being carried through the town like a bride.

"Um, will the Snake Princess be okay?"

Marguerite whispered to Ran.

"Honestly, I don't know. However, I think this is a development Elder Nyon would like."

"So, we're just going to let her die?"

Ran looked at Hancock who was lifeless in Luffy's arms. There was a slight smile on her face.

"....She'll be fine. I think."

Meanwhile, Hancock found herself standing in a white space.

"This seems oddly familiar."

(Oddly familiar, huh?)

A voice rang out in the space. The moment, Hancock heard the voice she remembered.

"Did I die again?"

(Did I die again, she says. Do you know how absurd it is to be able to say that?)

The voice wasn't hiding its displeasure.

(I mean, come on. You survived wars, Celestial Dragons, and naval battles, and you die from a hug?)

"You don't understand! I'm being carried by Luffy, like a bride!"

(I see. I understand.)



The voice shook the space.

(If it wasn't for the fact you're needed for something important in the future I would've sent you to the afterlife already!)

"I still don't understand why you're angry. I mean, have you seen the magnificent beast that is Monkey D Luffy?! Dying from every touch I get from him is a natural response!"

(.... What is this woman saying?)

The voice was dumbfounded.

(Did I forget to add intelligence when I made you? Because there's no other explanation.)

A sigh reached Hancock's ears.

(Just go back already. I already have a hard time as it is thinking about how I'm going to keep a certain pervy cook from dying from nosebleeds when he encounters women for the first time in years.)

"Huh? That guy sounds like an idiot."

(Like you're one to talk!)

The voice roared and Hancock was forced awake. She found herself staring at a ceiling.

"Oh, Hancock! You're awake!"

Luffy's face appeared inches away from hers. She looked at his smiling face and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Hancock once again found herself in a white spac--


As if her soul was thrown into her body, she regained consciousness and sat up.

"Are you okay, Hancock?"

"Y-Yeah, sorry for worrying you."

She looked around and saw the Kuja and Elder Nyon with Luffy.

"How long have I been out?"

"For a few hours."

Luffy answered.

"Are you certain you're fine?"



Elder Nyon interrupted their conversation.

"Luffy, may I have a bit of alone time with the Snake Princess?"

"Okay. I'll be back, Hancock."

Luffy left the room with the Kuja girls. Hancock frowned and looked at Elder Nyon.

"Don't make that face. I did it for your sake."

Elder Nyon sat on a chair next to Hancock.

"I heard about what happened from the girls. Looks like it was a tough battle."

"I don't want to talk about that."

"Too bad. We need to talk about it."

Elder Nyon smiled.

"How about I make Luffy pamper you in return?"


Elder Nyon nodded.

"He thinks you're very weak right now and is worried. If you act sick, I can have him pamper you."

Hancock frowned.

"I don't want to manipulate Luffy."

"It's not manipulating, it's just letting him take care of you."

Hancock didn't respond and just kept frowning.

"Alright, I won't lie to him."

Elder Nyon raised her hands in defeat.

"You're too pure sometimes. Mind games are normal in relationships."

"I don't want to play such games with Luffy. I just want him to love me even half as much as I love him. I'm content with that."

Elder Nyon smiled.

"I didn't know you were that simple-minded. That simple-mindedness could be an effective weapon against someone like Luffy though."

"Get on with what you wanted to talk about."

Hancock snapped back.

"We're currently in a sticky situation. We're pirates on an island just invaded by pirates. Our identities need to be kept a secret even more than ever."

"The mayor and two of the Supreme Five know our identities though."

"Do you think they'll reveal our identities?"

"I can't say."

"Then are you able to fight them if they and everyone on this island turn on us?"

Hancock opened her mouth to speak. At that moment, Caria's face flashed in her mind. She closed her mouth. Elder Nyon frowned.

"I expected you to answer immediately. What's wrong? Did you befriend the people of this island?"

Hancock didn't answer. Elder Nyon's eyes widened.

"No way. You, of all people?"

"What do you mind by that?"

"No, it's just you're not the type to open your heart to anyone."

"I didn't open my heart to anyone besides Luffy....It's just."

Hancock frowned.

"It's just she's a good girl."

Elder Nyon's jaw dropped.


"She gave me good advice and wholeheartedly supports my relationship with Luffy. She even risked her life to save Luffy during battle today."

"I see."

Elder Nyon paused to think for a bit before speaking.

"So I take it you would want to avoid making her your enemy."

"I would prefer not to fight her..."

She thought about it a bit longer.

"Then I guess our objective should be befriending the people here and having them trust us."

She pointed at Hancock.

"I can tell you've forgotten but we can't leave this island. Remember this is a secret island with connections to the World Government and it was just attacked. They don't allow castaways to leave this island unless they become Bounty Hunters. So, we have two choices."

She lifted two fingers.

"First, we sneak off the island after gathering the resources we need. If we do this, we must be prepared for a possible fight if we're caught. As such we would have Mariegold and Sandersonia come to meet us in order to get away or fight those on the island."

"Second, we become Bounty Hunters as a cover. If we do this, we can peacefully leave the island, but someone will surely be there to observe us in case we run off. Since they know our strength, it will be someone from the Supreme Five or multiple members."

Hancock said. Elder Nyon nodded.

"It's just as you said. If we leave the island this way we can incapacitate our observer and give them the slip. We could also befriend them and convince them to let us go."

"Which means we need to gain their trust."

Elder Nyon nodded.

"Which one do you want to do?"

"I prefer the first one."

"And which one would Luffy prefer?"

Hancock thought about it for a while before speaking.

"He would want to try to convince them first."

"I think so as well."

Elder Nyon showed a third finger.

"Which creates a third choice. We ask the mayor to let us leave peacefully. For whatever reason, he's friendly towards us despite knowing our true identities. He might plan to use us for something, but it doesn't change the fact he's an ally at the moment. If we can get his help then everything will be solved."

"So, we need to talk to him about it."

"We should try to get on the other's good side in the meantime."

"That won't be a problem. Nobody can resist Luffy's charm."

Elder Nyon laughed when she saw Hancock's proud expression. She stood up.

"Since we've decided our next course of action, I'll be on my way."

She headed towards the door and glanced back at Hancock with a grin.

"Rest up."

She left the room.

"What's up with that creepy grin?"

Hancock mumbled.


The door swung open and Luffy appeared with a bunch of bandages in his hand and a stethoscope around his neck.


"Granny said you're really sick and that I should help nurse you!"

"Huh? No, I'm fine."

"Granny also said you would deny it because you don't want to be a burden!"

(That old hag!)

Hancock shouted in her head. Luffy quickly approached her and gently made her lie down.

"Don't worry, Hancock. I'll help you get better. I've been watching Chopper. I'm sure I'll figure it out."

"W-Wait, Luffy."

Luffy placed his hand on Hancock's shoulder and brought his face closer.

"Listen to me, Hancock. You're not a burden, you're someone irreplaceable to me."

Hancock stopped protesting as she locked eyes with Luffy.

"Let me take care of you."


Her voice was low and weak. Her heart was racing and her breathing became heavy.

"Alright, I'm going to do my best. So also do your best to get better, got it?"

She sheepishly nodded.

(Thank you, Granny! I was wrong!)