Luffy woke up with a groan. He let out a big yawn and smacked his lips. He looked around with a drowsy face and spotted Hancock latching onto his arm.
"Hancock, wake up."
He gently shook her.
Hancock opened her eyes and spoke with a coarse voice.
"It's morning. I think it's time for us to go home."
"Is that so?"
She looked at Luffy's arm and let go.
"My bad."
"No problem."
Luffy stood up and stretched.
"Slept well?"
Caria walked up the steps yawning.
"Oh, Caria. Last night was fun."
"I'm glad you were able to enjoy yourself."
"Where are the others? I don't sense them."
Luffy asked.
"Everybody went back after the mayor paid the bill. He took the rest of the Supreme Five with him. The only ones here are us three and Kelly who's having a moneygasm downstairs."
Caria spoke while pointing down.
A howl came from downstairs.
"Looks like she's still having fun."
Caria took a seat near them.
"So, what are guys gonna do now?"
"Go home and have breakfast."
Luffy answered.
"I'm talking about leaving the island. You know the rules, right? No one can leave unless they become a bounty hunter."
"I'm not going to be a bounty hunter. I'm gonna become King of the Pirates!"
Caria looked at Luffy in silence for a bit before sighing.
"We're going to ask the mayor to help us. We only wanted some resources and then take sail."
Hancock spoke up.
"We're going to Sabody to meet up with my crew so we can go to the New World!"
"The New World, huh? I've never been but I heard it's a hellscape."
She leaned in her seat.
"If you want to leave, the best thing to do is to get the mayor's help like you planned. However, you'll need the approval of the sheriff and the Supreme Five."
"I understand the sheriff but why the Supreme Five as well?"
Hancock asked.
"Because we're the greatest political power on the island. Even the mayor can't go against a decision we've collectively made."
"What? It's not just an honorary title?"
Caria shook her head.
"It may seem like that now because of how popular the mayor is. Originally, the Supreme Five was hereditary. It's given to the five strongest Bounty Hunters of a generation outside of the mayor and sheriff. Their purpose is to assist and restrict the mayor. Basically, we make sure the mayor doesn't become a dictator."
She made a throat-slitting gesture with her thumb.
"If needed, we can kill the mayor. By the way, the Sheriff is to always remain neutral and protect the people. Even from the Mayor and the Supreme Five, if needed."
"Woah. I don't completely understand but it sounds like you guys have it rough."
Luffy said. Caria smiled.
"Not really. Since our mayor is so loved and practically the father of the current Supreme Five, the system is pretty much redundant at this point."
"But, that changes if the mayor does something the Supreme Five doesn't approve of."
Hancock said and Caria nodded.
"If we can't come to an agreement on allowing you to leave, it could lead to a battle. Either us against the mayor or us against you."
"So basically, we just need to become friends with everyone and get them to help us?"
Luffy asked.
"Pretty much."
"Then what are we worrying about?"
Luffy showed a wide smile.
"Aren't we already friends? I mean we ate, drank, and partied together after all."
"That's where you're wrong. We're friends with the castaways named Hanson and Lucia."
Caria pointed at them.
"Not the pirates Strawhat Luffy and Pirate Empress Boa Hancock."
"But we're the same people."
Luffy wore a confused expression.
"She's saying things may change once we reveal we're pirates, Luffy."
Hancock explained.
"Why should that matter? We're friends, aren't we? Our titles shouldn't matter."
"Oh, I love how open-minded you are Luffy!"
Hancock's eyes turned into heart.
"To be honest, your identities aren't really a secret anymore."
Caria showed a wry smile.
"Tate, Frantz, me, and I'm sure the sheriff too knows your identities. Astrid knows Hanson's identity, but I don't think he figured out Lucia's. Luka and Jessie have no idea who you really are."
"Are those three going to be a problem?"
Hancock asked.
"Astrid won't really care much about Lucia's identity. Jessie should be fine since he doesn't actually hate pirates. The problem is Lucia."
"The Silver Kid? Yeah, he does seem to really hate pirates."
Luffy said. Caria nodded.
"And for good reason. When he was younger Pirates made his life a living hell, destroying every home he ever knew."
Caria's face darkened.
"His hatred is the real deal. If he finds out you're pirates, he will try to kill you."
"Really? That guy is strong too."
Caria nodded.
"Luka is a natural talent. From his mastery of his devil fruit to his raw combat skills, everything is off the charts."
Caria paused for a bit before speaking.
"...I have a request regarding Luka."
Sometime later, Hancock returned to the mansion.
"We're back! We had a lot of fun!"
Luffy shouted as he entered.
"Snake Princess and Luffy, welcome back."
The Kuja girls came out and met them.
"I take it you girls had fun last night."
Hancock said while removing her vest and giving it to Ran. She looked around and frowned.
"Where's Granny?"
The Kuja girls started looking at each other with concern.
"What? Why are you acting like that?"
Hancock's eyes widened.
"Did the old hag finally kick the bucket?"
"No, no, no! Nothing like that, Snake Princess."
Hancock audibly clicked her tongue.
"Then, what? Where is she?"
Hancock was standing in front of a door a few minutes later. She was grinning from ear to ear. She knocked on the door in a gleeful manner.
"Go away!"
Elder Nyon's voice came from beyond the door.
"Come on, Granny. Open the door."
"Never! I'm gonna make this room my tomb!"
Hancock put her hand over her mouth to hold back her laughter.
"I-I heard you won the water from Juventus' Spring. Shouldn't you be happy? You can become younger now."
"Happy? Happy?!"
The door flew open and Hancock could see in the room. Standing in front of her was Elder Nyon with red puffy skin and swollen lips.
"How can I be happy when I look like a clownfish?!"
"Pftt! Hahahahaha!"
Hancock burst out laughing.
"Y-You're right! You do look like a C-Clownfish! Maybe I should call you Buggy? No, the Sea Clown!"
Elder Nyon pounced on Hancock and started choking her. Hancock continued to laugh even when Elder Nyon pushed her to the ground.
"Damn you! You're the last person I want to laugh at me!"
Elder Nyon's eyes were spinning in her head as she straddled Hancock.
"I've decided! I'm gonna kill you and then kill myself!"
"Elder Nyon, get a hold of yourself!"
The Kuja girls heard the commotion and ran to take Elder Nyon off the still laughing Hancock.
"Let me go! I'll feel better if I end her!"
Ran picked Elder Nyon up and held in her in her hands where she started throwing a tantrum.
"You can only blame yourself, Old Hag."
Hancock sat up.
"You worked so hard to get all those tickets to win the water only to find out it was fake. Not only that, you had an allergic reaction to the water which made you uglier than you already were."
Hancock wore a smug face.
"How pitiful."
Elder Nyon let out a scream reminiscent of a dying banshee.
"Let me go! I'm gonna kill her! If I don't the world isn't fair!"
Hancock's laughter mixed with Elder Nyon's shouts and created a chaotic medley in the mansion.
Hours later, Luffy and Hancock had gotten some rest and freshened up.
"Luffy are you ready?"
Hancock shouted up downstairs after getting changed into casual men clothes.
Luffy's voice came from downstairs.
(It's like we're husband and wife getting ready to go out!)
Hancock danced like a ballerina as she made her way down the stairs.
"My husband, where art thou?"
Luffy walked up to her munching on a chicken leg.
"Ahem, nothing."
"Is that so?"
He swallowed the bone and wiped his hands in his pants.
"Alright, let's go."
The two left the mansion and met Luka who was standing outside the door.
"Are you guys ready?"
He asked. Hancock and Luffy remembered when they were talking to Caria earlier.
"I want Luka to get over his hatred for pirates. I know what happened to him was traumatic, but he needs to get over it for his sake. He can't allow his hatred to consume his life. Someone consumed by hatred can no longer be considered human."
She held on to Luffy and Hancock's hands.
"Please befriend Luka. Not as Lucia and Hanson, but as yourselves, as pirates."
Her eyes trembled as she spoke.
"Please help make my little brother human again."
Luffy smiled while Hancock held tight to Caria's hand. They spoke in unison.
"No problem."
Back to the present.
"Since you're ready then let's head to the orphanage. You guys can meet the brats I take care of there."
They nodded and followed behind him. Hancock and Luffy looked at each other and nodded. Hancock watched Luka's back as they followed him.
(Don't worry, Caria. Luffy will save your brother just like how he saved me.)