
The celebratory dinner went on until late in the night. 


"I'm still the most beautiful in the world~." 


Astrid mumbled as he was carried away by Luka. 


"Shut up already~! Hancock is the best~!" 


Caria was rowdy as she was being carried out by Frantz. 


"Thanks again, Old Man." 


Luffy thanked Tate with a sleeping Hancock on his back. 


"I'm not that old..." 


"Really? Anyway, thanks for the food. See you later." 


He left with Hancock. Elder Nyon approached Tate. 


"Sir Mayor, once again I would like to thank you for your promise to provide us with supplies and allow us to leave the island." 


"As long as you guys remember it's not free." 


Tate crossed his arms in front of him. 


  "I expect Amazon Lily to back us up when we turn on the World Government." 


He glanced at Luffy as he walked away. 


"We also expect help from the Future Pirate King and his crew." 


"Don't worry! Just give me a call and I'll come running!" 


Luffy waved as he continued to walk. Tate nodded. Elder Nyon stretched her hand out. 


"On behalf of the current empress, I, the former empress Gloriosa, promises that the Kuja will return this favour in the future." 


Tate stretched out his hand and shook hers. 


"I'll be looking forward to it." 


Soon after, everyone had left Tate except Jessie. 


"Why did you stay back?" 


Jessie sat in a chair with a serious expression. 


"I lost today." 


"That you did." 


Tate sat across from him. 


"But you'll win tomorrow, right?" 


Jessie nodded. 


"Good, that's the attitude you need to have if you want to surpass me." 


"I want to surpass you, but it feels like I'm reaching my limit." 


"Is that why you're staying back? You need advice?" 


Jessie nodded. Tate let out a low chuckle. 


"Don't worry, Jessie. You're not reaching your limit. It only feels that way because you lost to someone your age for the first time. You'll get over it and get even stronger." 


Tate dug into his pockets. He took out a pocket-watch. 




Jessie caught the watch and looked at it. 


"It's something that I received from the previous Mayor when I was the leader of the Supreme Five of my generation. It's tradition for the mayor to give it to the next generation Mayor." 


"I don't want to be the mayor though. I mean, I'm too stupid." 


"You'll be fine. You'll have your siblings to help you." 


"...Why are you giving me now?" 


"It just feels like the right time." 


"I see." 


Jessie put it in his pocket. 


"I hope by the time you're mayor, the people of this island will be freed from the cycle of violence." 


"Me too." 


Jessie showed a bright smile. 


"I'm also fed of people dying." 


Tate silently smiled and nodded. Shortly after, Jessie left and Tate was alone. 


"Sir, will you be going to bed?" 


His servants came up to him and took his jackets and shoes. They handed him a cup of tea immediately after. 


"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit--" 


He was cut off by the sound of his Snail Transponder ringing. A servant brought it to him after he gestured for it. 






A familiar voice came from the other side. 


"Why are calling so late, Felix?" 


"....The two of us are friends, right?" 


Tate's eyes narrowed. 


"What's wrong?" 


"Just answer the question. We don't have much time." 


"Of course, we're friends. What's going on?" 


"Tate, leave the island. No later than tonight." 




"I can't buy you any more time than that." 


"Hold on, Felix!" 


"When you leave, don't tell anybody where you're going. You need to vanish off the face of the earth. If you show up anywhere, then they'll come after you." 


"Felix, tell me what's going on!" 


"We're friends, aren't we?! Just shut up and do as I say if you want to-" 


Felix's voice was cut off. 


"Felix! Felix! Hey, Felix!" 


Tate shouted in the phone. 


"Tate Tobin." 


He once again heard the familiar voice. However, no joy was on his face. 


"Who are you? You sound like Felix, but I know you aren't." 


"If you're so sure of who I'm not, then my name isn't important." 


"Where is Felix?" 


"That is also not important. What is important is the fact you betrayed the World Government." 


Tate's eyes widened. 


"Are you Cipher Pol?" 


"Also, not important." 


"You bastard, if you do anything to Felix--" 


"Then you will do what?" 


Tate turned around as the voice came from behind him. Standing before him was a ghastly figure wearing a black cloak and a skull mask. This figure, as tall as Tate, had beaming red eyes behind its mask. 


"What kind of lame getup is that?  Do you expect me to be afraid of you?" 


"But you are afraid of me, Tate Tobin." 


The figure pointed at him with long and bony fingers. 


"I can hear how fast your heart is beating." 


"Then something must be wrong with your ears." 


"Trying to seem tough in this situation? I commend your stubbornness. However, we both know you can't move…Why?" 


The figure appeared beside him. 


"Because you're frozen in fright." 




Tate gritted his teeth. 


"What nonsense!" 


"It's the truth." 


The figure reappeared at his previous spot. 


"However, it's only natural. I appeared out of nowhere, you don't know the status of your friend, and you can feel my overwhelming presence cover the entire mansion." 




Tate took a step forward after much difficulty. 


"I can't move just fine." 


"...I suppose so." 


The figure vanished and screams could be heard coming from all over the mansion. 


"Wait, you bastard!" 


Tate started running. He ran into the kitchen. His eyes widened at the sight of a maid leaning against the stove with her throat slit. The cook's corpse was laid out on the counter with several knives stuck in him. 


"That piece of--" 


He clenched his fists. 




More screams rang out. Tate ran out of the kitchen. 


"You son of bitch! I'm your target, right?! Why are you killing innocent people?!" 


"Innocent? Are they really innocent?" 


The voice echoed in the house. 


"Stop talking with Felix's voice! And yes, they're innocent people!" 


"They knew about your schemes and kept quiet. You call that innocent?" 


More screams reached Tate's ears. 


(Why can't I pinpoint where he is?!) 


Tate's eyes moved around searching for even a glimpse of the figure. 


"Tate Tobin, you don't understand the magnitude of your sin. These people are the same. They're ignorant of how much of a sinner they were for looking away." 


Tate poured power in his legs and blasted off the ground. He flew to the second floor and started kicking doors open. Every door he opened, he was greeted by a different corpse. 


"Stop the bullshit! I was the one who thought there was a need for a change! They were just bystanders!" 


"Being a bystander is a sin in itself." 


Tate spun around after hearing the voice coming from behind him. He was stabbed in the stomach by a long and bony hand. 




He took his hybrid rhino form and punched the figure. It was blown back and destroyed the railing before falling downstairs. Tate leaped after it. 




His eyes widened when the figure flew at him. He coated his hand in Haki and roared. They clashed and landed on the ground floor. 


"Oh, poor soul." 


The figure whispered into his ear. Its hand was piercing through Tate's chest. Tate smiled as blood seeped through his teeth. 


"Who's the poor one?" 


Tate's fist was also piercing through the figure. Both of their hands were stained with blood. 




Tate roared and punched them in the face. The figure flew back with its mask shattering. It hit a wall and shook the mansion. Tate jumped and grabbed the chandelier on the ceiling. He threw it at the figure. The chandelier hit the figure and the place darkened. Tate landed on the ground breathing heavily. 


(Thank god I'm an Awakened Zoan. Otherwise, I wouldn't survive having a lung collapse.) 


He held his chest and was breathing heavily. 


"I admire your will to fight." 


The figure threw off the chandelier and stood up. 


"I really do." 


"I guess it won't be eas..." 


Tate's words trailed off. With the figure's mask gone, he could see who it was. 


"No way...This doesn't make any sense." 


"Does it?" 


The figure flew at Tate who was frozen with shock. When they appeared in front of Tate, he gritted his teeth and went in for a punch. The figure pulled a blade from out of their cloak. With a swing, Tate's arm was severed. Tate didn't flinch and slammed his other fist into their wound. They were blown back. Tate chased after them with the face of a demon. 


"How could you?!" 


He stepped on them and the figure sunk into the ground so hard, that a crater opened up under them. 


"I'm merely keeping the balance." 


Tate felt a sharp pain in his leg and found himself falling over. He looked down and saw his foot was severed from his body. The figure rose off the ground like a zombie as several blades stabbed into Tate's falling body. He hit the ground and several shots hit him immediately after. 




Tate silently lay on the ground staring at the ceiling with his ears ringing. His body was cold, in contrast to the warm blood he was lying in. 




He silently lifted his hand towards the figure, and they grasped it. Their shadow cast over him. 


"Did you finally realize, Tate Tobin?" 


The figure spoke with a familiar voice. Tate couldn't see their face anymore. It was now hidden by the darkness of the room. 


"Our decisions have consequences." 


They let go of Tate's hand and it fell to his side. 


"The consequences of your actions are the destruction of Bounty Island and everybody on it." 


"....I regret nothing." 


"Is that so?" 




The figure shot Tate in the head. 




They looked at his lifeless body for a few seconds before the entrance was kicked in. 




The figure faced the newcomer, they faced Felix Crouch. 




Felix looked around frantically until he spotted Tate's body. 


"What are you doing here? I have already completed the mission." 


"Why did I come here?" 


Felix gritted his teeth as tears flowed down his face. 


"I came here to stop you from killing our friend!" 


"For what reason? We receive orders to kill him and everybody on the island. Why would you interfere?" 


"Because these people are our family! We can't just kill them because we were ordered to!" 


Felix walked up to the figure and grabbed them. 


"These people are our family!" 


A shot rang out and Felix dropped to his knees. 


"Cool your head." 


The figure placed the gun on Felix's forehead. 


"Our time here seems to have resulted in some undesirable changes for us. Not only you but the ones I killed here. You've all forgotten your purpose and fell for the man known as Tate Tobin." 


"Are you going to kill me?" 


Felix glared at the figure. 


"What a foolish question." 


Two shots rang out. The figure had shot Tate's body again. 


"Your role isn't done yet." 


The figure walked past Felix and headed to the door. 


"However, I'll have to admit. I pity Tate Tobin." 


They stopped at the entrance and looked back at Felix's trembling back. 


"He died not knowing who really killed him and why." 


They turned their back to him. 


"The sense of betrayal and anger he felt in his final moments must have been unbearable." 


They walked out of the door and vanished into thin air. 




Felix gritted his teeth and stood up holding his stomach. He slowly walked over to Tate and stood over his body. 




He mumbled. Tears gathered in his eyes. 


"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." 


He fell to his knees and lifted Tate's body. He held it tight as the tears flowed nonstop from his eyes. 


"Please forgive me, Tate! Please forgive me!" 


His tears dropped on Tate's face and mixed with his body. Their clothes were both stained with each other's blood as Felix held him as tightly as he could. 


"I'm so sorry!" 


Felix's heartbroken cries echoed in the darkness.