Chapter Two: The new addition

Daos stood before a man dressed in armor, this office was small but there was a door that lead to a backroom not even Daos had been back there. As Daos stood before the man he placed a piece of rock from the damaged wall from the village they had returned from. The man stood up from his chair. "Welcome back D, your payment has already been delivered to your home. I had a single guard deliver it with haste after you and your group left the Capitol. The kingdom thanks you and your comrades for your service " He said sitting back down. "Now to other matters. We noticed you brought a villager back no doubt to join your marry band, if she has you and your people backing her I see no problems. However I have also received word from one of our men on the inside of the enemies Capitol. A group of Dreads have been tasked with locating one of our own that have been sent to the south to investigate some disturbances. Rest tonight as we are prepping a smaller airship for you and your team to call your own as thanks for dedication and loyalty to the Kingdom of Draksis. That will be all you are dismissed." The man returned to paperwork on his desk after he had finished talking.

Daos still before the man listened to every word he had said once it was over Daos spoke. "Appreciate it, a personal one will make missions and traveling easier also keep pockets a little heavier." He said turning around and leaving the room.

E, T, K and Luna seem to be located at the back of the airship that seemed to be heading toward the Capitol. Luna stayed with E while K and T seemed to be listening to to music. A small box seemed to be playing songs with the occasional interruption of steam escaping a pipe behind the box. It also seemed portable. As K and T listened to the songs they were also dancing while E watched occasionally switching it up with. E would Dance with T and K or some times just one on one with them for now however she was sitting and watching. It didn't take long before their ride had reached the Capitol though. High up on the a cliff side overlooking an ocean, docks below, a massive castle on the edge with walls surrounding it most of the Military and political buildings inside surrounding the Castle.

Outside the walls surrounded by a much larger wall was a town lively with people. Most of the city looked to be in the Steam Punk Era. Looked more advanced as well. Airships all around, patrol ships, guards on the ground. In the living aree, a market area, almost an area for all events and activities including one for their Church. E rushed over to the back of the Airship opening the back so as they flew they could marvel at the city with other intentions in mind. Daos happen to start approaching the back of the airship with a sudden pat to E's head he walked out falling to the ground below. E followed after.

T happen to see the two jump she quickly stopped dancing with K and ran to grab the music box only to follow the two. K motioned Luna to follow as he chased after them only to steal two swords that seemed to be propped up against the wall by the back of the open airship doors. Once to the back be jumped out the back. Luna didn't hesitate she stood and ran for the back jumping out fear inside but not to be shown she fell to the ground only to land on her feet and hands with the rest of the group. They seemed to have landed in a small clearing just outside the walls a small area with that seemed to be damaged as if fighting happened here which it did. This was Daos's personal area a large house not far off by the forests edge. Outside the Capitols walls was a forest with a couple of villages and farms surrounding some with walls some with out due to the safety of the area.

As the group closed in to make sure all were good the only person who seemed to already be missing was D. He was already sitting on the ground a meditation pose. E was already standing in her spot waiting. "I'm first!" She said waving at Luna. "I will test you first I don't have any thing super special but your spar with me is to test your fighting capabilities against a real Horror." She said her right eye glowing red as her toothy grin was exposed again. This time parts of her skin turned black while other parts of her skin remained normal a part of her flesh on her chest ripped open exposing a glowing red light and a sigil of some sorts.

Luna looked at the young girl as she spoke. "I do not have a weapon." It didn't take long but two swords landed right in front of her it seemed K had already thought about this due to Daos breaking her weapon earlier. Luna chose the one that suited her best, a medium sized double edged sword. A hilt with a ruby inside of it which began to glow lightly as she held it in her right hand. Suddenly it started. E had already started started charging at her once close enough she pounced toward the woman her nails suddenly grew long, black and pointed they didn't even look like nails any more due to the blackness of the skin it looked like it was morphed with her finger tips now.

"Don't hold back or I may kill you!" E yelled out. Luna took to defence quickly holding the sword up with a swing parrying the young girls claw attack causing E to push off the blade and landing on her feet. Suddenly she charged again this time she came from the right side of Luna, instead of pouncing her she got lower and aimed for the woman's ankle her clawed hand was brought back with a sudden slash forward a loud clang could be heard as Luna's sword stabbed into the ground blocking E's claws again. E looked up and jumped upwards her nails just barely missing Luna's cheek and cutting a few strands of hair though. Luna stumbled back but suddenly regained herself charging forward grabbing her sword and swinging it relentlessly at E. Now the two were trading attacks, clanging could be heard each attack being blocked by each other it seemed they were evenly matched. Suddenly E backed off with a smirk she suddenly returned to normal but it didn't take long before K stood in front of Luna.

K looked at her. "I will test your speed. You will be unarmed. Hand to Hand." He said rushing forward a sprint right toward Luna. Luna stabbed her sword into the ground only to quickly get her hair tied behind her head once done K was right there a hand just barely missing her face as she pulled back dodging his attack. Once she was able she started swinging back punches and palm attacks being traded by both parties mostly getting blocked. A few punch's and palm attacks connecting with either the torso or face area from both of them. It seemed K was faster than Luna though. Luna ended up on her back next to her sword with K's hand, an open palm stopped inch's from her nose while she lay on the ground. Luna took her foot kicking the side of K's left knee causing him to fall to a kneel only to be thrown backwards. As he fell Luna's feet met with his chest only to launch him backwards. She stood up taking a stance. K landed on his feet but stumbled backwards. "Unexpected..." He said waving his hand. T approached behind Luna a soft hand falling to her shoulder a light escaping her wounds and fatigue being healed though the dust, dirt and loose pieces of armor or clothing would never be fixed just the damage to skin or internal bleeding or damage.

Daos stayed in his meditative state as T spoke softly. "I will not be training you. These Spars are short but meant to be full force to test you now you must face him. I am only here to make sure you don't die." She said walking away, K walked over to T and E standing with them as Luna turned to face D. Then suddenly E shouted. "Don't hold back, attack now!" She yelled. Luna grabbed her Sword ripping it from the ground her Fatigue gone, wounds gone stamina fully returned. As she charged she gripped that hilt tight and then suddenly she froze... A figure in front of her, Daos stood completely unfazed before the woman his hair covering his face, power escaping his his body, feeling of Dread it's pressure pushing her body slowly getting heavier. She clenched her teeth and forced her arms to move. Her sword swung upward Daos used his gloved hand to block the blade of her sword with a small movement of his other hand he placed it to her chest. "Quit." His voices escaped in a low, sinister, broken voice due to his mask. Only the force of his own power pushed out from around his palm sending Luna backwards.

Luna landed on her back to only roll backwards to her feet she charged forward now it began. Relentlessly striking while she screamed. "Not an option! Strength is all I need!" She yelled. Daos blocking every strike she threw at him, her speed slowly increasingly along with her strength and then it happened. She made a connection. The flat side of her sword slammed into the side of D's head causing the blade to shattered a small cut formed next to the corner of his left eye. A small blood drop rolled down his skin. Luna stood holding her broken sword with a tight grip. D kept his focus on her. Peering into her eyes and suddenly she fell. "Give her a room." D said turning to walk toward the building by the forest edge. It was their home.

E smiled excitedly as she ran over grabbing the woman by her arm and began slowly dragging her through the dirt as if she was a large teddy bear. "She passed!" Suddenly T stopped E only to watch K pick Luna up and carry her. "Can we not drag the innocent like their dead cattle?" T said looking to E. "I mean... Technically Humans are cattle to beings like me." She said with a giggle as she started to skip toward the house. T sighed covering her face with her hand. "Not wrong but can't say that to her..." T said to herself as she started to walk toward the house.

As D entered the house it seemed the whole inside was wood, metal and Steam Punk Technology. He didn't wait for any of them just went straight to a hallway vanishing to his space. E happened to enter the house with K and the woman who was being carried inside. K walked over to a door kicking it open softly since it was already open just cracked though. He walked in placing Luna down only to walk out and close the door. T entered the house and also took to the hallway vanishing to her room. E was already in the kitchen glass could be heard breaking as she was looking for food. K shook his head only to head toward T's room once there he took vanished into the room. E poked her head out of the kitchen uncooked meat in her sharp jaws with random amounts of candy in her tiny hands. She placed the pile of candy on the kitchen counter as she swallowed the uncooked meat and walked to the front window. The sun was already going down now but she watched the outside. Some small creatures run out of the woods and through the open area into another part of the woods.

E continued to watch out the window her memories flooded her brain but she smiled and stayed right here in the present. As the Sun vanished and the night took control howling could be heard along with screams from the night time horrors who can't be in the light start coming out. E closed the curtains and walked down the hallway to D's door. She opened the door and walked inside leaving it open. She say D already out of his fighting gear and in some sort of baggy cloth pants and a cotton black shirt. No mask, no gear just normal looking. E walked up and took her tiny shoes off throwing them wherever as she removed her socks. She walked over to D hugged his leg. "Goodnight Dad." She said softly. D patted her head softly. "Rest wickedly and enjoy the darkest of dreams Sweetheart." His voice soft, normalized, care in every word. Then he suddenly felt razor sharp teeth latch to his forearm. He lifted his arm up only to have E hanging by it with only her teeth. She let go and ran to a hammock hanging in a corner where she crawled in with animal creatures and two pillows. She made herself comfortable and got ready for sleep.

D looked at his arm which was unharmed but teeth marks left behind which didn't break his toughened skin thankfully though she could have with ease if she chose too. D got into his bed and within minutes the house fell silent while the outside world echoed with Noises, movement outside the house, horrors, animals and creatures roaming, exploring. The Capitol guards seem to be doubled at the front gate with the sound of small patrol airships flew through the air around the forest. However the group slept peacefully while the guards stayed alert to protect the Capitol. Night time was the most dangerous time in this world... No matter how high a wall is made some thing bigger can always knock it down which is why guards are doubled at night vs the day.

The night ran on while the group slept. A humanoid being stood outside the house with a hood covering their face but their chin, mouth and half their nose area.