A New Planet Genesis

Geng Mi was a woman with long brown hair, a slender form, and pretty average looks. She wore glasses and always keep a calm expression on her face. After being called out, she pressed something that changed all the screens.

"Woah, what's this?" Suou asked.

What came up was many screens. "It's part of the initiation. Players appear here during the rest of the initiation. This is where after getting a race they customize their basic appearance. Of course, they can keep their original appearance if they want. We also thought it best not to go by what skills they had on Earth and completely refreshed all their information to just their names." Luo explained.

After the customization they get to choose their mode, if they didn't choose a mode they are automatically spawned and can choose a mode later on if they wish. It's not something they had to do and won't effect them much. They will just be players who live life.

"I get it." Suou says.