Bonus Chapter: Queen of the Abyss Chapter 12&13--On Hiatus

"Alright, that should be everything." Kobi huffs after he and Hovis finished loading the wagon with tools for mining.

I even made sure they took one of the triplets with them to help dig new tunnels.

"What's this? Is Sir Kobi and the brat going somewhere?" Briston came up beside me holding a cup in his hand.

Since I had no lady in waiting, Briston had been the one to make my teas. 

"If it isn't the butler...." Kobi states sarcastically.

Also, these two have been like this recently, I'm not sure why though.

"Shouldn't we get going Sir Kobi?" He asked.

"Yeah, let's head out." Kobi agreed.

The two boarded the wagon and left us standing there watching after them.

I turned to Briston, "let's head back in."

"Ah, actually, Milady there was something I wanted to bring to your attention." He tells me.

"What is it?" I asked.