Funerals. Those I hate the most. This one in particular irritated me the most. Shu Li, Mafia Boss of the Rural Demons. He deserved his death. A man who was the worst of all men. 

I shed no tears for that man. I, Fan Lu, was now free. So, if I could skip this funeral, I forever would be grateful. "She must be really torn." I'm not.

"Poor dear, her husband just died, she must be in shock." I'm fine, though. The pity irritated me the most. Of all people, why would I be upset with this man's passing? He meant nothing to me when he was alive, he means nothing to me now.

I endured his beatings, I trembled before him in fear as he let his men have their way with me. I spit on his grave with heavy hate. To hell with that demonic and foolish man. At this moment he was the last of my concerns.

I could feel them. The leers and uncomfortable gazes around me. Once the funeral ends, I must escape. Because they were waiting to strike at any moment. But I was unlucky.