Today was a busy day, on top of Ms. Rose taking my measurements and Ju Pai showing me financial papers, I'm at my wits end. "ENOUGH!" Both gave me a bit of space as I plopped down into my chair from exhaustion. I sigh from maxed out fustration. I think I will go out for some air. 

I leave the building and took a walk past many types of buildings. I was located in Tokyo City and as always it was bustling with people. "Get out and don't come back!" A man was tossed out of a small Gentlemen Cafe nearby. He stands dust his self off and walks off staggering.

 But I was more intrigued to check out this cafe, named Velvet Cafe. I crossed the busy street as the sign turned to go suddenly. I hear a screech and was actually hit by a car! I mean it was hardly a bump but it was enough to knock me on my ass and see a few stars.