Do Not Read Hiatus

"So no need to cause any type of forced entry?" Nuke was holding a hand made bomb in one hand a long jumper cable in the other. I shake my head as I was heading out with just my two usual bodyguards. "There's no need with this mission. The President may have a bit of a nasty temper according to his background, but he's a businessman, I'm sure I won't have too much problems." I say.

Nuke pouts and slumps away. I couldn't help but smile at his act. Today I was bringing two new men with me, so he wasn't the only one feeling left out. Gun and Ras was with Lil' Sue crying their eyes out about being unloved. Of course she had to roll her eyes at this while also making them work out in the end. 

I chuckle at this, it was only right that I start using the newer guys anyways. I don't want them to feel left out, as a leader I should know all my men. So today I was taking Ki and Po as my bodyguard entourage.