Your Son Is Hiding a Mistress in a Golden House

After Jiang Tongtong and Lin Gantang went shopping, Lin Mingzhuo also left the house.

At the Gu family, Gu Guoliang was surprised by Lin Mingzhuo's visit.

The company's affairs were handled by Gu Zhichuan. Just today, he had returned from playing golf with an old friend when he received a call from Lin Mingzhuo, expressing his desire to meet.

Ever since the two families' children fell out over the marriage, the Gu and Lin families were no longer as friendly as before.

"I just wanted to ask Mr. Gu what you think. Despite the previous unpleasantness, the Lin family promised not to disrupt the ongoing collaborative project between our families." Mr. Lin began the conversation. "Interestingly, the Gu family seems to be showing up quite frequently in projects that my Lin family has taken an interest in lately."