Clingy in Love

Lin Gantang decided to go to Country Y. Since there were no more flights for that day, she bought a ticket for the next day.

That night, she told Mr. Lin about it. Mr. Lin clicked his tongue and shook his head. Youngsters these days were really clingy when it came to love. They had only been separated for a few days. Couldn't they wait out the remaining days?

However, with Wen Yanqing there, Mr. Lin had nothing to worry about.

"You're not bringing Big Mi, are you?" Mr. Lin asked.

Big Mi? Lin Gantang glanced at the tabby cat nestled on the sofa. Was he calling its name?

After all, there was only one cat at home.

"Dad, did Yanqing agree to the name you gave his son?" Lin Gantang asked.

"There's no need for so much fuss. Hurry up and pack your luggage. Go, go, be off with you." Mr. Lin chased her away.