Omnipotent Boyfriend

Outside the shop, Gu Zhichuan gripped the object in his pocket. Just as he was about to enter the bookstore, he saw Wen Yanqing behind a bookshelf.

A short silence, followed by a quick retreat to his car, ensued. Gu Zhichuan lit a cigarette in frustration.

The nicotine numbed his nerves, giving him a moment of respite.

He spied on the figures in the shop from afar, watching as Wen Yanqing worked hard without complaint. He also noted how Lin Gantang would say a few words to him every time she walked past.

Gu Zhichuan wanted to laugh at Shengfang's CEO for doing all this, but that was jealousy rearing its ugly head. After all, he, too, was waiting for an opportunity.

He took a deep drag of his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of white smoke blocking his vision.

He waited a long time, only making a move when Wen Yanqing left.