You'll Never Win Her

Lin Gantang left without hesitation, leaving Shi Muzhen deep in thought.

She felt that Lin Gantang's words made some sense. Gu Zhichuan would not fall for the soft approach, so why didn't she try the hard way?

The medicine she gave him in the past was just a small distance from succeeding!

She loved Gu Zhichuan and the wealthy family behind him. She was so jealous of Lin Gantang. Even without Gu Zhichuan, Wen Yanqing, who was outstanding in all aspects, still doted on her.

She wouldn't understand. Shi Muzhen gritted her teeth secretly. Perhaps she was still secretly proud that Gu Zhichuan couldn't leave her and pretended to be innocent, and secretly gloating about the fact that others were pursuing her.

Shi Muzhen thought darkly.

She walked out of the bookstore and glanced at the words 'Cat Bookstore'.