I Miss You

The few days after eating with Shi Jun, Lin Gantang stayed at home to rest. Her sutures had already been removed by the hospital, leaving a scar.

Lin Gantang looked at it worriedly. She was worried that her waist-revealing dresses would definitely not look good. She secretly inquired about removing the scar and prepared to remove it along with the shallow scar on her right forearm.

Since she didn't go to the bookstore, Lin Gantang uploaded the videos of the cats on her phone in her spare time. Then, she saw the description of the topic #IMissYou in another hidden video account. Lin Gantang shook her feet, and the bell on her chain rang.

In Lin Gantang's video, there was a gentle wind, a hazy rain, and green leaves on the sycamore road.

She smiled and edited: #IMissYou, The wind was sweet on the way to see you.