Part-Time Job

Fang Yuan responded casually, "We've interacted several times."

Their initial encounter hadn't left a strong impression on that young person. However, after a few humbling experiences where he faced defeat, he gradually came to appreciate her medical prowess.

Bo Yi inquired, "So, do you have a preference for people skilled in medicine?"

Fang Yuan, "….."

Meanwhile, Mu Qing couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. Bo Yi's inquiry was quite loaded, even though he claimed not to be jealous. But Mu Qing could tell he was definitely feeling a touch of jealousy.

"What do you mean?" Fang Yuan was genuinely perplexed by his question. It wasn't until she noticed the earnestness in his expression that she caught on. "Oh, you mean in terms of companionship? Well, it's beneficial to have partners who are also knowledgeable in medicine. You can exchange ideas and insights when you have leisure time."