Big Shot

"Whenever it's your concern, I'll always find the time, regardless of how busy I am," Bo Yi expressed with a gentle tone. "You're still so young, Fang Yuan. You don't have to bear everything on your own."

Fang Yuan remained silent.

"You don't have to handle everything by yourself," Bo Yi reassured her, patting Fang Yuan's head. "Remember, I'm here for you, always."

Fang Yuan finally responded, somewhat reluctantly, "I've remembered."

Bo Yi asked, "What did you remember?"

Fang Yuan replied, "To come find you if something happens."

Bo Yi continued, "And don't forget, you also have a fiancé. Spend time with him when you can and think of him when you can't."

Fang Yuan sighed quietly.

"He'll protect you from the storm, guiding you through the darkest hours before dawn," Bo Yi whispered as he gently caressed her face. "Keep that in mind."

Fang Yuan nodded, saying, "I will."

Meanwhile, on the other side,