Get Out Now!

Fang Yuan's patience wore thin as she dismissed Zhao Quan's attempt at an explanation with a cold and stern "Get out!"

Zhao Quan, however, persisted, trying to stress the importance of his message not only for the company's future but also…

Fang Yuan cut him off abruptly, showing little interest in his words, and stated firmly, "I won't repeat myself a third time. Given your current position, I assume you wouldn't want the security guards to escort you out, would you?"

Gu Panpan was taken aback. What was happening? Was Zhao Quan being too condescending? Yet, President Fang appeared completely unfazed, radiating an air of confidence and poise.

"President Zhao, please proceed," Wang Ning interjected, making a welcoming gesture.

Suppressing his anger, Zhao Quan shot Wang Ning an angry glare. After closing the door behind him, he impatiently knocked on it, but there was no response from inside.