There's Nothing For You

Cheng Yuqi noticed Bo Yi gazing at the company building while making a call, undoubtedly with Fang Yuan on the other end of the line. They had only just parted ways, and yet, they seemed so intimately connected. The sight was like a dagger to Cheng Yuqi's heart, but she concealed her sadness and jealousy as she spoke, "Butler Zhao, let's head back."

"Yes," Butler Zhao replied, equally astonished. He was struggling to come to terms with the rapid progression between Young Master Bo and Sixth Miss. It appeared that Lady Yuqi wouldn't have any opportunity to intervene.

Before starting the car's engine, Butler Zhao noticed Old Sir Bo's car approaching from a distance. His eyes widened in surprise. "Lady Yuqi, that appears to be Old Sir Bo's car."

Cheng Yuqi raised her gaze and confirmed it. Could it be that Grandpa Bo had also come to visit Fang Yuan?