
Auntie Du was tending to the garden's flowers and plants when she spotted Young Master Bo personally driving Sixth Miss back home. Without delay, she extended a hasty invitation to him.

Bo Yi graciously accepted the invitation, taking Fang Yuan's hand as they entered the house.

Inside, Cheng Yuqi, amidst playing the piano to uplift her parents' spirits, received the news that Bo Yi had arrived. Cheng Ye and Qiao Xinhui promptly descended the stairs to greet him.

Cheng Yuqi suppressed her eagerness to see Bo Yi and retreated to her bedroom to prepare herself. She passed a message to Xiao Cui before heading downstairs.

"Yi, Yuanyuan, were you at home yesterday? I hope we didn't cause you any inconvenience," Cheng Ye smiled and inquired politely.

"No," Bo Yi glanced at Fang Yuan tenderly. "If anything, we were the ones causing her trouble."

Qiao Xinhui observed their interaction and couldn't help but smile. "How is Old Sir's health?"