Still Short of Manpower?

Fang Yuan found herself succumbing to desire, and her body gradually grew pliant.

In the driver's seat, Mu Qing felt like he had been dealt a devastating blow. Did no one consider the feelings of single people? Didn't single people deserve respect? He was in an indescribable mood, full of torture. He felt redundant once more, like a massive, million-watt lightbulb. He even contemplated changing his name to "Redundant Mu."

After an indefinite period of time, the protracted kiss finally came to an end.

Bo Yi's eyes still gleamed with longing, his voice slightly hoarse as he confessed, "Yuanyuan, I genuinely like you."

Fang Yuan's chest rose and fell slightly, and her eyes were somewhat dazed.

There was boundless affection in Bo Yi's gaze. "I really like you."

Fang Yuan… remained speechless.

Bo Yi quipped, "Is your company in need of more staff?"

"Huh?" Fang Yuan was puzzled by his remark.