Celebrities Are Humans

"I'm heading to work, President Fang!" Wang Ning promptly exited the office, making it clear that he had no intention of handling restroom duties.

As night descended, Qiao Xinhui settled on the sofa and reached out to contact her sons.

"Your sister is back home for her summer break. Finish your tasks as soon as you can. If it's feasible, make an effort to come home early. If you're swamped, at least carve out some time to visit her."

"I understand that you're all incredibly busy, but your sister's home, and I expect you to spend time with her, no excuses."

"And if anyone dares to neglect or mistreat my daughter, you will have to deal with me first!"

"When you visit, don't bring any work with you, and leave your baggage behind. But, be sure to bring a thoughtful gift for your sister."

After making four phone calls, Qiao Xinhui contacted her youngest son.