Two Choices

Delicate rose petals gently descended onto the foie gras caviar, infusing it with an ethereal quality, akin to gazing at flowers through mist. Shrimp balls, resembling lychees, hung like fruit-laden branches. Cucumbers had been meticulously carved to resemble green bamboo, while broccoli took on the form of a Christmas tree. Each dish exuded an exquisite sense of beauty.

Ji Bai was well aware that his master was bringing a significant guest home for dinner that evening, so he was meticulous in his preparations. However, when he saw his master carrying the young lady inside, he was equally astonished as Yue Qiu.

Yue Qiu introduced, "This is Madam."

"Hello, Madam, hello, Sir!" Ji Bai swiftly greeted, bowing, and then discreetly attended to the final dish before departing.