What Goes Around Comes Around

Gu Panpan spoke with a heavy heart, "In the past, my grandfather held the family together. After his passing, my grandmother succumbed to grief. Following my father's departure, everyone began heeding my uncle's commands. No one stood up for my mother and me."

Even among the older generation of relatives, there were those who advised them to be more compliant and show vulnerability, claiming life would be easier under the Gu family's protection. They were warned that defying the Gu family would lead to an unpleasant fate.

"But I refuse to bow down to them. Their bullying is too much!" Gu Panpan's frustration extended beyond her uncle and aunt; her cousins had also joined in. Even after she and her mother had left the Gu family and found a place to live, her cousins continued to torment them. It seemed like bullying them was a form of amusement.