Senior Is Here

Cheng Yuqi reveled in the camera's attention, savoring the imagined discomfort in Fang Yuan's heart hidden amidst the crowd. This realization only heightened her delight, causing her smile to radiate even brighter as she presented her most captivating appearance for the lenses.

Meanwhile, Fang Yuan strolled behind the bustling crowd, engrossed in her WeChat messages.

[Senior, neither you nor Elder Qian attended this year's award ceremony. My subordinates persistently urged me to come, but with neither of you in attendance, it's rather dull. I'm losing interest in going out.]

Fang Yuan responded casually: [Oh, I just arrived at the scene.]

Surprised, the other party exclaimed: [Senior, you're here? Fantastic! I'll join you shortly. Where are you? Should I send someone to fetch you?]

Fang Yuan declined: [There's no need. I've already entered the theater.]

[That's wonderful. Your presence will surely thrill the juniors!]