Tainted This Dress

Fang Jiayi initially believed that Chairman Mu was familiar with her, but her hopes dwindled as she witnessed Mu's countenance turning cold.

Although baffled by the sudden change, Fang Jiayi maintained a smile and said, "Chairman Mu, I truly admire your music. I was wondering if I could have the chance to learn from you?"

Chairman Mu raised an eyebrow with curiosity. "Which of my songs do you like?"

Fang Jiayi was caught off guard. Panic set in—how could she know which song Chairman Mu had composed? All she knew was that Mu was exceptionally talented, achieving fame at a young age and serving as an inspiration for many piano enthusiasts.

Around them, others began sharing their favorite Chairman Mu compositions. "I adore 'Autumn Dream' and 'Sunset.' 'First Encounter' is my personal favorite. It captures the surprise, joy, and sweetness of suddenly meeting a destined person on a sunny afternoon—absolutely wonderful!"