How Did That Came From

"Don't…" Fang Liguo quickly pleaded, "Everything can be discussed…"

If the official Weibo account went public, it would mean the entire country would learn about Jiayi's plagiarism. The irreversible negative impact on her and the Fang family's reputation was too daunting to contemplate.

Seeing Fang Liguo hang up, Song Ling inquired, "Fang Yuan is demanding 60 million from us? On what grounds?"

"Because Jiayi plagiarized her song!" Fang Liguo fumed at the thought. "Can you stop calling her that? If you hadn't chased her out, with her status as Master Qingyin, think of the benefits she could have brought us. We have two outstanding daughters. How much prestige could we have gained? In the future, when she gets married, she could even bring valuable connections! We shouldn't have turned our backs on Fang Yuan. Now it's too late to regret…"