Ch 51: Bandit Attacks and Trouble Near the Gates

After leaving the village, the caravan didn't have to go through any more forests. They were now taking a regular road that leads to the capital. As they had left the forest area their speed increased but the capital was still far away so it would still take them one more week to get there.

Obviously the road to the capital was nowhere near as dangerous as the Wicked Forest so the group could rest easy now. Even tho it was not totally safe but now even without counting Elena, they were an overpowered force.

Elena used this peaceful time to instruct the guards a bit as they requested it of her. Alongside them she also instructed Shuri how to properly use her new summon. Shuri had quite a lot of MP and had a good aptitude for magic. So Elena was giving her some basic pointers about magic too while she gave a lecture to the mages among the guards.