Ch 85: Shuri's new Friend and her Performance

Shuri was a little bit nervous when she entered the large training ground for the second phase of the test. She had already given the written exam for which she had practiced a lot and she was happy with performance in the written exam. But for the students of the battle division the combat exam was more important than the written one so Shuri was determined to do her very best for this exam too. 

After looking around her, she was able to see quite a few participants who were the same age as her. She looked kinda younger than her actual age so the participants looked older than her. As she was looking around while going toward the test spot a boy bumped into her. As Shuri was kinda distracted looking around she apologised to the boy quickly. But that boy shouted back at her -

"You dirty mongrel. How dare you bump into me? Do you have any idea who I am?"