Ch 105: Exciting Dungeon Expedition (2)

Thanks a lot, Mystic_Phantom for the gift. You're the first reader to send a gift and I really appreciate it.


As soon all the spirits guided their murderous intent toward the expedition team, Elena instantly knocked both of the teachers out and created a barrier to protect the students from the murderous intent. 

Then she handed the fainted teachers to their respective groups and told them to run toward the exit as fast as possible without thinking about anything else and to try their best to find the stairs to the next floor as soon as possible. She would be in charge of holding all these spirits back. 

Some teachers, especially the teachers from Sky Parade Academy tried to object as they had a very good impression of Elena and they didn't want her to face such a dangerous situation alone. But the teachers from other two organisations and even Elena's own teachers didn't object to this idea so they also reluctantly agreed to follow the plan.