Ch 337: Returning to DAMIOS

Today was the day when Elena would finally be leaving the world of Oopaa and would return to the world of DAMIOS. She was now done with doing everything for this world and now only time would tell if her efforts were worth it or not.

When she was searching for the guardian from the beasts, at first she had a different person in mind. Then she suddenly found out about the shitty situation that this poor snow wolf found herself into. As it was mentioned many times before, Elena was someone who would always encourage a person willing to take revenge.

Normally it was said that revenge is not sweet but just sad. If one saw a person blinded by revenge, that person should try to talk him out of it. Nothing good came out of revenge. But for Elena, this was a worthless opinion. She had her own ideals and she always supported revenge. As an revenger herself obviously she had a soft spot for people who were the same as her.