Ch 497: Third Night of the Blessed Night Festival (1)

After the grand performance of the first day, Elena had become extremely famous throughout the whole city. Her song inspired many people and her dance gave birth to a new style that was perfectly suited for this city. So her little impromptu performance turned into a cultural revolution for the city Moronto.

But Elena did not really care much about all that and was looking forward to enjoying the third day as much as she did the previous two days. The atmosphere of the third day was almost similar to the second day but quite a few people were more excited than the previous day because of a special event which was supposed to happen on the day.

This event was called "Battle of Titans". Traditionally two of the strongest fighters of the city faced off against one another in a brawl in this event. But for the last few centuries, this event had turned into something where Hyneward, the strongest person and the guardian of the city, showed off his strength.