Ch 558: First Round of the Selection Trial

Elena first meet up with Graf and his two subordinates, Jecob and Verna. As for Kyle, he was in charge of bringing the selection trial participants to the trial grounds. So he would meet up with everyone there. Graf was really very grateful that Elena was willing to this much for him so as soon as he saw her, he once again displayed his gratitude by thanking her.

Elena told him with a smile to stop and asked the two other people beside him about the preparation. She knew that asking Graf was useless as he would definitely not have any idea about it. But Jecob and Verna were responsible for preparing the whole test, so they explained everything to Elena properly.

Actually preparing such a big venue in just two days was not easy. But with the demon's magic and resources, they were able to pull it off. After learning more about the details, she was satisfied with the venue. Now it all depended on how good or how bad the participants of the selection trial would be.